

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:12:55

android Programming Glossary: edit.putstring

SharedPreferences value is not updated


PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this .edit edit.putString Settings.PREF_USERNAME txtuser edit.putString Settings.PREF_PASSWORD.. this .edit edit.putString Settings.PREF_USERNAME txtuser edit.putString Settings.PREF_PASSWORD txtpass edit.commit The problem is that.. Receiver.mContext .edit edit.putString Settings.PREF_STATUS 0 edit.commit android xml sharedpreferences..

Android: How to reset FirstRun SharedPreferences when my app is updated?


statustext SharedPreferences.Editor edit mPrefs.edit edit.putString status statustext edit.commit android share improve this..

Android Spinner Selected Item


how to use getSharedPreferences in android


MODE_PRIVATE Editor edit userDetails.edit edit.clear edit.putString username txtUname.getText .toString .trim edit.putString password.. edit.putString username txtUname.getText .toString .trim edit.putString password txtPass.getText .toString .trim edit.commit Toast.makeText..

Android C2DM Push Notification


if line.startsWith Auth Editor edit prefManager.edit edit.putString AUTH line.substring 5 edit.commit String s prefManager.getString.. servers updatedAuthToken Editor edit prefManager.edit edit.putString AUTH updatedAuthToken String responseLine new BufferedReader..

Problem with OAuth, Twitter and Android: fails in http-communication with the server


this Editor edit preferences.edit edit.putString REQ_TOKEN tokenStr edit.putString REQ_TOKEN_SECRET tokenSecretStr.. edit preferences.edit edit.putString REQ_TOKEN tokenStr edit.putString REQ_TOKEN_SECRET tokenSecretStr try String authUrl provider.retrieveRequestToken.. this Editor edit preferences.edit edit.putString REQ_TOKEN tokenStr edit.putString REQ_TOKEN_SECRET tokenSecretStr..

How can I store images using sharedpreference in android?


this Editor edit shre.edit edit.putString imagepath sdcard imh.jpeg edit.commit and then fetch image from..

SharedPreferences value is not updated


update the values of SharedPreferences here is my code edit PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this .edit edit.putString Settings.PREF_USERNAME txtuser edit.putString Settings.PREF_PASSWORD txtpass edit.commit The problem is that when I am accessing.. is my code edit PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this .edit edit.putString Settings.PREF_USERNAME txtuser edit.putString Settings.PREF_PASSWORD txtpass edit.commit The problem is that when I am accessing this values it is not returning updated.. file public void isRegistered Editor edit PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences Receiver.mContext .edit edit.putString Settings.PREF_STATUS 0 edit.commit android xml sharedpreferences share improve this question Instead of using edit.commit..

Android: How to reset FirstRun SharedPreferences when my app is updated?


this app can read these preferences public void setStatus String statustext SharedPreferences.Editor edit mPrefs.edit edit.putString status statustext edit.commit android share improve this question In my app I save in my shared preferences the version..

Android Spinner Selected Item


how to use getSharedPreferences in android


userDetails context.getSharedPreferences userdetails MODE_PRIVATE Editor edit userDetails.edit edit.clear edit.putString username txtUname.getText .toString .trim edit.putString password txtPass.getText .toString .trim edit.commit Toast.makeText.. MODE_PRIVATE Editor edit userDetails.edit edit.clear edit.putString username txtUname.getText .toString .trim edit.putString password txtPass.getText .toString .trim edit.commit Toast.makeText context Login details are saved.. 3000 .show EDIT this..

Android C2DM Push Notification


line while line rd.readLine null Log.e HttpResponse line if line.startsWith Auth Editor edit prefManager.edit edit.putString AUTH line.substring 5 edit.commit String s prefManager.getString AUTH n a Toast.makeText this s Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show.. Log.i C2DM Got updated auth token from datamessaging servers updatedAuthToken Editor edit prefManager.edit edit.putString AUTH updatedAuthToken String responseLine new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader conn.getInputStream .readLine NOTE..

Problem with OAuth, Twitter and Android: fails in http-communication with the server


SharedPreferences preferences PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this Editor edit preferences.edit edit.putString REQ_TOKEN tokenStr edit.putString REQ_TOKEN_SECRET tokenSecretStr try String authUrl provider.retrieveRequestToken consumer.. PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this Editor edit preferences.edit edit.putString REQ_TOKEN tokenStr edit.putString REQ_TOKEN_SECRET tokenSecretStr try String authUrl provider.retrieveRequestToken consumer callbackUrl Uri authenticationUri.. SharedPreferences preferences PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this Editor edit preferences.edit edit.putString REQ_TOKEN tokenStr edit.putString REQ_TOKEN_SECRET tokenSecretStr if edit.commit Launch the browser for authentication..

How can I store images using sharedpreference in android?
