android Programming Glossary: extras.containskey
how to get referrer using google track in android? try final Bundle extras intent.getExtras if extras null extras.containsKey null catch final Exception e return Map String String referralParams..
why image captured using camera intent gets rotated on some devices in android null Bundle extras intentFromCamera.getExtras if extras.containsKey data bitmap Bitmap extras.get data else bitmap getBitmapFromUri..
Restoring map state (position and markers) of Google Maps (V2) on rotate and on back (MapView in Fragment) null Bundle extras getArguments if extras null extras.containsKey KEY_POINTS for Parcelable pointP extras.getParcelableArrayList..
How can I deliver parameters to a test function, that launched using adb shell am Instrumentation command Bundle extras this.getIntent .getExtras if extras null if extras.containsKey foo Log.d FOO extras.getString foo else Log.d FOO no foo here.. FOO extras.getString foo else Log.d FOO no foo here if extras.containsKey bert Log.d BERT extras.getString bert else Log.d BERT Bert is..
How to handle RESTful update of remote server with SyncAdapter executeRequest request syncResult Process the result. if extras.containsKey WebAPIRequestHelper.REQUEST_GETBALANCE GetServiceBalanceResponse.. xmlDoc m.sendToTarget else if extras.containsKey WebAPIRequestHelper.REQUEST_GETACCOUNTINFO ... ... You should..
how to get referrer using google track in android? issue http p android issues detail id 16006 try final Bundle extras intent.getExtras if extras null extras.containsKey null catch final Exception e return Map String String referralParams new HashMap String String Return if this is not the..
why image captured using camera intent gets rotated on some devices in android resultCode RESULT_OK requestCode TAKE_PICTURE if intentFromCamera null Bundle extras intentFromCamera.getExtras if extras.containsKey data bitmap Bitmap extras.get data else bitmap getBitmapFromUri else bitmap getBitmapFromUri imageView.setImageBitmap..
Restoring map state (position and markers) of Google Maps (V2) on rotate and on back (MapView in Fragment) super.onCreate savedInstanceState if savedInstanceState null Bundle extras getArguments if extras null extras.containsKey KEY_POINTS for Parcelable pointP extras.getParcelableArrayList KEY_POINTS mPoints.put MyMapPoint pointP null else MyMapPoint..
How can I deliver parameters to a test function, that launched using adb shell am Instrumentation command e bert ernie n my.package.component.blah then in your code Bundle extras this.getIntent .getExtras if extras null if extras.containsKey foo Log.d FOO extras.getString foo else Log.d FOO no foo here if extras.containsKey bert Log.d BERT extras.getString bert.. .getExtras if extras null if extras.containsKey foo Log.d FOO extras.getString foo else Log.d FOO no foo here if extras.containsKey bert Log.d BERT extras.getString bert else Log.d BERT Bert is all alone else this.setTitle no extras found share improve..
How to handle RESTful update of remote server with SyncAdapter InputStream instream executeRequest request syncResult Process the result. if extras.containsKey WebAPIRequestHelper.REQUEST_GETBALANCE GetServiceBalanceResponse xmlDoc parseXML GetServiceBalanceResponse.class instream.. handler Message m handler.obtainMessage WebAPIClient.GET_BALANCE_RESPONSE xmlDoc m.sendToTarget else if extras.containsKey WebAPIRequestHelper.REQUEST_GETACCOUNTINFO ... ... You should put some timeouts on the HTTP requests so the app doesn't..