android Programming Glossary: detecting
How to detect when the user launches another app? (Android) to detect that app 'XYZ' has been launched More than just detecting whether 'XYZ's Activity has come to the foreground I want to..
Android permissions: Phone Calls: read phone state and identity etc. I also commented out the part where I was detecting the landscape portrait orientation thinking that that might..
Android: automatically choose debug/release Maps api key? one before sending app to Market. I was thinking about detecting my particular device or whether debugger is connected but it..
New contacts created using ContactsContract do not appear in Contacts app Using the actual phone for my case HTC Dream after detecting the account name and type to feed in the codes it works. Alternatively..
How can I create a multilingual android application? languages Providing you follow the recommendations detecting which language the user prefers is automatic. Have a read of..
Detect touch press vs long press vs movement? around with Android programming but I have a small problem detecting different touch events namely a normal touch press press on..
Detecting MMS messages on Android for start . And I've decided to go through the way of detecting changes in the contents. I've downloaded Android codes and made.. So far I tried content mms sms and application starts detecting something endlessly after device receives MMS message. There..
Android - detecting application launch from home or history detecting application launch from home or history What is the best way..
Android detecting if an application entered the background detecting if an application entered the background I'm trying to implement..
Android onConfigurationChanged not being called you were changing the configuration with the accelerometer detecting what way the device was facing. If you want the configuration..
Android: Detect when ScrollView stops scrolling after the ScrollView has been scrolled. Currently I am detecting when the user has touched the ScrollView and when they've started..
Android: Detect Orientation Changed Currently I'm using the OrientationEventListener however detecting the orientation angle is not enough. I want to detect that the.. portrait to landscape or viceversa and that is not just detecting if the orientation angle is 90 or 270. I want to do the same..
How to start a Service when .apk is Installed for the first time android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED it works fine for detecting the Package for the other Applications but not for itself. xml..
Samsung Galaxy 7" (GT-P6210) not detecting for USB debugging? Galaxy 7 GT P6210 not detecting for USB debugging I am using ubuntu Linux 10.04 Pc in that.. in that my Samsung Galaxy 7 GT P6210 homeycomb 3.2 is not detecting for development its showing in eclipse as DeviceMonitor Failed.. attached offline no luck so far I found that its not detecting in updated ADT r16 and r15 except all other ADT version device..
Detect home button press in android me nuts for a while now. Is there any way of reliably detecting if the home button has been pressed in an android application..
Detecting the scrolling direction in the adapter (up/down) the scrolling direction in the adapter up down I am trying..
Android: Detecting leaks with Eclipse Memory Analyzer Detecting leaks with Eclipse Memory Analyzer I have this problem Android..
Fixed: “Android: Detecting focus/pressed color” &ldquo Android Detecting focus pressed color&rdquo I'm trying to detect the focus pressed..
Detecting which selected item (in a ListView) spawned the ContextMenu (Android) which selected item in a ListView spawned the ContextMenu Android..
Detecting pinch in Android pinch in Android I would like to handle pinch events in my..
Detecting SMS incoming and outgoing SMS incoming and outgoing I'd like to detect sms incoming and.. can indeed configure a broadcastlistener for detection. Detecting outgoing messages is also possible just altered this post since..
Detecting new MMS (Android 2.1) new MMS Android 2.1 I'd like to recognize arrival of new MMS..
Detecting touch screen devices with Javascript touch screen devices with Javascript In Javascript jQuery how..
Android: Detecting USB Detecting USB Is there any way to know programmatically in your Activity..
Detect if Flash is installed on Android and embed a Flash video in an Activity is yes with the second part contingent on the first. 1 Detecting if Flash is installed. Use the PackageManager to attempt to..
Detecting MMS messages on Android MMS messages on Android I was searching through the internet.. of it. How android mms share improve this question Detecting an incomming MMS message is easy just put in broadcast receiver..
