android Programming Glossary: extras.get
why image captured using camera intent gets rotated on some devices in android if extras.containsKey data bitmap Bitmap extras.get data else bitmap getBitmapFromUri else bitmap getBitmapFromUri..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 options new BitmapFactory.Options thumbnail Bitmap extras.get data image thumbnail else Toast.makeText CreateProfile.this.. options new BitmapFactory.Options thumbnail Bitmap extras.get data if thumbnail null Toast.makeText this YES Thumbnail Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. opt new BitmapFactory.Options thumbnail Bitmap extras.get data imageCam thumbnail else Uri imageURI getIntent .getData..
How do I get a Phonegap app to receive variables on Android? i String key extraNames.getString i String value extras.getString key extrasMap.put key value startActivity obj.getString.. i String key extraNames.getString i String value extras.getString key extrasMap.put key value sendBroadcast obj.getString.. type for String key extras.keySet String value extras.get key If type is text html the extra text must sent as HTML if..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? for String k extras.keySet Log.d ZeeReceiver Extra extras.get k .toString private BluetoothSocket sock @Override public..
Android and MJPEG getIntent .getExtras if extras null String mac String extras.get MAC Log.i Other mac TextView tv TextView findViewById
Trouble writing internal memory android else Bundle extras data.getExtras picUri Uri extras.get MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT try pic Media.getBitmap getContentResolver..
SMS receive with no notification intent Bundle extras intent.getExtras Object pdus Object extras.get pdus for Object pdu pdus SmsMessage msg SmsMessage.createFromPdu..
Read inbox messages of a particular number and display them in an activity String messages if extras null Object smsExtra Object extras.get SMS_EXTRA_NAME ContentResolver contentResolver context.getContentResolver..
Revision 2: How to pass data from a background Service/thread to some other activity than the MainActivity that created the background service startId Bundle extras intent.getExtras messenger Messenger extras.get EXTRA_MESSENGER @Override public IBinder onBind Intent intent..
VideoView in eclipse not playing on phone getIntent Bundle extras intent.getExtras filePath String extras.get URL vView.setVideoPath filePath MediaController mc mc new MediaController..
URI from Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT into File in turn converted into File Uri filePathFromActivity Uri extras.get Intent.EXTRA_STREAM filePathFromActivity Uri.parse FileUtil.getRealPathFromUri..
Android crashing after camera Intent Image To Album ad.setButton Ok this bmp Bitmap extras.get data Set the bitmap to the bundle of data that was just .. Get the returned image from extra Bitmap bmp Bitmap extras.get data iv ImageView findViewById iv.setImageBitmap..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ Bundle extras intent.getExtras String message String extras.get message Log.d Tag msg message Log.d Constants.TAG Received intent.. Log.d extras extras String message2 String extras.get collapse_key Log.d collapse_key collapse_key message2 String.. collapse_key collapse_key message2 String message1 String extras.get payload Log.d extras payload message1 String error intent.getStringExtra..
why image captured using camera intent gets rotated on some devices in android if intentFromCamera null Bundle extras intentFromCamera.getExtras if extras.containsKey data bitmap Bitmap extras.get data else bitmap getBitmapFromUri else bitmap getBitmapFromUri imageView.setImageBitmap bitmap imageView.setImageURI..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 extras data.getExtras if extras null BitmapFactory.Options options new BitmapFactory.Options thumbnail Bitmap extras.get data image thumbnail else Toast.makeText CreateProfile.this Picture NOt taken Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show super.onActivityResult.. if extras.keySet .contains data BitmapFactory.Options options new BitmapFactory.Options thumbnail Bitmap extras.get data if thumbnail null Toast.makeText this YES Thumbnail Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show BitmapFactory.Options opt new BitmapFactory.Options.. this YES Thumbnail Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show BitmapFactory.Options opt new BitmapFactory.Options thumbnail Bitmap extras.get data imageCam thumbnail else Uri imageURI getIntent .getData ImageView imageview ImageView findViewById
How do I get a Phonegap app to receive variables on Android? JSONArray extraNames extras.names for int i 0 i extraNames.length i String key extraNames.getString i String value extras.getString key extrasMap.put key value startActivity obj.getString action uri type extrasMap callbackContext.success return.. JSONArray extraNames extras.names for int i 0 i extraNames.length i String key extraNames.getString i String value extras.getString key extrasMap.put key value sendBroadcast obj.getString action extrasMap callbackContext.success return true.. the crash problem with android 2.3.6 else if type null i.setType type for String key extras.keySet String value extras.get key If type is text html the extra text must sent as HTML if key.equals Intent.EXTRA_TEXT type.equals text html i.putExtra..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? Log.d ZeeReceiver intent.toString Bundle extras intent.getExtras for String k extras.keySet Log.d ZeeReceiver Extra extras.get k .toString private BluetoothSocket sock @Override public void onDestroy getApplicationContext .unregisterReceiver receiver..
Android and MJPEG super.onCreate savedInstanceState Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null String mac String extras.get MAC Log.i Other mac TextView tv TextView findViewById tv.setText mac String URL myurl requestWindowFeature..
Trouble writing internal memory android null. if data null picUri XeniosMob getApplication .getCamPicUri else Bundle extras data.getExtras picUri Uri extras.get MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT try pic Media.getBitmap getContentResolver picUri catch FileNotFoundException ex Logger.getLogger..
SMS receive with no notification @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent Bundle extras intent.getExtras Object pdus Object extras.get pdus for Object pdu pdus SmsMessage msg SmsMessage.createFromPdu byte pdu String origin msg.getOriginatingAddress String..
Read inbox messages of a particular number and display them in an activity Context context Intent intent Bundle extras intent.getExtras String messages if extras null Object smsExtra Object extras.get SMS_EXTRA_NAME ContentResolver contentResolver context.getContentResolver for int i 0 i smsExtra.length i SmsMessage..
Revision 2: How to pass data from a background Service/thread to some other activity than the MainActivity that created the background service void onStart Intent intent int startId super.onStart intent startId Bundle extras intent.getExtras messenger Messenger extras.get EXTRA_MESSENGER @Override public IBinder onBind Intent intent return null private void displayNotificationMessage String..
VideoView in eclipse not playing on phone vView.setBackgroundColor 0x0000 Intent intent getIntent Bundle extras intent.getExtras filePath String extras.get URL vView.setVideoPath filePath MediaController mc mc new MediaController this vView.setMediaController mc vView.requestFocus..
URI from Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT into File cursor.moveToFirst return cursor.getString column_index Which in turn converted into File Uri filePathFromActivity Uri extras.get Intent.EXTRA_STREAM filePathFromActivity Uri.parse FileUtil.getRealPathFromUri Activity IntentActivity.this filePathFromActivity..
Android crashing after camera Intent ad.setTitle Save Image ad.setMessage Save This Image To Album ad.setButton Ok this bmp Bitmap extras.get data Set the bitmap to the bundle of data that was just received image.setImageBitmap bmp Set imageview to image that..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ @Override public final void onHandleIntent Intent intent Bundle extras intent.getExtras String message String extras.get message Log.d Tag msg message Log.d Constants.TAG Received intent to register final String registrationId intent.getStringExtra.. Context context Intent intent Bundle extras intent.getExtras Log.d extras extras String message2 String extras.get collapse_key Log.d collapse_key collapse_key message2 String message1 String extras.get payload Log.d extras payload message1.. extras String message2 String extras.get collapse_key Log.d collapse_key collapse_key message2 String message1 String extras.get payload Log.d extras payload message1 String error intent.getStringExtra error Log.d extras error error nm NotificationManager..