android Programming Glossary: fullscreen
how to create custom UI for android MediaController based off the stock MediaController. It adds a fullscreen button at the far right but even if you don't need it this class..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview Well I've been searching few days already.. my webview. Problems are arising when displaying video in fullscreen mode. As I figured out android has two ways of handling the.. play differently depending on target API level in line fullscreen or both . It has been tested with the following video classes..
Kiosk mode in Android are run in kiosk mode where the application autostart in fullscreen mode after booting and with the users unable to accidentally..
View the Task's activity stack false inHistory true persistent false launchMode 0 fullscreen true visible true frozenBeforeDestroy false thumbnailNeeded.. false inHistory true persistent false launchMode 2 fullscreen true visible false frozenBeforeDestroy false thumbnailNeeded.. false inHistory true persistent false launchMode 2 fullscreen true visible false frozenBeforeDestroy false thumbnailNeeded..
Fullscreen Activity in Android? I mean without the notification bar. Any ideas android fullscreen android fullscreen share improve this question You can do.. notification bar. Any ideas android fullscreen android fullscreen share improve this question You can do it programatically..
Disabling the fullscreen editing view for soft keyboard input in landscape? the fullscreen editing view for soft keyboard input in landscape On Android.. devices that use soft keyboards I want to prevent the fullscreen keyboard editing view shown below from appearing when in landscape.. I finally answered my own question The extract UI i.e. the fullscreen editing mode can be disabled at the point at which the input..
How to hide status bar in Android
Problem to load flv video in webview 'http flvplayer download 1.0 FLVPlayer.swf fullscreen true video @VIDEO@' autoplay 'true' quality 'high' bgcolor.. with the swirly shape graphic. I can engage it into fullscreen mode. I am also able to play online video but not from the application's.. black embed style width 100 height 100 src . FLVPlayer.swf fullscreen true video . expression_sad.flv autoplay true quality high bgcolor..
Hiding Title in a Fullscreen mode? way to hide the window title so that it won't get shown in fullscreen mode getWindow .setFlags LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN.. of course as this won't allow to get it back. android fullscreen title share improve this question The way I handle this..
how to create custom UI for android MediaController on a recent project and ended up creating a custom implementation based off the stock MediaController. It adds a fullscreen button at the far right but even if you don't need it this class should be a good starting point. Code
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview Well I've been searching few days already how to display HTML5 video in full screen mode on android.. mode on android WebView. I managed to play HTML5 videos on my webview. Problems are arising when displaying video in fullscreen mode. As I figured out android has two ways of handling the video tag On android versions 2.3.3 the onShowCustomView method.. to be set to a WebView allowing it to play video. Video will play differently depending on target API level in line fullscreen or both . It has been tested with the following video classes android.widget.VideoView typically API level 11 android.webkit.HTML5VideoFullScreen..
Kiosk mode in Android on Android devices. The application on Windows Mobile phones are run in kiosk mode where the application autostart in fullscreen mode after booting and with the users unable to accidentally or willingly access any other parts of the phone. Is it possible..
View the Task's activity stack stopped false delayedResume false finishing false keysPaused false inHistory true persistent false launchMode 0 fullscreen true visible true frozenBeforeDestroy false thumbnailNeeded false idle true waitingVisible false nowVisible true Hist #7.. STOPPED stopped true delayedResume false finishing false keysPaused false inHistory true persistent false launchMode 2 fullscreen true visible false frozenBeforeDestroy false thumbnailNeeded false idle true TaskRecord 44c4ee90 #2 A
Fullscreen Activity in Android? Activity in Android How do I make an activity full screen I mean without the notification bar. Any ideas android fullscreen android fullscreen share improve this question You can do it programatically import import android.os.Bundle.. How do I make an activity full screen I mean without the notification bar. Any ideas android fullscreen android fullscreen share improve this question You can do it programatically import import android.os.Bundle import..
Disabling the fullscreen editing view for soft keyboard input in landscape? the fullscreen editing view for soft keyboard input in landscape On Android devices that use soft keyboards I want to prevent the fullscreen.. editing view for soft keyboard input in landscape On Android devices that use soft keyboards I want to prevent the fullscreen keyboard editing view shown below from appearing when in landscape mode i.e. I want to see only the soft keyboard itself.. android input method share improve this question I finally answered my own question The extract UI i.e. the fullscreen editing mode can be disabled at the point at which the input connection is hooked up @Override public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection..
How to hide status bar in Android
Problem to load flv video in webview ' String htmlCode embed style 'width 100 height 100 ' src 'http flvplayer download 1.0 FLVPlayer.swf fullscreen true video @VIDEO@' autoplay 'true' quality 'high' bgcolor '#000000' name 'VideoPlayer' align 'middle' width '640' height.. the flash plugin does load and the movie player does intilaize with the swirly shape graphic. I can engage it into fullscreen mode. I am also able to play online video but not from the application's assets folder however I do have a workaround. The.. utf 8 head body style margin 0 pading 0 background color black embed style width 100 height 100 src . FLVPlayer.swf fullscreen true video . expression_sad.flv autoplay true quality high bgcolor #000000 name VideoPlayer align middle allowScriptAccess..
Hiding Title in a Fullscreen mode? Title in a Fullscreen mode Is there a way to hide the window title so that it won't get shown in fullscreen mode getWindow .setFlags LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN but then will appear upon getWindow .clearFlags.. requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE is not an option of course as this won't allow to get it back. android fullscreen title share improve this question The way I handle this in my Android games is to call the following line in the onCreate..