Detecting outgoing call and call hangup event in android outgoing call and call hangup event in android I have a requirement..
How to find android TextView number of characters per line? newText return textWidth text.getMeasuredWidth Detecting how many characters fit will be impossible due to the variable..
Detecting whether a headset is plugged into an Android device or not. whether a headset is plugged into an Android device or not...
Android - how do I investigate an ANR? finished and your trace went through after the ANR. Detecting where ANRs happen is easy if it is a permanent block deadlock..
Programmatically Turn Off USB Storage on Android Devices and the answers are not really sufficient e.g. Android Detecting USB . java android usb mass storage share improve this question..
Detecting a long press with Android a long press with Android I am currently using onTouchEvent..
How to detect when the user launches another app? (Android) just clicked on application 'XYZ'. Is it possible for my app to detect that app 'XYZ' has been launched More than just detecting whether 'XYZ's Activity has come to the foreground I want to detect whther 'XYZ' has been launched or not. Say someone launches..
Android permissions: Phone Calls: read phone state and identity the part where I was logging some stuff from Build.MODEL Build.VERSION. etc. I also commented out the part where I was detecting the landscape portrait orientation thinking that that might be the phone state . But neither of those seemed to remove that..
Android: automatically choose debug/release Maps api key? certificate on emulator and my device then sign with release one before sending app to Market. I was thinking about detecting my particular device or whether debugger is connected but it is not perfect. Maybe some file marking need for debug certificate..
New contacts created using ContactsContract do not appear in Contacts app to. And by default this newly created contact is not visible. Using the actual phone for my case HTC Dream after detecting the account name and type to feed in the codes it works. Alternatively we can get the visible group ids available and attach..
How can I create a multilingual android application? each entry. Thats all you need. Do android support multiple languages Providing you follow the recommendations detecting which language the user prefers is automatic. Have a read of this http guide topics resources localization.html..
Detect touch press vs long press vs movement? press vs long press vs movement I'm currently fiddling around with Android programming but I have a small problem detecting different touch events namely a normal touch press press on the screen and release right away a long press touch the screen..
Detecting MMS messages on Android answer... I'm trying to detect MMS messages incoming at least for start . And I've decided to go through the way of detecting changes in the contents. I've downloaded Android codes and made sure that I'm using correct content provider content mms.. intent filter activity application So far I tried content mms sms and application starts detecting something endlessly after device receives MMS message. There is no indication about new MMS in the status bar as it should..
Android - detecting application launch from home or history detecting application launch from home or history What is the best way to detect when an Android Application has been launched from..
Android detecting if an application entered the background detecting if an application entered the background I'm trying to implement some automatic logout code for my Application on Android...
Android onConfigurationChanged not being called changes.html EDIT As derrik pointed out I assumed that you were changing the configuration with the accelerometer detecting what way the device was facing. If you want the configuration to change as the keyboard is shown hidden the configChanges..
Android: Detect when ScrollView stops scrolling same height. So what I am trying to do is snap into position after the ScrollView has been scrolled. Currently I am detecting when the user has touched the ScrollView and when they've started scrolling and working it out from there but it is quite..
Android: Detect Orientation Changed want my layout to be changed from portrait to landscape. Currently I'm using the OrientationEventListener however detecting the orientation angle is not enough. I want to detect that the user changed from portrait to landscape or viceversa and.. is not enough. I want to detect that the user changed from portrait to landscape or viceversa and that is not just detecting if the orientation angle is 90 or 270. I want to do the same detection that the Android does to change the activity's orientantion...
How to start a Service when .apk is Installed for the first time when the Application gets Installed. UPDATE I also tried using android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED it works fine for detecting the Package for the other Applications but not for itself. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http
Samsung Galaxy 7" (GT-P6210) not detecting for USB debugging? Galaxy 7 GT P6210 not detecting for USB debugging I am using ubuntu Linux 10.04 Pc in that my Samsung Galaxy 7 GT P6210 homeycomb 3.2 is not detecting.. for USB debugging I am using ubuntu Linux 10.04 Pc in that my Samsung Galaxy 7 GT P6210 homeycomb 3.2 is not detecting for development its showing in eclipse as DeviceMonitor Failed to start monitoring in console and in device tab its showing.. padmakumar@padmakumar desktop ~ adb devices List of devices attached offline no luck so far I found that its not detecting in updated ADT r16 and r15 except all other ADT version device is detecting very fine. and also when device is in switch..
Detect home button press in android home button press in android This has been driving me nuts for a while now. Is there any way of reliably detecting if the home button has been pressed in an android application Failing that is there a robust way of telling what caused..
Detecting the scrolling direction in the adapter (up/down) the scrolling direction in the adapter up down I am trying to mimic the Google Plus application in my project as it seems..
Android: Detecting leaks with Eclipse Memory Analyzer Detecting leaks with Eclipse Memory Analyzer I have this problem Android Screen orientation error VM won't let us allocate x bytes..
Fixed: “Android: Detecting focus/pressed color” &ldquo Android Detecting focus pressed color&rdquo I'm trying to detect the focus pressed color for button and other elements. This is needed because..
Detecting which selected item (in a ListView) spawned the ContextMenu (Android) which selected item in a ListView spawned the ContextMenu Android I have a ListView that will allow the user to long press..
Detecting pinch in Android pinch in Android I would like to handle pinch events in my Android application to zoom in and out. I believe Android 2.0..
Detecting SMS incoming and outgoing SMS incoming and outgoing I'd like to detect sms incoming and outgoing automatically from my application at background.. story sms messaging android . For the incoming messages you can indeed configure a broadcastlistener for detection. Detecting outgoing messages is also possible just altered this post since I dind't know this . from http www.mail android..
Detecting new MMS (Android 2.1) new MMS Android 2.1 I'd like to recognize arrival of new MMS msg after it is downloaded to inbox . I am doing the following..
Detecting touch screen devices with Javascript touch screen devices with Javascript In Javascript jQuery how can I detect if the client device has a mouse I've got a..
Android: Detecting USB Detecting USB Is there any way to know programmatically in your Activity Application that the user has connected your phone to PC..
Detect if Flash is installed on Android and embed a Flash video in an Activity this question The answer to both parts of your questions is yes with the second part contingent on the first. 1 Detecting if Flash is installed. Use the PackageManager to attempt to obtain the Application Info for the Flash Player package. It..
Detecting MMS messages on Android MMS messages on Android I was searching through the internet for this topic and couldn't find any satisfying answer..... with help of WAP Push Massages. I really can't make sense out of it. How android mms share improve this question Detecting an incomming MMS message is easy just put in broadcast receiver monitoring WAP_PUSH_RECIEVED events as in... receiver android..
Detecting outgoing call and call hangup event in android outgoing call and call hangup event in android I have a requirement wherein I want to detect two kind of events related..
How to find android TextView number of characters per line? TextView text String newText float textWidth text.getPaint .measureText newText return textWidth text.getMeasuredWidth Detecting how many characters fit will be impossible due to the variable width of the characters. The above function will test if..
Detecting whether a headset is plugged into an Android device or not. whether a headset is plugged into an Android device or not. How can I determine whether a headset is plugged into an Android..
Android - how do I investigate an ANR? permanently so the event thread recovered after the operation finished and your trace went through after the ANR. Detecting where ANRs happen is easy if it is a permanent block deadlock acquiring some locks for instance but harder if it's just..
Programmatically Turn Off USB Storage on Android Devices android app can access the sdcard I've seen other SO questions and the answers are not really sufficient e.g. Android Detecting USB . java android usb mass storage share improve this question You can detect it you have the link but AFAIK you can't..
Detecting a long press with Android a long press with Android I am currently using onTouchEvent MotionEvent event to detect when the user presses my glSurfaceView..