android Programming Glossary: elapsedtime
Android: chronometer as a persistent stopwatch. How to set starting time? What is Chronometer “Base”? 00 again. Insted I want it to show the exact time that has passed ever since the service has started. I can calculate elapsedTime every time the user return to the chronometer activity elapsedTime new Date .getTime startingTime The thing is that i dont.. ever since the service has started. I can calculate elapsedTime every time the user return to the chronometer activity elapsedTime new Date .getTime startingTime The thing is that i dont know how to tell the chronometer to start counting from that time..
Android timer updating a textview (UI) textview protected static void startTimer isTimerRunning true timer.scheduleAtFixedRate new TimerTask public void run elapsedTime 1 increase every sec StopWatch.time.setText formatIntoHHMMSS elapsedTime this is the textview 0 1000 I got some kind of.. new TimerTask public void run elapsedTime 1 increase every sec StopWatch.time.setText formatIntoHHMMSS elapsedTime this is the textview 0 1000 I got some kind of error about updating the UI in the wrong thread. How can I adapt my code.. protected static void startTimer isTimerRunning true timer.scheduleAtFixedRate new TimerTask public void run elapsedTime 1 increase every sec mHandler.obtainMessage 1 .sendToTarget 0 1000 public Handler mHandler new Handler public void handleMessage..