android Programming Glossary: extending
Android - accordion widget to build custom widget If so which one would you recommend extending if any android widget accordion share improve this question..
Vertical (rotated) label in Android Here is my elegant and simple vertical text implementation extending TextView. This means that all standard styles of TextView may..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader backed by CursorLoader So I am having trouble extending the MultiAutoCompleteTextView and backing it with a CursorLoader..
Overriding referenced style attributes . I'm not an expert but even both of those classes are extending Context only the Activity extends ContextThemeWrapper which..
Dynamic ListView in Android app view updates itself. You can also provide your own adapter extending ArrayAdapter and override the constructor taking List parameter...
Which programming languages can I use on Android Dalvik? to delivering support for native code Google is also extending Android to support popular dynamic scripting languages . Earlier..
How to make an alert dialog fill 90% of screen size? is shown or something. It would be better to do this by extending Theme.Dialog then you wouldn't have to play a guessing game..
How to create a closed (circular) ListView? solve the same problem. In our solution though instead of extending BaseAdapter we extend ArrayAdapter. The code is as fallows public..
How to Set Opacity (Alpha) for View in Android similar problem with a TextView. I was able to solve it by extending TextView and overriding onSetAlpha . Maybe you could try something..
Android: TabHost without TabActivity TabHost without TabActivity I want to create tabs without extending TabActivity. The reason is that TabActivity cannot handle a..
Make an HTTP request with android If you want it to run on separate thread I'd recommend extending AsyncTask class RequestTask extends AsyncTask String String..
How to prevent Custom Views from losing state across screen orientation changes and View#onRestoreInstanceState and extending the View.BaseSavedState class. public class CustomView extends..
Handling click events on a drawable within an EditText So if you don't want to deal with inconvenience of extending the class you can do the following implemented for the right..
How to detect USER INACTIVITY in android why not put this method in an abstract super class extending Activity and then have all you activities extending it. share..
Concise way of writing new DialogPreference classes? I'm writing some custom preference dialogs in Android by extending the DialogPreference class. However I'm getting a bit concerned..
How to display list of images in ListView in Android? position .click this.getApplicationContext E.g. extending ArrayAdapter with own type of Items holding information about..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? when the app is launched. You can provide a custom one by extending Application import public class MyApplication..
Where do I create and use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor, TimerTask, or Handler? where to make subclasses of these. One friend suggested extending TimerTask as an inner class in my FeedParser class to make it..
Slowing speed of Viewpager controller in android can't be overridden. I ended up fixing this by extending Scroller with this code public class FixedSpeedScroller extends..
Extending ArrayAdapter in android ArrayAdapter in android I need to override a getFilter method..
Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is '' to a ID. If you need a custom ListView then instead of Extending a ListActivity you have to simply extend an Activity and should..
How to display an existing ListFragment in a DialogFragment is currently not possible to put fragments in fragments. Extending DialogFragment instead of ListFragment is also not possible..
How to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter itself Here is the code for the entire Activity itself. Extending from ListActivity this class has an inner class that acts as..
Extending AdapterView AdapterView i'm trying to make for learning purposes my own..
is it possible to create listview inside dialog? have to extend listActivity in order to use listviews. Extending listActivity will give you some functionality for free such..
Best practices for exposing multiple tables using content providers in Android How should I design content providers for multiple tables Extending the previous question should I use one Content Provider for..
Extending Android's Voice Search app Android's Voice Search app Is it possible to extend the Voice..
Android question: implementing a rich text editor? should give me the control of the bullet appereances. Extending the LeadingMarginSpan should help me on the numbered list. As..
Extending Application to share variables globally Application to share variables globally I'm trying to share..
sliding drawer appear in all activities android menu slidingdrawer share improve this question Extending is the right way. Just override setContentView in the right..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup RelativeLayout and overriding dispatchDraw to create a zoomable..
Changing ViewPager to enable infinite page scrolling smooth scrolling. This flag is boolean smoothScroll . Extending this method with a second parameter boolean smoothScroll solved..
