android Programming Glossary: detailfragment
Proper way to give initial data to fragments fragmentTransaction.replace new DetailFragment item fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack DETAIL_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit.. fragmentTransaction.commit Then in my fragment public DetailFragment EventItem item mItem item mPlaces Database.getContainerPlaces..
Android: Fragment cannot get activity I have an activity which does a fragment transaction DetailFragment newFragment new DetailFragment transaction.replace does a fragment transaction DetailFragment newFragment new DetailFragment transaction.replace newFragment transaction.addToBackStack.. code Bundle b new Bundle b.putString text my dynamic Text DetailFragment newFragment new DetailFragment transaction.replace
Highlight selected item in “ListFragment”? selectedStore String getListAdapter .getItem position DetailFragment fragment DetailFragment getFragmentManager .findFragmentById.. getListAdapter .getItem position DetailFragment fragment DetailFragment getFragmentManager .findFragmentById if..
Replace ListFragment with Fragment inside ViewPager with Tabs A onListItemSelected replace ListFragment A with DetailFragment A ListFragment B onListItemSelected replace ListFragment B with.. B onListItemSelected replace ListFragment B with DetailFragment B The goal is to display the detail fragments inside the tab..
(ActionBar) Tabs + Pager + detail Fragments inside ViewPager container @Override public void loadData String type int index DetailFragment viewer DetailFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentById.. void loadData String type int index DetailFragment viewer DetailFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentById viewer.getShownIndex index viewer.getTypeFragment type DetailFragment df DetailFragment.newInstance index type getSupportFragmentManager..
Proper way to give initial data to fragments fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.replace new DetailFragment item fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack DETAIL_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit Then in my fragment public DetailFragment.. item fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack DETAIL_TAG fragmentTransaction.commit Then in my fragment public DetailFragment EventItem item mItem item mPlaces Database.getContainerPlaces getActivity .getValidItems I can't give all the data to a..
Android: Fragment cannot get activity Fragment cannot get activity I have an activity which does a fragment transaction DetailFragment newFragment new DetailFragment transaction.replace newFragment transaction.addToBackStack null transaction.commit.. Fragment cannot get activity I have an activity which does a fragment transaction DetailFragment newFragment new DetailFragment transaction.replace newFragment transaction.addToBackStack null transaction.commit that works fine. Now I know.. as this seems to be the cleanest way. So I have changed my code Bundle b new Bundle b.putString text my dynamic Text DetailFragment newFragment new DetailFragment transaction.replace newFragment transaction.addToBackStack null transaction.commit..
Highlight selected item in “ListFragment”? onListItemClick ListView l View v int position long id String selectedStore String getListAdapter .getItem position DetailFragment fragment DetailFragment getFragmentManager .findFragmentById if fragment null fragment.isInLayout .. l View v int position long id String selectedStore String getListAdapter .getItem position DetailFragment fragment DetailFragment getFragmentManager .findFragmentById if fragment null fragment.isInLayout v.setBackgroundColor getResources..
Replace ListFragment with Fragment inside ViewPager with Tabs A ListFragment B Desired condition ViewPager Tabs ListFragment A onListItemSelected replace ListFragment A with DetailFragment A ListFragment B onListItemSelected replace ListFragment B with DetailFragment B The goal is to display the detail fragments.. replace ListFragment A with DetailFragment A ListFragment B onListItemSelected replace ListFragment B with DetailFragment B The goal is to display the detail fragments inside the tab navigation. I can't replace the fragmentList by a detailFragment..
(ActionBar) Tabs + Pager + detail Fragments inside ViewPager container the class name in the type argument using class.getName method @Override public void loadData String type int index DetailFragment viewer DetailFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentById if mDualPane if viewer null viewer.getShownIndex.. type argument using class.getName method @Override public void loadData String type int index DetailFragment viewer DetailFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentById if mDualPane if viewer null viewer.getShownIndex index.. if mDualPane if viewer null viewer.getShownIndex index viewer.getTypeFragment type DetailFragment df DetailFragment.newInstance index type getSupportFragmentManager .beginTransaction .replace df..