android Programming Glossary: detallesfacturafragment
Replace one Fragment with another in ViewPager contains a list of invoices with another Fragment DetallesFacturaFragment contains details of invoice . When I'm in DetallesFacturaFragment.. contains details of invoice . When I'm in DetallesFacturaFragment and press Back Button should return to ListFragment . Scrolling.. displayed in first one. It is if I'm in first page with DetallesFacturaFragment and scroll to second page when return to first one should continue..
Replace one Fragment with another in ViewPager What I want When list item is clicked I want to replace ListFragment contains a list of invoices with another Fragment DetallesFacturaFragment contains details of invoice . When I'm in DetallesFacturaFragment and press Back Button should return to ListFragment ... contains a list of invoices with another Fragment DetallesFacturaFragment contains details of invoice . When I'm in DetallesFacturaFragment and press Back Button should return to ListFragment . Scrolling between pages should not change Fragment displayed in first.. . Scrolling between pages should not change Fragment displayed in first one. It is if I'm in first page with DetallesFacturaFragment and scroll to second page when return to first one should continue displaying DetallesFacturaFragment . Code FragmentActivity..