Scroll webview horizontally inside a ViewPager will be consumed by the ViewPager to switch the page. Extending the WebView With API Level 14 ICS the View method canScrollHorizontally.. inside your layout file instead of the standard WebView . Extending the ViewPager Now you need to extend the ViewPager to handle..
Extending MediaController for android MediaController for android I am new to java so bare with me...
Slowing speed of Viewpager controller in android the duration to the mScroller when requesting to scroll. Extending ViewPager didn't work as the important method smoothScrollTo..
Best practice: Extending or overriding an Android library project class practice Extending or overriding an Android library project class We're using..
Android - accordion widget same effect using standard Android toolkit or do I need to build custom widget If so which one would you recommend extending if any android widget accordion share improve this question I have pushed android accordion view project at github...
Vertical (rotated) label in Android textview vertical alignment share improve this question Here is my elegant and simple vertical text implementation extending TextView. This means that all standard styles of TextView may be used because it is extended TextView. public class VerticalTextView..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader backed by CursorLoader So I am having trouble extending the MultiAutoCompleteTextView and backing it with a CursorLoader while simultaneously using a custom Tokenizer . The issue..
Overriding referenced style attributes one fragment was passed Activity and to the other Application . I'm not an expert but even both of those classes are extending Context only the Activity extends ContextThemeWrapper which has information about styles. It might be helpful to read that..
Dynamic ListView in Android app is called automatically for you and the view updates itself. You can also provide your own adapter extending ArrayAdapter and override the constructor taking List parameter. You can use this list just as you use adapter but in this..
Which programming languages can I use on Android Dalvik? to build Android software components with C and C . In addition to delivering support for native code Google is also extending Android to support popular dynamic scripting languages . Earlier this month Google launched the Android Scripting Environment..
How to make an alert dialog fill 90% of screen size? that the layout engine must set them the first time the dialog is shown or something. It would be better to do this by extending Theme.Dialog then you wouldn't have to play a guessing game about when to call setAttributes. Although it's a bit more work..
How to create a closed (circular) ListView? colleague Joe and I believe we have found a simpler way to solve the same problem. In our solution though instead of extending BaseAdapter we extend ArrayAdapter. The code is as fallows public class CircularArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter public..
How to Set Opacity (Alpha) for View in Android this question I just found your question while having the similar problem with a TextView. I was able to solve it by extending TextView and overriding onSetAlpha . Maybe you could try something similar with your button import android.content.Context..
Android: TabHost without TabActivity TabHost without TabActivity I want to create tabs without extending TabActivity. The reason is that TabActivity cannot handle a custom titlebar as it seems . I have public class startTab extends..
Make an HTTP request with android .close throw new IOException statusLine.getReasonPhrase If you want it to run on separate thread I'd recommend extending AsyncTask class RequestTask extends AsyncTask String String String @Override protected String doInBackground String... uri..
How to prevent Custom Views from losing state across screen orientation changes share improve this question You do this by implementing View#onSaveInstanceState and View#onRestoreInstanceState and extending the View.BaseSavedState class. public class CustomView extends View private int stateToSave ... @Override public Parcelable..
Handling click events on a drawable within an EditText very good thanks to everyone who contributed to this discussion. So if you don't want to deal with inconvenience of extending the class you can do the following implemented for the right drawable only this.keyword AutoCompleteTextView findViewById..
How to detect USER INACTIVITY in android
Concise way of writing new DialogPreference classes? way of writing new DialogPreference classes I'm writing some custom preference dialogs in Android by extending the DialogPreference class. However I'm getting a bit concerned at the amount of boiler plate code that is needed for this..
How to display list of images in ListView in Android? ListView l View v int position long id this.adapter.getItem position .click this.getApplicationContext E.g. extending ArrayAdapter with own type of Items holding information about your pictures and overriden getView method that prepares view..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? is an instance of which is created when the app is launched. You can provide a custom one by extending Application import public class MyApplication extends Application private String data public String..
