android Programming Glossary: efficientadapter
checkbox unchecked when i scroll listview in android Context mContext Button btnSave private static class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter private LayoutInflater mInflater public.. BaseAdapter private LayoutInflater mInflater public EfficientAdapter Context context mInflater LayoutInflater.from context public.. findViewById lstView.setAdapter new EfficientAdapter this btnSave Button findViewById mContext this..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] mBusy false static ViewHolder holder public static class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter private LayoutInflater mInflater private.. private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 public EfficientAdapter Context context Cache the LayoutInflate to avoid asking for.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setListAdapter new EfficientAdapter this getListView .setOnScrollListener this public void onScroll..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour view int position long id selectedListItem position EfficientAdapter listView.getAdapter .notifyDataSetChanged mHandler.postDelayed.. any thing you want here 200L listView.setAdapter new EfficientAdapter getApplicationContext private class EfficientAdapter extends.. new EfficientAdapter getApplicationContext private class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter private LayoutInflater mInflater public..
Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter extends Activity private static List User UserList private EfficientAdapter adapter null private ListView objectListView null private EditText.. null private EditText SearchText null private static class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable private LayoutInflater.. Filterable private LayoutInflater mInflater public EfficientAdapter Context context mInflater LayoutInflater.from context public..
how to store image in sqlite database Activity Database database new Database this static EfficientAdapter adapter adapter1 static ListView lv1 static SQLiteDatabase db.. static ListView lv1 static SQLiteDatabase db static EfficientAdapter adp static Cursor c1 static Vector String IMAGE new Vector String.. c1.close lv1 ListView findViewById adapter new EfficientAdapter this lv1.setAdapter adapter ImageView add ImageView findViewById..
checkbox unchecked when i scroll listview in android CustomListViewActivity extends Activity ListView lstView static Context mContext Button btnSave private static class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter private LayoutInflater mInflater public EfficientAdapter Context context mInflater LayoutInflater.from.. Button btnSave private static class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter private LayoutInflater mInflater public EfficientAdapter Context context mInflater LayoutInflater.from context public int getCount return country.length public Object getItem int.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main lstView ListView findViewById lstView.setAdapter new EfficientAdapter this btnSave Button findViewById mContext this btnSave.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] private TextView mStatus private static boolean mBusy false static ViewHolder holder public static class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter private LayoutInflater mInflater private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 public EfficientAdapter.. extends BaseAdapter private LayoutInflater mInflater private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 public EfficientAdapter Context context Cache the LayoutInflate to avoid asking for a new one each time. mInflater LayoutInflater.from context Icons.. this.getResources R.drawable.icon48x48_2 super.onCreate savedInstanceState setListAdapter new EfficientAdapter this getListView .setOnScrollListener this public void onScroll AbsListView view int firstVisibleItem int visibleItemCount..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour public void onItemClick AdapterView parent View view int position long id selectedListItem position EfficientAdapter listView.getAdapter .notifyDataSetChanged mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void run call any new.. public void run call any new activity here or do any thing you want here 200L listView.setAdapter new EfficientAdapter getApplicationContext private class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter private LayoutInflater mInflater public EfficientAdapter.. or do any thing you want here 200L listView.setAdapter new EfficientAdapter getApplicationContext private class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter private LayoutInflater mInflater public EfficientAdapter Context context mInflater LayoutInflater.from..
Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter from the activity class public class management_objects extends Activity private static List User UserList private EfficientAdapter adapter null private ListView objectListView null private EditText SearchText null private static class EfficientAdapter.. adapter null private ListView objectListView null private EditText SearchText null private static class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable private LayoutInflater mInflater public EfficientAdapter Context context mInflater.. static class EfficientAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable private LayoutInflater mInflater public EfficientAdapter Context context mInflater LayoutInflater.from context public int getCount return UserList.size public Object getItem int..
how to store image in sqlite database e.printStackTrace break Image.class public class Image extends Activity Database database new Database this static EfficientAdapter adapter adapter1 static ListView lv1 static SQLiteDatabase db static EfficientAdapter adp static Cursor c1 static Vector.. new Database this static EfficientAdapter adapter adapter1 static ListView lv1 static SQLiteDatabase db static EfficientAdapter adp static Cursor c1 static Vector String IMAGE new Vector String @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. do IMAGE.add c1.getString 0 .toString while c1.moveToNext c1.close lv1 ListView findViewById adapter new EfficientAdapter this lv1.setAdapter adapter ImageView add ImageView findViewById add.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener ..