

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:12:55

android Programming Glossary: edited

Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget


to check if it is correctly defined after your edit. I've edited files using GIMP with one pixel pencil tool pretty easy but..

Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel?


but I don't know. Compatibility with previous API levels edited As I pointed in the comment below that was a concept and you..

Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3


this is the case with Samsung S3 only if I run the above edited code with any other device the program crashes. In the manifest..

import .R cannot be resolved when I import actionbarsherlock


However I am having problems.... I've imported the library edited the build path of my android project to include the library.. android actionbarsherlock share improve this question edited the build path of my android project to include the library..

Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache


caching webview clear share improve this question The edited code snippet above posted by Gaunt Face contains an error in..

How to scale an Image in ImageView to keep the aspect ratio


main image using just one ImageView. 2 This comment was edited significantly later than othe original post was written You..

Detect network connection type on Android


useful. Here is a Gist of the class so you can fork it and edited it. package com.emil.android.util import android.content.Context..

How to draw a path on a map using kml file?


want to create tessellated lines they must be authored or edited directly in KML. description Style id yellowLineGreenPoly LineStyle..

Restful API service


STATUS_ERROR b this.stopSelf ResultReceiver extension edited about to implement MyResultReceiver.Receiver public MyResultReceiver..

Project has no default.properties file! Edit the project properties to set one


it it gets generated again. Neither is it allowing me to edited the automatically generated one. Compuser7 With respect to the..

How to start new activity on button click


myIntent Extras are retrieved on the other side via code edited @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..

Android ListView Text Color


list item there.Which is not at all needed. heres your edited layout xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android..

Android Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()


has not called Looper.prepare How can i handle this error edited error 02 15 22 52 43.483 ERROR AndroidRuntime 5370 java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError..

How to use putExtra() and getExtra() for string data


but unfortunately I am stuck here. Please help. Thanks edited Here the string which I am trying to pass from one screen to..

Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view


android listview checkbox share improve this question I edited my answer so the common information is located at the top. You'll.. another list item before. The accpeted answer was deleted edited but was suggesting to implement getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount.. so every list item had its own view type. The edited answer shows now how to solve the problem the way it's described..

Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java


a webview So to do this we need this library . It is my edited version of this git . After you have imported the library into..

AsyncTask Android example


do this is via switch statements. I have a complete class edited below with all suggestions to save confusion. import android.app.Activity..

Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget


I am realy confused. Please guide me for further move. Edited My application uses database and at the very first time it parse..

How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size


it like each one half width of the screen . any one know Edited i don't know what can i do for when his childen is all wrap_content..

How to encrypt file from sd card using AES in Android?


english and noob question. Hope anyone can help thank you Edited i try using FileOutputStream it contain no error but the file..

Listview click to show image in ImageView


activity or in toast or in Alert. do whatever you want. Edited answer 18 10 2012 full Example Main Activity Class package com.example.test..

To use the tutorial in android 4.0.3 if had to work with AsynxTasc but i still dont work?


result cannot be resolved to a variable FirstScreen.java Edited Code package com.webservice import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope import..

ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload


Only thing changed is doInBackground body... Edited Dialog is display after runOnUiThread is executed. android..

Android - styling seek bar


android thumb @drawable red_scrubber_control Result Edited Here is nice resource Android Holo Colors Generator that will..

Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device


Math.round float width float reqWidth return inSampleSize Edited For Resource do this public static Bitmap decodeSampledBitmapFromResource..

multiple layout viewpager with one fragment


match_parent android layout_height match_parent Activity Edited code public class TestActivity extends FragmentData implements.. TODO Auto generated method stub return p My Adapter Edited code public class MyFragmentPagerAdapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter.. p public GrePracticeTestRecord getData TestFragment Edited code public class TestFragment extends Fragment AnswerEnterListener..

Location servise GPS Force closed


title_activity_call_divert activity application manifest Edited and here is LogCat definition 10 14 19 58 37.823 E AndroidRuntime.. 3246 10 14 19 58 37.823 E AndroidRuntime 2685 ... 10 more Edited code to check not be null @Override public int onStartCommand..

Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld?


article linked to above gives a brief run through of some. Edited in response to comment from @Colen Hmm it looks like a lot of..

Android - Textview change color on changing of state


' then set background as android background @drawable abc Edited to add color in state xml our xml res drawable abc.xml xml version..

Disabling the fullscreen editing view for soft keyboard input in landscape?


this and do not want to implement a custom input method. Edited to add the view to which input is going is not a TextView it's..

Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TABLE_NAME onCreate db _ ___ Edited __ _ ____ This is what I get now. When I make a new call the..

Javascript console.log() on HTC Android devices and adb logcat


work. I am testing on HTC WildFire and HTC Desire HD . Edited after more then 6 months After some time and experience with..

how to display map in android with marker


update its location mCurrentPointer.setLayoutParams lp Edited links for more examples and tutorials http mobiforge.com developing..

How to show alphabetical letters on side of Android ListView


scroll feature in the Contacts list for my own ListView Edited Again I followed this tutorial which I thought would finally..

Google Drive SDK Exception


api google drive sdk share improve this question EDITED Sorry I just realized that we can sign the apk in debugging.. from your Google Drive I had succeeded using this way. EDITED If you generated the SHA1 key with the debug.keystore you can.. will automatically sign the apk with debug.keystore. EDITED Next time your code is ready you need to generate a new SHA1..

Update Android SDK Tool to 22.0.4(Latest Version) from 22.0.1


while updating SDK Can anyone help me Thanks in Advance. EDITED I Found the Solution For above problem and have added the Solution..

Trying to draw textured triangles on device fails, but the emulator works. Why?


on motorola droid opengl es specs Hope this helps.. a bit EDITED I tweaked the manifest.xml and noticed when using uses sdk android..

Correct use of setEmtpyView in AdapterView


its visibility based on the contents in the adapter. EDITED Following layout and code works fine LinearLayout xmlns android..

Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android


Can anyone explain me how to use this Thanks in advance. EDITED Here is the code if anyone needs additional info it's a Nonin..

Share Text on Facebook from Android App via ACTION_SEND


app android facebook share improve this question EDITED with the new release of the official Facebook app for Android..

How can I get the size of a folder on SD card in Android?


0 NOTE Function written by hand so it could not compile EDITED recursive call fixed. EDITED dirList.length changed to fileList.length... hand so it could not compile EDITED recursive call fixed. EDITED dirList.length changed to fileList.length. share improve this..

How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero


have found. I have added this code into my onCreate method EDITED 07 05 11 to include code from comments final TextView tv TextView..

Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database


that was created by both of your OpenHelper instances. EDITED to reflect the fact that you use two OpenHelper instances. ..

Force scan files after taking photo


02 24 17 13 54.688 VERBOSE MediaProvider 1320 key exists EDITED LATER I've got sth like this in other activity mCursorThumbnails..

I'm looking for fancy charts library for Android


know which library i can use to get good looking results EDITED maybe i pretend too much but i would like something similar..

Find the key hash for a signed app


you should get smth like this NfhDlIH7XWJzUZRjL pZySrMX1Q EDITED NfgDlIG7XWJzUZRUL bZySrMX1Q this hash is bad ... or you got..

Running ndk-gdb with package not found error on motorola phone


you want to use that device you must have root privilege. EDITED Modify ndk gdb script to get rid of the dependency of run as...

Changing text in Android on text change causes overflow error


to work with Html.fromHtml which is what I intend to use. EDITED AGAIN public class Main extends Activity implements TextWatcher..

How to draw border on just one side of a linear layout?


solid android color #000000 shape item layer list EDITED As many including me wanted to have a one side border with transparent..

Android: How to do this framing paint?


other hand and face also. So Please help me in this case. EDITED After some reply i got the solution like this one . But still..

Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget


one . You can take a look at file using draw 9 patch tool to check if it is correctly defined after your edit. I've edited files using GIMP with one pixel pencil tool pretty easy but you'll probably use the tool of your own. Here's my customized..

Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel?


So that line I proposed may not even be necessary after all but I don't know. Compatibility with previous API levels edited As I pointed in the comment below that was a concept and you can download the class I'm using from my Google Drive account..

Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3


am unable to set the created bitmap to my ImageView. However this is the case with Samsung S3 only if I run the above edited code with any other device the program crashes. In the manifest I have used android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation..

import .R cannot be resolved when I import actionbarsherlock


2.3 so I am trying to import the actionbarsherlock library. However I am having problems.... I've imported the library edited the build path of my android project to include the library and also deleted the android support v4 jar from the ABS libs.. to take it to stack overflow. Thanks guys for the help android actionbarsherlock share improve this question edited the build path of my android project to include the library Never manually modify the build path of an Android project ...

Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache


is completely unchanged. Thanks for your repsonse android caching webview clear share improve this question The edited code snippet above posted by Gaunt Face contains an error in that if a directory fails to delete because one of its files..

How to scale an Image in ImageView to keep the aspect ratio


can be useful for things like displaying a frame around the main image using just one ImageView. 2 This comment was edited significantly later than othe original post was written You should also see android adjustViewBounds to make the ImageView..

Detect network connection type on Android


I thought I would share it with others that might find it useful. Here is a Gist of the class so you can fork it and edited it. package com.emil.android.util import android.content.Context import android.net.ConnectivityManager import android.net.NetworkInfo..

How to draw a path on a map using kml file?


Note that the tessellate tag is by default set to 0. If you want to create tessellated lines they must be authored or edited directly in KML. description Style id yellowLineGreenPoly LineStyle color 7f00ffff color width 4 width LineStyle PolyStyle..

Restful API service


e b.putString Intent.EXTRA_TEXT e.toString receiver.send STATUS_ERROR b this.stopSelf ResultReceiver extension edited about to implement MyResultReceiver.Receiver public MyResultReceiver extends ResultReceiver private Receiver mReceiver public..

Project has no default.properties file! Edit the project properties to set one


by doing the above described process. When I go and remove it it gets generated again. Neither is it allowing me to edited the automatically generated one. Compuser7 With respect to the comment quoted above R.java is indeed an automatically generated..

How to start new activity on button click


value Optional parameters CurrentActivity.this.startActivity myIntent Extras are retrieved on the other side via code edited @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState Intent intent getIntent String value intent.getStringExtra key..

Android ListView Text Color


there as well and I suspect you are trying to define content list item there.Which is not at all needed. heres your edited layout xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android android orientation..

Android Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()


Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare How can i handle this error edited error 02 15 22 52 43.483 ERROR AndroidRuntime 5370 java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError 02 15 22 52 43.483 ERROR AndroidRuntime..

How to use putExtra() and getExtra() for string data


and do setText on userName I know it is very basic question but unfortunately I am stuck here. Please help. Thanks edited Here the string which I am trying to pass from one screen to the other is dynamic. That is I have an editText where I am..

Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view


and time in variables DT_selected and outDT_selected . android listview checkbox share improve this question I edited my answer so the common information is located at the top. You'll find the actual answer to this question at the bottom..... not used in an invalid state because it's being reused from another list item before. The accpeted answer was deleted edited but was suggesting to implement getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount so every list item had its own view type. The edited.. but was suggesting to implement getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount so every list item had its own view type. The edited answer shows now how to solve the problem the way it's described here. Reimplementing getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount..

Need help to convert a Pdf page into Bitmap in Android Java


into images then display them to the user. i am going to use a webview So to do this we need this library . It is my edited version of this git . After you have imported the library into your project you need to create your activity. The XML xml..

AsyncTask Android example


see which View has been selected. I find the easiest way to do this is via switch statements. I have a complete class edited below with all suggestions to save confusion. import android.app.Activity import android.os.AsyncTask import android.os.Bundle..

Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget


XML file it show the OutOfMemoryError image view in my layout. I am realy confused. Please guide me for further move. Edited My application uses database and at the very first time it parse some XML data and insert into the Sqlite database. My Outofmemory..

How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size


left hand side i have try a many times and still can not make it like each one half width of the screen . any one know Edited i don't know what can i do for when his childen is all wrap_content ...... even i want to set some image in specific size..

