android Programming Glossary: devices
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen a challenge when designing and developing for Android devices. While some other Manufacturer non Android have different resolutions.. Therefore an image can be created to fit the non Android devices. My question is that is there a proper flow or architecture.. as large larger than 4 inches Extra large applies to large devices for example large tablets Android defines four generalised screen..
Does Android support near real time push notification way of sending messages to applications running on devices. Previously and now deprecated the service was called Cloud..
Android ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent class. public boolean hasImageCaptureBug list of known devices that have the bug ArrayList String devices new ArrayList String.. list of known devices that have the bug ArrayList String devices new ArrayList String devices.add android devphone1 dream_devphone.. have the bug ArrayList String devices new ArrayList String devices.add android devphone1 dream_devphone dream devices.add generic..
Is there a unique Android device ID? there a unique Android device ID Do Android devices have a unique id and if so what is a simple way to access it..
Converting pixels to dp will solve the problem and provide same solution for both devices. Is there any easy way to convert pixels to dp Any suggestions..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker key as it works on many android versions and different devices and you don't even need to be rooted. I would like to do this..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds text and reuse views and this seems to work well on the devices I have and seems to run fast enough for me. DO WHAT YOU WANT.. setText text.subSequence 0 end mEllipsis Some devices try to auto adjust line spacing so force default line spacing..
Find an external SD card location manufacturer considered to be external storage . On some devices this is removable media like an SD card. On some devices this.. devices this is removable media like an SD card. On some devices this is a portion of on device flash. Here external storage..
How to get IP address of the device? special linux android file. I've run this code only in few devices and Emulator but let me know here if you find weird results...
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? of an Android device full post.. Note that only rooted HTC devices support this feature. Issues There are also some problems while.. some problems while turning On Off flashlight. eg. for the devices not having FLASH_MODE_TORCH or even if it has then flashlight..
Not seeing Nexus7 in Eclipse's Android Devices [duplicate] seeing Nexus7 in Eclipse's Android Devices duplicate Possible Duplicate ADB dosn't recognize my Galaxy.. Win7 I'm not seeing my Nexus7 listed in Eclipse's DDMS Devices. DDMS and adb devices from the console show my G1 android phone.. won't find any for Nexus Go to Device Manager under Other Devices you'll see Nexus with the yellow exclamation mark Right Click..
Nexus 7 not visible over usb via “adb devices” from Windows 7 x64 because if it is not it shows up in Windows under Portable Devices Nexus 7 . The problem is adb devices shows no devices and Eclipse..
MathML and Java Yacas for Java Jasymca Symbolic Calculator for Mobile Devices Java Algebra System The Apache Commons Mathematics Library Calculator..
How to take emulator screenshots using Eclipse? view devices under Window Show View Other... Android Devices . Click on the device or emulator you want to take a screen..
How to attach back the Android emulator to ADB? kill and restart server. One emulator process shows up in Devices tab in Eclipse. But that cannot be expanded and I don't see.. do this via the mouse using the Reset adb option in the Devices view in Eclipse. It's also worth noting the Console view has..
Possible to change where Android Virtual Devices are saved? to change where Android Virtual Devices are saved I've set up the Android SDK and Eclipse on my machine.. on my machine running Windows XP and AVDs Android Virtual Devices are saved to Documents and Settings user .android by default...
Moving default AVD configuration folder (.android) As far as i know this is default folder of Android Virtual Devices for configuration files. How can I move .android folder to a..
How to set Android camera orientation properly? and my problem Camera Rotation issue depend on different Devices and certain Version. Version 1.6 to fix the Rotation Issue and..
Login failed invalid key error with Facebook SDK summary page choose Edit Settings and then pick Mobile and Devices on the left hand side. Under the Android section you'll see..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android might be different on a real device please comment or edit Devices might show a cursor in the input field and a long press might..
Limit Decimal Places in Android EditText
Memory Analyzer Tool in android? this question Open DDMS perspective in Eclipse. Select Devices tab. Choose a process you want to make a dump for. Click Dump..
“An error's occurred” when authenticating with Facebook's android sdk error P.S I've also added the key hash under Mobile and Devices on the FB app settings page and this isn't the same problem..
