android Programming Glossary: extends
Saving Activity state in Android import android.widget.TextView public class HelloAndroid extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. @Override..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app android.widget.Button public class MailSenderActivity extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. @Override.. import java.util.Properties public class GMailSender extends javax.mail.Authenticator private String mailhost public final class JSSEProvider extends Provider public JSSEProvider super HarmonyJSSE 1.0 Harmony JSSE..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog modify the UI thread from here private class DownloadTask extends AsyncTask String Integer String private Context context public.. runs actually in the same thread of your app when you extends Service you must manually spawn new threads to run CPU blocking.. service can look like this public class DownloadService extends IntentService public static final int UPDATE_PROGRESS 8344 public..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? provider int status Bundle extras class GetLastLocation extends TimerTask @Override public void run lm.removeUpdates locationListenerGps..
Android: How to declare global variables? getApplication which has the exact same effect class MyApp extends Application private String myState public String getState return.. myState public void setState String s myState s class Blah extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle b ... MyApp appState..
R cannot be resolved - Android error import android.os.Bundle public class ggps extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. @Override..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] import android.util.Log public class DataBaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper private static String TAG DataBaseHelper Tag..
Android - basic gesture detection Image views that I add. public class SelectFilterActivity extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener OnGestureListener ..... fling was noteworthy . public class SelectFilterActivity extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener OnTouchListener ..... ... If I make a custom View like GestureImageView that extends ImageView I don't know how to tell the activity that a fling..
Saving Activity state in Android import import android.os.Bundle import android.widget.TextView public class HelloAndroid extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app import android.util.Log import android.view.View import android.widget.Button public class MailSenderActivity extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. import import import java.util.Properties public class GMailSender extends javax.mail.Authenticator private String mailhost private String user private String password private Session.. @version Revision import import public final class JSSEProvider extends Provider public JSSEProvider super HarmonyJSSE 1.0 Harmony JSSE Provider AccessController.doPrivileged new
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog declared inside the activity class. that way you can easily modify the UI thread from here private class DownloadTask extends AsyncTask String Integer String private Context context public DownloadTask Context context this.context context @Override.. to do background work from there you should know that a Service runs actually in the same thread of your app when you extends Service you must manually spawn new threads to run CPU blocking operations . Download service can look like this public.. spawn new threads to run CPU blocking operations . Download service can look like this public class DownloadService extends IntentService public static final int UPDATE_PROGRESS 8344 public DownloadService super DownloadService @Override protected..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? String provider public void onStatusChanged String provider int status Bundle extras class GetLastLocation extends TimerTask @Override public void run lm.removeUpdates locationListenerGps lm.removeUpdates locationListenerNetwork Location..
Android: How to declare global variables? method Activity also provides a method getApplication which has the exact same effect class MyApp extends Application private String myState public String getState return myState public void setState String s myState s class Blah.. private String myState public String getState return myState public void setState String s myState s class Blah extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle b ... MyApp appState MyApp getApplicationContext String state appState.getState..
R cannot be resolved - Android error created this code package eu.mauriziopz.gps import import android.os.Bundle public class ggps extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper import android.util.Log public class DataBaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper private static String TAG DataBaseHelper Tag just for the LogCat window destination path location of our..
Android - basic gesture detection how to set that as the gesture listener for the Grid or the Image views that I add. public class SelectFilterActivity extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener OnGestureListener ... If my activity implements OnTouchListener then I have no.. has two events as parameters allowing me to determine if the fling was noteworthy . public class SelectFilterActivity extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener OnTouchListener ... If I make a custom View like GestureImageView that extends.. Activity implements View.OnClickListener OnTouchListener ... If I make a custom View like GestureImageView that extends ImageView I don't know how to tell the activity that a fling has occurred from the view. In any case I tried this and the..