android Programming Glossary: developerpayload
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? String itemId int quantity long purchaseTime String developerPayload if Consts.DEBUG Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId.. TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId purchaseState if developerPayload null else Log.e TAG onPurchaseStateChangeCheck onPurchaseStateChange..
Android In-App Billing v3: Not receiving signatures productId android.test.purchased developerPayload purchaseTime 0 purchaseState 0 purchaseToken inapp
Token that identify the user to check the returned data signature the orderId and the developerPayload string in the Purchase object to make sure that you are getting.. value that you have not previously processed and the developerPayload string matches the token that you sent previously with the purchase..
Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing) String itemId int quantity long purchaseTime String developerPayload if Consts.DEBUG Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId.. TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId purchaseState if developerPayload null logProductActivity itemId purchaseState.toString else.. else logProductActivity itemId purchaseState n t developerPayload if purchaseState PurchaseState.PURCHASED mOwnedItems.add itemId..
In the BillingService module, what needs to be modified to increase security? myself on the data and its security. I've thought that the developerPayload string could also be signed and encypted and when returned to..
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? public void onPurchaseStateChange PurchaseState purchaseState String itemId int quantity long purchaseTime String developerPayload if Consts.DEBUG Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId purchaseState if developerPayload null else Log.e TAG.. purchaseTime String developerPayload if Consts.DEBUG Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId purchaseState if developerPayload null else Log.e TAG onPurchaseStateChangeCheck onPurchaseStateChange if purchaseState PurchaseState.PURCHASED TODO Toast.makeText..
Android In-App Billing v3: Not receiving signatures signatures. packageName orderId productId android.test.purchased developerPayload purchaseTime 0 purchaseState 0 purchaseToken inapp android.test.purchased I followed exactly this sample..
Token that identify the user you receive the purchase response from Google Play make sure to check the returned data signature the orderId and the developerPayload string in the Purchase object to make sure that you are getting the expected values. You should verify that the orderId.. expected values. You should verify that the orderId is a unique value that you have not previously processed and the developerPayload string matches the token that you sent previously with the purchase request. As a further security precaution you should..
Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing) public void onPurchaseStateChange PurchaseState purchaseState String itemId int quantity long purchaseTime String developerPayload if Consts.DEBUG Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId purchaseState if developerPayload null logProductActivity.. purchaseTime String developerPayload if Consts.DEBUG Log.i TAG onPurchaseStateChange itemId itemId purchaseState if developerPayload null logProductActivity itemId purchaseState.toString else logProductActivity itemId purchaseState n t developerPayload.. null logProductActivity itemId purchaseState.toString else logProductActivity itemId purchaseState n t developerPayload if purchaseState PurchaseState.PURCHASED mOwnedItems.add itemId mOwnedItemsCursor.requery @Override public void onRequestPurchaseResponse..
In the BillingService module, what needs to be modified to increase security? this I'll test with my own product Id's and try and satisfy myself on the data and its security. I've thought that the developerPayload string could also be signed and encypted and when returned to my server decrypted and checked for integrity. Finally I'll..