android Programming Glossary: dexopt
Android “No content provider found for permission revoke” Running dexopt on com.example.helloworld D dalvikvm 870 DexOpt load 124ms verify opt 459ms 720236 bytes I ActivityManager 160..
How to use Google Maps API v2 with API level 10? problem still remains 01 12 09 57 36.306 D dalvikvm 9072 DexOpt couldn't find field Landroid content res Configuration .smallestScreenWidthDp..
Google Maps api v2 class not found opcode 0x1f at 0x000f 05 16 08 53 34.367 D dalvikvm 3422 DexOpt unable to opt direct call 0x029b at 0x0c in Lcom apptree de_luxe.. InfoActivity . clinit 05 16 08 53 34.367 D dalvikvm 3422 DexOpt unable to opt direct call 0x029c at 0x04 in Lcom apptree de_luxe..
Basic encryption on Android you would try to include it you would get D dalvikvm 9268 DexOpt not verifying 'Lorg bouncycastle x509 extension SubjectKeyIdentifierStructure..
HttpPost works in Java project, not in Android duplicate classes I get messages like INFO dalvikvm 390 DexOpt not resolving ambiguous class 'Lorg apache http impl client..
Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service app vmdl33143.tmp' 12 23 09 42 51.708 DEBUG dalvikvm 328 DexOpt 'Lorg xmlpull v1 XmlPullParser ' has an earlier definition blocking.. blocking out 12 23 09 42 51.730 DEBUG dalvikvm 328 DexOpt 'Lorg kxml2 io KXmlParser ' has an earlier definition blocking.. blocking out 12 23 09 42 51.749 DEBUG dalvikvm 328 DexOpt 'Lorg xmlpull v1 XmlSerializer ' has an earlier definition blocking..
Android “No content provider found for permission revoke” revoke file data local tmp HelloWorld.apk I PackageManager 160 Running dexopt on com.example.helloworld D dalvikvm 870 DexOpt load 124ms verify opt 459ms 720236 bytes I ActivityManager 160 Force stopping package com.example.helloworld uid 10044 I..
How to use Google Maps API v2 with API level 10? google_play_services libproject google play services_lib The problem still remains 01 12 09 57 36.306 D dalvikvm 9072 DexOpt couldn't find field Landroid content res Configuration .smallestScreenWidthDp 01 12 09 57 36.306 W dalvikvm 9072 VFY unable..
Google Maps api v2 class not found InfoActivity 05 16 08 53 34.357 D dalvikvm 3422 VFY replacing opcode 0x1f at 0x000f 05 16 08 53 34.367 D dalvikvm 3422 DexOpt unable to opt direct call 0x029b at 0x0c in Lcom apptree de_luxe InfoActivity . clinit 05 16 08 53 34.367 D dalvikvm 3422.. to opt direct call 0x029b at 0x0c in Lcom apptree de_luxe InfoActivity . clinit 05 16 08 53 34.367 D dalvikvm 3422 DexOpt unable to opt direct call 0x029c at 0x04 in Lcom apptree de_luxe InfoActivity .setUpMap 05 16 08 53 34.387 W dalvikvm 3422..
Basic encryption on Android Well BouncyCastle is included in Android as you can see if you would try to include it you would get D dalvikvm 9268 DexOpt not verifying 'Lorg bouncycastle x509 extension SubjectKeyIdentifierStructure ' multiple definitions and so on. However..
HttpPost works in Java project, not in Android to the build path of the Android project but due to the duplicate classes I get messages like INFO dalvikvm 390 DexOpt not resolving ambiguous class 'Lorg apache http impl client DefaultHttpClient ' in the log. I've also tried using a MultipartEntity..
Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service 12 23 09 42 48.429 DEBUG installd 32 DexInv BEGIN ' data app vmdl33143.tmp' 12 23 09 42 51.708 DEBUG dalvikvm 328 DexOpt 'Lorg xmlpull v1 XmlPullParser ' has an earlier definition blocking out 12 23 09 42 51.730 DEBUG dalvikvm 328 DexOpt 'Lorg.. DexOpt 'Lorg xmlpull v1 XmlPullParser ' has an earlier definition blocking out 12 23 09 42 51.730 DEBUG dalvikvm 328 DexOpt 'Lorg kxml2 io KXmlParser ' has an earlier definition blocking out 12 23 09 42 51.749 DEBUG dalvikvm 328 DexOpt 'Lorg xmlpull.. 328 DexOpt 'Lorg kxml2 io KXmlParser ' has an earlier definition blocking out 12 23 09 42 51.749 DEBUG dalvikvm 328 DexOpt 'Lorg xmlpull v1 XmlSerializer ' has an earlier definition blocking out 12 23 09 42 51.759 DEBUG dalvikvm 328 DexOpt 'Lorg..
Android “No content provider found for permission revoke” 160 No content provider found for permission revoke file data local tmp HelloWorld.apk I PackageManager 160 Running dexopt on com.example.helloworld D dalvikvm 870 DexOpt load 124ms verify opt 459ms 720236 bytes I ActivityManager 160 Force stopping..
Eclipse Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_UID_CHANGED In my case when i check the log cat i noticed below lines 09 30 19 03 19.882 I PackageManager 314 Running dexopt on com.example.searchapp 09 30 19 03 19.921 E dalvikvm 6129 Invalid name 'search_ Ścountry_name' 09 30 19 03 19.921 E dalvikvm.. 144 DexInv END ' data app com.example.searchapp 1.apk' status 0xff00 process failed 09 30 19 03 19.961 E installd 144 dexopt failed on ' data dalvik cache data@app@com.example.searchapp 1.apk@classes.dex' res 65280 09 30 19 03 19.961 W PackageManager..
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? libutils uix dexdump libicudata default libvorbisidec updater dexlist libicudata eu libwbxml UpgradeExample dexopt libicudata jp libwbxml_jni usbtest dexopt wrapper libicudata large libwebcore UserDictionaryProvider dexpreopt libicudata.. libvorbisidec updater dexlist libicudata eu libwbxml UpgradeExample dexopt libicudata jp libwbxml_jni usbtest dexopt wrapper libicudata large libwebcore UserDictionaryProvider dexpreopt libicudata us libwnndict VisualizationWallpapers..
INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT error when trying to install application 91 DexInv END ' data app com.theisenp.blade 1.apk' status 0xff00 process failed 08 02 09 47 50.150 ERROR installd 91 dexopt failed on ' data dalvik cache data@app@com.theisenp.blade 1.apk@classes.dex' res 65280 08 02 09 47 50.160 WARN PackageManager..