android Programming Glossary: fusedorientation
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation final orientation angles from sensor fusion private float fusedOrientation new float 3 accelerometer and magnetometer based rotation matrix.. if gyroOrientation 0 0.5 Math.PI accMagOrientation 0 0.0 fusedOrientation 0 float FILTER_COEFFICIENT gyroOrientation 0 2.0 Math.PI oneMinusCoeff.. 0 2.0 Math.PI oneMinusCoeff accMagOrientation 0 fusedOrientation 0 fusedOrientation 0 Math.PI 2.0 Math.PI 0 else if accMagOrientation..
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation accel and magnet private float accMagOrientation new float 3 final orientation angles from sensor fusion private float fusedOrientation new float 3 accelerometer and magnetometer based rotation matrix private float rotationMatrix new float 9 public static.. output in positive to negative transition cases. azimuth if gyroOrientation 0 0.5 Math.PI accMagOrientation 0 0.0 fusedOrientation 0 float FILTER_COEFFICIENT gyroOrientation 0 2.0 Math.PI oneMinusCoeff accMagOrientation 0 fusedOrientation 0 fusedOrientation.. 0 0.0 fusedOrientation 0 float FILTER_COEFFICIENT gyroOrientation 0 2.0 Math.PI oneMinusCoeff accMagOrientation 0 fusedOrientation 0 fusedOrientation 0 Math.PI 2.0 Math.PI 0 else if accMagOrientation 0 0.5 Math.PI gyroOrientation 0 0.0 fusedOrientation..