

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:12:55

android Programming Glossary: editor.putstring

Individual screen is showing instead of a tabhost in android eclipse


Editor editor sharedPreferences.edit editor.putString your b editor.commit if result null b result.toString Intent..

Shared Preferences in Android?


SharedPreferences.Editor editor sharedPreferences.edit editor.putString key value editor.commit Method used to load Preferences public..

In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box)


storeAccessToken AccessToken accessToken String username editor.putString TWEET_AUTH_KEY accessToken.getToken editor.putString TWEET_AUTH_SECRET_KEY.. editor.putString TWEET_AUTH_KEY accessToken.getToken editor.putString TWEET_AUTH_SECRET_KEY accessToken.getTokenSecret editor.putString.. TWEET_AUTH_SECRET_KEY accessToken.getTokenSecret editor.putString TWEET_USER_NAME username editor.commit public void resetAccessToken..

How to select and crop an image in android?


editor customSharedPreference.edit Log.d HO selectedImage editor.putString imagePref getRealPathFromURI selectedImage Log.d IMAGE SEL getRealPathFromURI..

How to make an android app return to the last open activity when relaunched?


X MODE_PRIVATE Editor editor prefs.edit editor.putString lastActivity getClass .getName editor.commit And a Dispatcher..

WebView: how to preserve the user's zoom settings across sessions?


settings.edit Default_zoomlevel int mWebView.getScale 100 editor.putString zoom_level Default_zoomlevel editor.commit catch Exception ex..

Choosing background for Live Wallpaper


RealPath getRealPathFromURI selectedImage editor.putString image_custom RealPath editor.commit The following piece of code..

Concise way of writing new DialogPreference classes?


positiveResult if positiveResult Editor editor getEditor editor.putString myKey1 myView.getValue1 editor.putString myKey2 myView.getValue2.. editor getEditor editor.putString myKey1 myView.getValue1 editor.putString myKey2 myView.getValue2 editor.commit c If you plan to supply..

@Override annotation error (android prefs)


editor customSharedPreference.edit editor.putString myCustomPref The preference has been clicked editor.commit..

How to save user state in Android?


SharedPreferences.Editor editor mySharedPreferences.edit editor.putString PSSWORD password editor.commit Reading SP SharedPreferences..

Android Shared Preferences


PREFS_NAME 0 SharedPreferences.Editor editor settings.edit editor.putString login_session_key response.getLogin_Session_Key editor.putString.. login_session_key response.getLogin_Session_Key editor.putString user_name username.getText .toString editor.commit code for..

Android C2DM Push Notification


KEY Context.MODE_PRIVATE .edit editor.putString REGISTRATION_KEY registration editor.commit Send the registration..

Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences


Context.MODE_PRIVATE Editor editor prefs.edit try editor.putString TASKS ObjectSerializer.serialize currentTasks catch IOException..

Individual screen is showing instead of a tabhost in android eclipse


PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences Demo_tabActivity.this Editor editor sharedPreferences.edit editor.putString your b editor.commit if result null b result.toString Intent i new Intent getApplicationContext Tab_1.class i.putExtra..

Shared Preferences in Android?


String value SharedPreferences sharedPreferences getPreferences SharedPreferences.Editor editor sharedPreferences.edit editor.putString key value editor.commit Method used to load Preferences public String loadPreferences String key try SharedPreferences..

In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box)


Context.MODE_PRIVATE editor sharedPref.edit public void storeAccessToken AccessToken accessToken String username editor.putString TWEET_AUTH_KEY accessToken.getToken editor.putString TWEET_AUTH_SECRET_KEY accessToken.getTokenSecret editor.putString TWEET_USER_NAME.. void storeAccessToken AccessToken accessToken String username editor.putString TWEET_AUTH_KEY accessToken.getToken editor.putString TWEET_AUTH_SECRET_KEY accessToken.getTokenSecret editor.putString TWEET_USER_NAME username editor.commit public void resetAccessToken.. editor.putString TWEET_AUTH_KEY accessToken.getToken editor.putString TWEET_AUTH_SECRET_KEY accessToken.getTokenSecret editor.putString TWEET_USER_NAME username editor.commit public void resetAccessToken editor.putString TWEET_AUTH_KEY null editor.putString..

How to select and crop an image in android?


imagePref Activity.MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor editor customSharedPreference.edit Log.d HO selectedImage editor.putString imagePref getRealPathFromURI selectedImage Log.d IMAGE SEL getRealPathFromURI selectedImage editor.commit When my code..

How to make an android app return to the last open activity when relaunched?


void onPause super.onPause SharedPreferences prefs getSharedPreferences X MODE_PRIVATE Editor editor prefs.edit editor.putString lastActivity getClass .getName editor.commit And a Dispatcher activity similar to the following public class Dispatcher..

WebView: how to preserve the user's zoom settings across sessions?


PREFS_Zoom 0 SharedPreferences.Editor editor settings.edit Default_zoomlevel int mWebView.getScale 100 editor.putString zoom_level Default_zoomlevel editor.commit catch Exception ex Log.e ZOOM Exception SaveZoom ex.getMessage public void finish..

Choosing background for Live Wallpaper


SharedPreferences.Editor editor customSharedPreference.edit RealPath getRealPathFromURI selectedImage editor.putString image_custom RealPath editor.commit The following piece of code was found on this site by PercyPercy on this thread and..

Concise way of writing new DialogPreference classes?


onDialogClosed boolean positiveResult super.onDialogClosed positiveResult if positiveResult Editor editor getEditor editor.putString myKey1 myView.getValue1 editor.putString myKey2 myView.getValue2 editor.commit c If you plan to supply default values from.. super.onDialogClosed positiveResult if positiveResult Editor editor getEditor editor.putString myKey1 myView.getValue1 editor.putString myKey2 myView.getValue2 editor.commit c If you plan to supply default values from an inflated xml then you need to implement..

@Override annotation error (android prefs)


myCutomSharedPrefs Activity.MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor editor customSharedPreference.edit editor.putString myCustomPref The preference has been clicked editor.commit return true public void CheckBox final CheckBox ThisCheckBox..

How to save user state in Android?


PASSWORD_PREFS Activity.MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor editor mySharedPreferences.edit editor.putString PSSWORD password editor.commit Reading SP SharedPreferences mySharedPreferences context.getSharedPreferences PREFS Activity.MODE_PRIVATE..

Android Shared Preferences


preferences SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 SharedPreferences.Editor editor settings.edit editor.putString login_session_key response.getLogin_Session_Key editor.putString user_name username.getText .toString editor.commit code.. 0 SharedPreferences.Editor editor settings.edit editor.putString login_session_key response.getLogin_Session_Key editor.putString user_name username.getText .toString editor.commit code for getting shared preferences SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences..

Android C2DM Push Notification


registration null Log.d c2dm registration Editor editor context.getSharedPreferences KEY Context.MODE_PRIVATE .edit editor.putString REGISTRATION_KEY registration editor.commit Send the registration ID to the 3rd party site that is sending the messages...

Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences


SharedPreferences prefs getSharedPreferences SHARED_PREFS_FILE Context.MODE_PRIVATE Editor editor prefs.edit try editor.putString TASKS ObjectSerializer.serialize currentTasks catch IOException e e.printStackTrace editor.commit Similarly we have to..