How to make an FM Radio Application in Android enthusiasts found the way to enable radio on Nexus One Devices that I worked with have proprietary vendor specific API to work..
How to restrict android app to specific device make? when you publish the app itself. There is a 'Supported Devices' section on the developer console which shows you a list of.. developers. When you add a device to the Manually Excluded Devices list your app will not be available to that excluded device..
Android-SDK r17 ruins working projects ~ .eclipse reinstall Eclipse ADT Plugin recreate Virtual Devices create a new project the new project works unpack the .apk file..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen of screen sizes resolutions and DPIs and creates quite a challenge when designing and developing for Android devices. While some other Manufacturer non Android have different resolutions and DPI they share the same screen size and the resolutions.. screen size and the resolutions follow the same aspect ratio. Therefore an image can be created to fit the non Android devices. My question is that is there a proper flow or architecture that one should follow to meet the requirement Remember we do.. Z A small tablet like the Samsung Galaxy Tab is classified as large larger than 4 inches Extra large applies to large devices for example large tablets Android defines four generalised screen densities Qualifier Description Nominal value ldpi low..
Does Android support near real time push notification
Android ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent what i've generally used is something like this in a utilities class. public boolean hasImageCaptureBug list of known devices that have the bug ArrayList String devices new ArrayList String devices.add android devphone1 dream_devphone dream devices.add.. this in a utilities class. public boolean hasImageCaptureBug list of known devices that have the bug ArrayList String devices new ArrayList String devices.add android devphone1 dream_devphone dream devices.add generic sdk generic devices.add vodafone.. boolean hasImageCaptureBug list of known devices that have the bug ArrayList String devices new ArrayList String devices.add android devphone1 dream_devphone dream devices.add generic sdk generic devices.add vodafone vfpioneer sapphire devices.add..
Is there a unique Android device ID? there a unique Android device ID Do Android devices have a unique id and if so what is a simple way to access it via java android uniqueidentifier share improve this question..
Converting pixels to dp and width for a G1 device. I thought converting it into dp will solve the problem and provide same solution for both devices. Is there any easy way to convert pixels to dp Any suggestions android share improve this question Converts 14 dip into..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker works and this app can't be signed with the firmware signing key as it works on many android versions and different devices and you don't even need to be rooted. I would like to do this in my app. Of course I don't want to blow up the users privacy..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds fit I append an ellipsis. I had requirements to animate the text and reuse views and this seems to work well on the devices I have and seems to run fast enough for me. DO WHAT YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 December 2004 Copyright C 2004.. textPaint.measureText text.subSequence start end 1 .toString setText text.subSequence 0 end mEllipsis Some devices try to auto adjust line spacing so force default line spacing and invalidate the layout as a side effect textPaint.setTextSize..
Find an external SD card location refers to whatever the device manufacturer considered to be external storage . On some devices this is removable media like an SD card. On some devices this is a portion of on device flash. Here external storage means.. manufacturer considered to be external storage . On some devices this is removable media like an SD card. On some devices this is a portion of on device flash. Here external storage means the stuff accessible via USB Mass Storage mode when mounted..
How to get IP address of the device? block in getMACAddress how could read value from the special linux android file. I've run this code only in few devices and Emulator but let me know here if you find weird results. AndroidManifest.xml permissions uses permission android name..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? camera LED you can refer Can I change the LED intensity of an Android device full post.. Note that only rooted HTC devices support this feature. Issues There are also some problems while turning On Off flashlight. eg. for the devices not having.. HTC devices support this feature. Issues There are also some problems while turning On Off flashlight. eg. for the devices not having FLASH_MODE_TORCH or even if it has then flashlight doesnot turn ON etc. Typically Samsung creates alot of problems...
Not seeing Nexus7 in Eclipse's Android Devices [duplicate] seeing Nexus7 in Eclipse's Android Devices duplicate Possible Duplicate ADB dosn't recognize my Galaxy Nexus Win7 I'm not seeing my Nexus7 listed in Eclipse's DDMS.. Possible Duplicate ADB dosn't recognize my Galaxy Nexus Win7 I'm not seeing my Nexus7 listed in Eclipse's DDMS Devices. DDMS and adb devices from the console show my G1 android phone but not the Nexus7. Usb Debugging is enabled on both phones.. Nexus 7 and windows will find 2 drivers automatically but won't find any for Nexus Go to Device Manager under Other Devices you'll see Nexus with the yellow exclamation mark Right Click Upate Drivers Let me choose Let me pick form device drivers..
