android Programming Glossary: experts
Android persistent socket connection rules But I would love to get some confirmation from any experts. One more question If the application was to instead listen..
Out of Memory error with Bitmap feel like the scaling will not have any effect. As we have experts in this community I would appreciate if you can help me with..
Android Drag/Animation of Views can identify will meet all my needs. This is where you the experts can help Endpoint I want to have the user touch a ball and drag..
SpeechRecognizer causes ANR… I need help with Android speech API but they look pretty complicated and probably for use by experts only. To get text from the users speech yo simply need to use..
Android Camera RTSP/RTP Stream? confused I am new to android development need help from experts android camera video streaming share improve this question..
Android - Start service on boot starting on boot and I'm not getting any errors. Maybe the experts can help... Manifest xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest..
Android FileInputStream read() txt file to String FileInputStream read txt file to String Any experts available to help me In my Android main activity I'm trying..
Android persistent socket connection rules all the incoming messages I believe my assumptions are correct. But I would love to get some confirmation from any experts. One more question If the application was to instead listen for incoming connections. I would need to hold a wakelock in..
Out of Memory error with Bitmap of 1280 x 720 and the device size also the same. Hence I feel like the scaling will not have any effect. As we have experts in this community I would appreciate if you can help me with some suggestions examples to resolve this kind of issue. Scenario..
Android Drag/Animation of Views in the road and I don't know that any of the directions I can identify will meet all my needs. This is where you the experts can help Endpoint I want to have the user touch a ball and drag it to any location on the screen. I would also like to animate..
SpeechRecognizer causes ANR… I need help with Android speech API a RecognizerListener. Google made them public to be nice but they look pretty complicated and probably for use by experts only. To get text from the users speech yo simply need to use the RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH to launch the..
Android Camera RTSP/RTP Stream? I play the packets Please give some suggestions I am totally confused I am new to android development need help from experts android camera video streaming share improve this question I think you might need to decode the stream via decodeYUV420SP..
Android - Start service on boot when Android OS boots. Unfortunately it is not starting on boot and I'm not getting any errors. Maybe the experts can help... Manifest xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http apk res android package..
Android FileInputStream read() txt file to String FileInputStream read txt file to String Any experts available to help me In my Android main activity I'm trying to save a String to a file and then retrieve it if the user..