

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:52

android Programming Glossary: fullscroll

Android: Detect softkeyboard open


softkeyboard open When the soft keyboard opens I want a scroll view to scroll down to the bottom. For this I can use fullScroll View.FOCUS_DOWN But how do I fire that command after the soft keyboard opening event triggers android view scroll share..

Scroll to last line of TableLayout within a ScrollView


using a TableLayout inside a ScrollView. This works fine but when I want to scroll to the end of the table using fullScroll it always leaves out the last line that is it scrolls so that the one before the last one is visible. The last line is visible.. open to suggestions as to how to make a better layout out of this but I'm specifically interested in understanding why fullScroll behaves that way. Should I give it a different parameter or use something else altogether Or does it do that because the.. findViewById R.id.Table .addView nr Scrolls to line before last why ScrollView findViewById R.id.TableScroller .fullScroll View.FOCUS_DOWN main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res..

HorizontalScrollView: auto-scroll to end when new Views are added?


ImageView i new ImageView getApplicationContext i.setImageResource android.R.drawable.btn_star_big_on l.addView i s.fullScroll HorizontalScrollView.FOCUS_RIGHT private class AddListener implements View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick.. a timing issue. Layout isn't done when a view is added. It is requested and done a short time later. When you call fullScroll immediately after adding the view the width of the linearlayout hasn't had a chance to expand. Try replacing s.fullScroll.. immediately after adding the view the width of the linearlayout hasn't had a chance to expand. Try replacing s.fullScroll HorizontalScrollView.FOCUS_RIGHT with postDelayed new Runnable public void run s.fullScroll HorizontalScrollView.FOCUS_RIGHT..