Nexus 7 not visible over usb via “adb devices” from Windows 7 x64 This also proves the device is in USB debugging mode because if it is not it shows up in Windows under Portable Devices Nexus 7 . The problem is adb devices shows no devices and Eclipse also not surprisingly also does not offer the Nexus 7..
MathML and Java arranging equations or as general Java math libraries Mathrider Yacas for Java Jasymca Symbolic Calculator for Mobile Devices Java Algebra System The Apache Commons Mathematics Library Calculator projects for Android scientific calculator for android..
How to take emulator screenshots using Eclipse? this question You can take a screenshot if you open the Android view devices under Window Show View Other... Android Devices . Click on the device or emulator you want to take a screen shot of then click the Screen Capture button it looks like a..
How to attach back the Android emulator to ADB? time to start up EDIT 1 Check out this image EDIT 2 After I kill and restart server. One emulator process shows up in Devices tab in Eclipse. But that cannot be expanded and I don't see sub processes. I can't hit debug already as it says Debug already.. List of devices attached emulator 5554 device You can also do this via the mouse using the Reset adb option in the Devices view in Eclipse. It's also worth noting the Console view has two modes DDMS and Android . You're usually in Console mode..
Possible to change where Android Virtual Devices are saved? to change where Android Virtual Devices are saved I've set up the Android SDK and Eclipse on my machine running Windows XP and AVDs Android Virtual Devices are.. Devices are saved I've set up the Android SDK and Eclipse on my machine running Windows XP and AVDs Android Virtual Devices are saved to Documents and Settings user .android by default. Is there any way to change this behavior I have all of the..
Moving default AVD configuration folder (.android) SDK there were created .android folder on the E drive. As far as i know this is default folder of Android Virtual Devices for configuration files. How can I move .android folder to a different location eg. from E .android to E Android .android..
How to set Android camera orientation properly? surfaceview share improve this question From other member and my problem Camera Rotation issue depend on different Devices and certain Version. Version 1.6 to fix the Rotation Issue and it is good for most of devices if getResources .getConfiguration..
Login failed invalid key error with Facebook SDK haven't set one up already . Once you're in the application summary page choose Edit Settings and then pick Mobile and Devices on the left hand side. Under the Android section you'll see a box for Key Hash. Paste the certificate string from the command..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android input only shows the date picker not the keyboard. This might be different on a real device please comment or edit Devices might show a cursor in the input field and a long press might trigger the clipboard options possibly showing the regular..
Limit Decimal Places in Android EditText
Memory Analyzer Tool in android? procedure for this. android memory leaks share improve this question Open DDMS perspective in Eclipse. Select Devices tab. Choose a process you want to make a dump for. Click Dump HPROF file button. The dump will be made and MAT window will..
“An error's occurred” when authenticating with Facebook's android sdk be giving an error or where how I can find what's causing the error P.S I've also added the key hash under Mobile and Devices on the FB app settings page and this isn't the same problem as found over at login failed invalid key error with facebook..
How to make an FM Radio Application in Android There is no official API for FM radio in Android however enthusiasts found the way to enable radio on Nexus One Devices that I worked with have proprietary vendor specific API to work with FM radio. Possibly there is no legal way to built your..
How to restrict android app to specific device make? market developer console https publish just when you publish the app itself. There is a 'Supported Devices' section on the developer console which shows you a list of all the devices which can access the android market. You can.. feature provides a device specific administration option to developers. When you add a device to the Manually Excluded Devices list your app will not be available to that excluded device in Market. This is primarily intended to help developers provide..
Android-SDK r17 ruins working projects download the target platform delete ~ .android delete ~ .eclipse reinstall Eclipse ADT Plugin recreate Virtual Devices create a new project the new project works unpack the .apk file and view the compiled classes with dexdump the apk file..