How to encrypt file from sd card using AES in Android?


with this code. Im beginner in android sorry for bad english and noob question. Hope anyone can help thank you Edited i try using FileOutputStream it contain no error but the file not encrypted. here is my code edited Kiril solution code..

Listview click to show image in ImageView


image view in this listener you can show image in any other activity or in toast or in Alert. do whatever you want. Edited answer 18 10 2012 full Example Main Activity Class package com.example.test import java.io.IOException import java.io.InputStream..

To use the tutorial in android 4.0.3 if had to work with AsynxTasc but i still dont work?


result cannot be resolved to a variable FirstScreen.java result cannot be resolved to a variable FirstScreen.java Edited Code package com.webservice import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapSerializationEnvelope..

ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload


String file_url dismiss the dialog once got all details pDialog.dismiss Only thing changed is doInBackground body... Edited Dialog is display after runOnUiThread is executed. android android asynctask progress bar share improve this question..

Android - styling seek bar


android progressDrawable @drawable red_scrubber_progress android thumb @drawable red_scrubber_control Result Edited Here is nice resource Android Holo Colors Generator that will help to create elements with different colors much faster...

Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device


Math.round float height float reqHeight else inSampleSize Math.round float width float reqWidth return inSampleSize Edited For Resource do this public static Bitmap decodeSampledBitmapFromResource Resources res int resId int reqWidth int reqHeight..

multiple layout viewpager with one fragment


android android id @ id test_container android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent Activity Edited code public class TestActivity extends FragmentData implements FragmentData FragmentManager manager getSupportFragmentManager.. method stub @Override public GrePracticeTestRecord getData TODO Auto generated method stub return p My Adapter Edited code public class MyFragmentPagerAdapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter private List Fragment fragments public MyFragmentPagerAdapter.. interface FragmentData public void setData GrePracticeTestRecord p public GrePracticeTestRecord getData TestFragment Edited code public class TestFragment extends Fragment AnswerEnterListener callBack FragmentData fD Button submitAnswer EditText..

Location servise GPS Force closed


name ir.M410.toolkit.CallDivertActivity android label @string title_activity_call_divert activity application manifest Edited and here is LogCat definition 10 14 19 58 37.823 E AndroidRuntime 2685 FATAL EXCEPTION main 10 14 19 58 37.823 E AndroidRuntime.. ActivityThread.java 3246 10 14 19 58 37.823 E AndroidRuntime 2685 ... 10 more Edited code to check not be null @Override public int onStartCommand Intent intent int flags int startId We want this service to..

Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld?


exactly how faithful they are though the A List Apart article linked to above gives a brief run through of some. Edited in response to comment from @Colen Hmm it looks like a lot of new mobile devices have higher resolutions e.g. droid X is..

Android - Textview change color on changing of state


xml as you background if your xml is ' res drawable abc.xml ' then set background as android background @drawable abc Edited to add color in state xml our xml res drawable abc.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http schemas.android.com..

Disabling the fullscreen editing view for soft keyboard input in landscape?


but I am unable to access the default instance of this and do not want to implement a custom input method. Edited to add the view to which input is going is not a TextView it's a View with a custom InputConnection implementation so android..

Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database


Upgrading database this will drop tables and recreate. db.execSQL DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TABLE_NAME onCreate db _ ___ Edited __ _ ____ This is what I get now. When I make a new call the Logcat returns this. 12 16 18 55 27.365 ERROR AndroidRuntime..

Javascript console.log() on HTC Android devices and adb logcat


developer.android.com guide webapps debugging.html it should work. I am testing on HTC WildFire and HTC Desire HD . Edited after more then 6 months After some time and experience with different devices phones TVs set top boxes WebViews UIWebViews.....

how to display map in android with marker


mCurrentPointer lp else If it's already added just update its location mCurrentPointer.setLayoutParams lp Edited links for more examples and tutorials http mobiforge.com developing story using google maps android http www.vogella.de..

How to show alphabetical letters on side of Android ListView


data. Does anyone know how I can implement that alphabetical scroll feature in the Contacts list for my own ListView Edited Again I followed this tutorial which I thought would finally make it work but I'm still getting a forced close. class AlphabeticalAdapter..

