android Programming Glossary: effect
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically no longer an item I'm displaying remove it. So it has the effect of removing and recreating every single item in your adapter...
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget return super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu Final effect Here's the screenshot of the final result How I got to this..
Understanding Fragment's setRetainInstance(boolean) instance state across configuration changes will have no effect on whether or not the system will destroy the Fragment s once.. by pressing the back button thus calling finish and effectively destroying the Activity all of the Activity s attached..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps
Is there a way to make ellipsize=“marquee” always scroll? marquee&rdquo always scroll I want to use the marquee effect on a TextView but the text is only being scrolled when the TextView..
Detect application heap size in Android numbers above would be that this option would have an effect similar to setting the heap manually via a rooted OS i.e. it..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling snap to the closest image on the ACTION_UP event. So the effect I'm going for is like the stock android homescreen where you..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites does not accomplish my goal either and seems to have no effect anyway . I believe I need to either clear the history stack..
Implement page curl on android? curl on android I was surfing the net looking for a nice effect for turning pages on Android and there just doesn't seem to.. inward diagnally across the page to create a similar effect that I can later apply shadows to to gie it more depth android..
launch facebook app from other app you can even type facebook inbox having the same effect. How to do this in adb. 1. Start adb shell through console adb..
How to set text color of TextView in code? use various functions from the Color class to get the same effect of course. Color.parseColor Manual like LEX uses text.setTextColor..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? mould for an image. matrix.setScale 1 1 Horizontal mirror effect. bgrReverse Bitmap.createBitmap bgr 0 0 bgrW bgrH matrix true..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds default line spacing and invalidate the layout as a side effect textPaint.setTextSize targetTextSize setLineSpacing mSpacingAdd..
Android download binary file problems
Android: Clear the back stack This launch mode can also be used to good effect in conjunction with FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK if used to start..
Android: How to declare global variables? provides a method getApplication which has the exact same effect class MyApp extends Application private String myState public.. state appState.getState ... This has essentially the same effect as using a static variable or singleton but integrates quite.. tied to the lifetime of the application although it is effectively . This may be a non issue for your average application..
ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating the View remove all views and reload them all. As so the reload effect is obtained. The second option suggested by alvarolb is to setTag..
How to force use of overflow menu on devices with menu button set the Hardware Back Home Keys value to no and get this effect. I've searched for a way to do this in code for an actual device..
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically fixes the problem by instead saying This object is no longer an item I'm displaying remove it. So it has the effect of removing and recreating every single item in your adapter. This is a completely legitimate fix This fix makes notifyDataSetChanged..
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget R.drawable.textfield_searchview_holo_light return super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu Final effect Here's the screenshot of the final result How I got to this I think it's worth metioning how I got to this so that this..
Understanding Fragment's setRetainInstance(boolean) are low. Whether you have your fragments retain their instance state across configuration changes will have no effect on whether or not the system will destroy the Fragment s once you leave the Activity . If you leave the Activity i.e. by.. Fragment s may or may not be destroyed. If you leave the Activity by pressing the back button thus calling finish and effectively destroying the Activity all of the Activity s attached Fragment s will also be destroyed. Why doesn't it work with..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps
Is there a way to make ellipsize=“marquee” always scroll? there a way to make ellipsize &ldquo marquee&rdquo always scroll I want to use the marquee effect on a TextView but the text is only being scrolled when the TextView gets focus. That's a problem because in my case it can't...
Detect application heap size in Android My expectation which seems to be supported by cmcromance's numbers above would be that this option would have an effect similar to setting the heap manually via a rooted OS i.e. it would raise the value of maxMemory while leaving getMemoryClass..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling to handle touch events and force the view to snap to the closest image on the ACTION_UP event. So the effect I'm going for is like the stock android homescreen where you can scroll from one to the other and it snaps to one screen..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites singleTop for the Login activity in the manifest but this does not accomplish my goal either and seems to have no effect anyway . I believe I need to either clear the history stack or finish all previously opened activities. One option is to..
Implement page curl on android? page curl on android I was surfing the net looking for a nice effect for turning pages on Android and there just doesn't seem to be one. Since I'm learning the platform it seemed like a nice.. help me out on an equation to simply fold the top right corner inward diagnally across the page to create a similar effect that I can later apply shadows to to gie it more depth android math transition share improve this question I just created..
launch facebook app from other app startActivity intent the part is not checked. you can even type facebook inbox having the same effect. How to do this in adb. 1. Start adb shell through console adb shell 2. run am start a android.intent.action.VIEW d facebook..
How to set text color of TextView in code? so lets make this answer as complete as possible You can use various functions from the Color class to get the same effect of course. Color.parseColor Manual like LEX uses text.setTextColor Color.parseColor #FFFFFF Color.rgb and Color.argb Manual..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? background. Matrix matrix new Matrix Like a frame or mould for an image. matrix.setScale 1 1 Horizontal mirror effect. bgrReverse Bitmap.createBitmap bgr 0 0 bgrW bgrH matrix true Create a new mirrored bitmap by applying the matrix. ballX..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds Some devices try to auto adjust line spacing so force default line spacing and invalidate the layout as a side effect textPaint.setTextSize targetTextSize setLineSpacing mSpacingAdd mSpacingMult Notify the listener if registered if mTextResizeListener..
Android download binary file problems
Android: Clear the back stack FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK as described in the docs for FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP This launch mode can also be used to good effect in conjunction with FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK if used to start the root activity of a task it will bring any currently running..
Android: How to declare global variables? using the Context.getApplicationContext method Activity also provides a method getApplication which has the exact same effect class MyApp extends Application private String myState public String getState return myState public void setState String.. b ... MyApp appState MyApp getApplicationContext String state appState.getState ... This has essentially the same effect as using a static variable or singleton but integrates quite well into the existing Android framework. Note that this will.. the lifetime of the application. A singleton is not EXPLICITLY tied to the lifetime of the application although it is effectively . This may be a non issue for your average application developer but I would argue this is exactly the type of contract..
ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating the View This way when you call notifyDataSetChanged the view pager will remove all views and reload them all. As so the reload effect is obtained. The second option suggested by alvarolb is to setTag method in instantiateItem when instantiating a new view...
How to force use of overflow menu on devices with menu button ActionBar can't fit them on the bar. On the emulator I can set the Hardware Back Home Keys value to no and get this effect. I've searched for a way to do this in code for an actual device that has a menu button but can't fine one. Can anyone help..