android Programming Glossary: fusion
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation and roll data from my device's gyroscope using this tutorial http www.thousand 2012 03 android sensor fusion tutorial All the readings are extremely accurate there's a filter applied to the code in the tutorial to eliminate gyro.. angles from accel and magnet private float accMagOrientation new float 3 final orientation angles from sensor fusion private float fusedOrientation new float 3 accelerometer and magnetometer based rotation matrix private float rotationMatrix.. accMag is negative while the other one is positive. If so add 360° 2 math.PI to the negative value perform the sensor fusion and remove the 360° from the result if it is greater than 180°. This stabilizes the output in positive to negative transition..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION you were getting instead. Edited to add A couple more thoughts. Modern versions of Android use something called sensor fusion which basically means that all available inputs acceleromter magnetometer gyro are combined together in a mathematical black..
how to calculate phone's movement in the vertical direction from rest? Now you do not need anything accurate and that is a different story. The linear acceleration is available after sensor fusion as described in the video. See Sensor.TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION at SensorEvent . I would first try a high pass filter to..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? isn't so accurate as it would be because there are some simple problem when substract the gravity. In fact is a sensor fusion that uses accelerometer and orientation to know where is directed the gravity and then subs. it. Here i found a very usefull..