Google Drive SDK Exception


Drive SDK . Anyone know what the problem is java android google api google drive sdk share improve this question EDITED Sorry I just realized that we can sign the apk in debugging mode using debug.keystore. SO the most important thing is insert.. install and try. Check your LogCat to show the listed files from your Google Drive I had succeeded using this way. EDITED If you generated the SHA1 key with the debug.keystore you can skip the Export part. Just debug your application is OK. Eclipse.. skip the Export part. Just debug your application is OK. Eclipse will automatically sign the apk with debug.keystore. EDITED Next time your code is ready you need to generate a new SHA1 key with your real .keystore then input into the Google API..

Update Android SDK Tool to 22.0.4(Latest Version) from 22.0.1


interrupted Read timed out issue. Below is the screen shot while updating SDK Can anyone help me Thanks in Advance. EDITED I Found the Solution For above problem and have added the Solution as an answer. If anyone has the same problem he she can..

Trying to draw textured triangles on device fails, but the emulator works. Why?


es in such a weird way. http www.rbgrn.net content 345 hands on motorola droid opengl es specs Hope this helps.. a bit EDITED I tweaked the manifest.xml and noticed when using uses sdk android minSdkVersion 6 the resources aren't loading at all...

Correct use of setEmtpyView in AdapterView


in which you have added the AdapterView. AdapterView only changes its visibility based on the contents in the adapter. EDITED Following layout and code works fine LinearLayout xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android android orientation..

Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android


is an intent called ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED which does that. Can anyone explain me how to use this Thanks in advance. EDITED Here is the code if anyone needs additional info it's a Nonin 4100 medical sensor. Set BluetoothDevice pairedDevices Activa.myBluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices..

Share Text on Facebook from Android App via ACTION_SEND


manage to send text via ACTION_SEND through the Facebook Android app android facebook share improve this question EDITED with the new release of the official Facebook app for Android July 14 2011 IT WORKS OLD The examples above do not work if..

How can I get the size of a folder on SD card in Android?


How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero


help future searchers I thought I'd post a solution that I have found. I have added this code into my onCreate method EDITED 07 05 11 to include code from comments final TextView tv TextView findViewById R.id.image_test ViewTreeObserver vto tv.getViewTreeObserver..

Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database


Force scan files after taking photo


54.688 VERBOSE MediaProvider 1320 sdcard volume ID 1149784819 02 24 17 13 54.688 VERBOSE MediaProvider 1320 key exists EDITED LATER I've got sth like this in other activity mCursorThumbnails MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.queryMiniThumbnails mContentResolver..

I'm looking for fancy charts library for Android


chart gauges and so on libraries for Android platform. Do you know which library i can use to get good looking results EDITED maybe i pretend too much but i would like something similar to http www.roambi.com Thanks in advance and greetings c. android..

Find the key hash for a signed app


password it should appear type your password .... and you should get smth like this NfhDlIH7XWJzUZRjL pZySrMX1Q EDITED NfgDlIG7XWJzUZRUL bZySrMX1Q this hash is bad ... or you got so lucky that you key made the same colision as error keytool..

Running ndk-gdb with package not found error on motorola phone


able to be used with ndk gdb because run as doesn't work. If you want to use that device you must have root privilege. EDITED Modify ndk gdb script to get rid of the dependency of run as. It works only on root privilege 'adb shell whoami' should..

Changing text in Android on text change causes overflow error


while the above actually seems to be working I cannot get it to work with Html.fromHtml which is what I intend to use. EDITED AGAIN public class Main extends Activity implements TextWatcher private EditText text Called when the activity is first..

How to draw border on just one side of a linear layout?


shape item item android left 5dp shape android shape rectangle solid android color #000000 shape item layer list EDITED As many including me wanted to have a one side border with transparent background i have implemented a BorderDrawable which..

Android: How to do this framing paint?


fill with color instead of it i want to fill color to the other hand and face also. So Please help me in this case. EDITED After some reply i got the solution like this one . But still there is a memory issue. It consume lots of memory to draw..