android Programming Glossary: expiry
Is it possible to extend Facebook tokens with extendAccessTokenIfNeeded in an Android app? Context context ServiceListener serviceListener . I could not get it to refresh my tokens for a longer expiry time. I waited 24 hours between attempts but the token would not refresh. The only way I can get a refreshed token is to..
In GoogleCloudMessaging API, how to handle the renewal or expiration of registration ID? on few questions on similar topic Do GCM registration id's expire and Google Coud Mesaging GCM and registration_id expiry how will I know . The issue with those question is that the answers there are for C2DM or old GCM API which used GCMRegistrar..
Capture picture from WebView working well on onNewPicture reset by a new onNewPicture implement a page loading FSM which uses the events and timer expiry as inputs and moves through a series of state action transitions to the point where it decides it genuinely has a new picture...
Strange Behavior of Android VideoView - “Can't Play Video” with code 200 D MediaUploader 2492 onGphotosChange sawError false errs 0 retry Wed Dec 31 17 00 00 America Boise 1969 expiry Mon Oct 17 10 56 20 America Boise 2011 D MediaUploader 2492 UploadsQueue.getAllPending elapsed msec 17 I MediaUploader 2492..
Accept All Cookies via HttpClient 271 Cookie rejected version 0 name cookie_user_id value 1 domain path trackallthethings expiry Sun Nov 25 11 33 00 CST 2012 . Illegal path attribute trackallthethings . Path of origin mobile api login.php 11 26 10 33.. rejected version 0 name cookie_session_id value 1985208971 domain path trackallthethings expiry Sun Nov 25 11 33 00 CST 2012 . Illegal path attribute trackallthethings . Path of origin mobile api login.php I am sure..