Where do I create and use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor, TimerTask, or Handler? of these classes or TimerTask . I am also very uncertain about where to make subclasses of these. One friend suggested extending TimerTask as an inner class in my FeedParser class to make it simpler. However to implement it in that way I have to use..
Slowing speed of Viewpager controller in android Extending ViewPager didn't work as the important method smoothScrollTo can't be overridden. I ended up fixing this by extending Scroller with this code public class FixedSpeedScroller extends Scroller private int mDuration 5000 public FixedSpeedScroller..
Extending ArrayAdapter in android ArrayAdapter in android I need to override a getFilter method from the class ArrayAdapter and i found the source code from..
Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is '' your xml file must specify the keyword android while mentioning to a ID. If you need a custom ListView then instead of Extending a ListActivity you have to simply extend an Activity and should have the same id without the keyword android . share improve..
How to display an existing ListFragment in a DialogFragment which has to ListFragment inside of it but appearently it is currently not possible to put fragments in fragments. Extending DialogFragment instead of ListFragment is also not possible because of the heavy use of ListFragment methods. Is there an..
How to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter in custom style we also have a layout xml file for the row itself Here is the code for the entire Activity itself. Extending from ListActivity this class has an inner class that acts as the adapter which extends from ArrayAdapter. This is instantiated..
Extending AdapterView AdapterView i'm trying to make for learning purposes my own implementation of a simple AdapterView where items comes from..
is it possible to create listview inside dialog? dialog share improve this question You don't really have to extend listActivity in order to use listviews. Extending listActivity will give you some functionality for free such as getListView if I recall the method name correctly but that..
Best practices for exposing multiple tables using content providers in Android everything and letting each Adapter extends SQLiteOpenHelper How should I design content providers for multiple tables Extending the previous question should I use one Content Provider for the whole app or should I create separate providers for Events..
Extending Android's Voice Search app Android's Voice Search app Is it possible to extend the Voice Search app I know I can add a button in my own app to launch..
Android question: implementing a rich text editor? extending the BulletSpan and overriding drawLeadingMargin should give me the control of the bullet appereances. Extending the LeadingMarginSpan should help me on the numbered list. As to the table my initial plan is to extend the LineBackgroundSpan..
Extending Application to share variables globally Application to share variables globally I'm trying to share two ArrayLists across the various activities in my application..
sliding drawer appear in all activities but this solution doesn't work so any suggestions android menu slidingdrawer share improve this question Extending is the right way. Just override setContentView in the right way. Here's the working example but instead of drawer I use..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup RelativeLayout and overriding dispatchDraw to create a zoomable ViewGroup I've seen a few people ask how to zoom an entire..
Changing ViewPager to enable infinite page scrolling an internal method that requires the index and a flag enabling smooth scrolling. This flag is boolean smoothScroll . Extending this method with a second parameter boolean smoothScroll solved it for me. Calling this method setCurrentItem int index..
Scroll webview horizontally inside a ViewPager If the WebView cannot further scroll the next horizontal swipe will be consumed by the ViewPager to switch the page. Extending the WebView With API Level 14 ICS the View method canScrollHorizontally has been introduced which we need to solve the problem... 1 Important Remember to reference your ExtendedWebView inside your layout file instead of the standard WebView . Extending the ViewPager Now you need to extend the ViewPager to handle handle horizontal swipes correctly. This needs to be done in..
Extending MediaController for android MediaController for android I am new to java so bare with me. I am using a VideoView and the MediaController for an app..
Slowing speed of Viewpager controller in android the duration of the scroll since ViewPager explicitly pass the duration to the mScroller when requesting to scroll. Extending ViewPager didn't work as the important method smoothScrollTo can't be overridden. I ended up fixing this by extending Scroller..
Best practice: Extending or overriding an Android library project class practice Extending or overriding an Android library project class We're using an Android Library Project to share core classes and resources..