android Programming Glossary: developer's
MOTODEV Studio vs. Android Google plugin [closed] and play with it but I'm also interested in fellow developer's feedback. android ide comparison share improve this question..
Auto-fit TextView for Android maxLines UPDATE I am posting code here at per android developer's request Final effect Sample Layout file LinearLayout xmlns android..
Android ListView Selection Problem android share improve this question Yeah From an iOS developer's perspective I find that it is extremely hard to apply features..
How can I get an Android TableLayout to fill the screen?
Android Emulator won't run application started from eclipse followed the Hello World example from Google's Android developer's guide. When I try to run the application in the SDK emulator..
How to deal with INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_INCONSISTENT_CERTIFICATES without uninstallation on from a different development machine e.g. some other developer's machine . Or the old one is signed with your production key..
How do you have the code pause for a couple of seconds in android? for some reason this error might not actually be the app developer's fault but usually it means the app is doing something wrong...
Solution to INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE error on Android error is the bane of every Android developer's life. It happens regardless of app size or how much storage..
Dialog throwing "Unable to add window ??token null is not for an application??with getApplication() as context like a screen rotation. From a related post on the Android developer's blog There are two easy ways to avoid context related memory..
Does IntelliJ IDEA publish an Android app with one click? IDEA publish an Android app with one click On Android developer's page http guide publishing app signing.html..
Replacement for SimpleCursorAdapter? I'm looking at the Notepad Tutorial on the Android developer's site and noticed that SimpleCursorAdaptor is deprecated. The..
Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing) little problem with it. I'm using the example from android developer's site and everytime I start the activity which will connect to..
Android compatibility contextual action bar items as far as the XML is concerned. This example in the developer's guide explains it all . In order to use ActionBarSherlock replace..
VoIP library for Android or third party open source sip stacks. Refer Android Developer's Guide There are different open source sip stack libraries as..
Can't Find Theme.AppCompat.Light for New Android ActionBar Support without any issues using the same method listed on Google Developer's Support Library Setup page using the guide on how to include..
Using navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition in WebView on Android 2.0+ (PhoneGap related) is based on the Hello WebView example from the Android Developer's Guide but it adds some of the calls and objects that were added..
Android: How to create a Dialog without a title? an AlertDialog . There's a good explanation on the Android Developer's site about custom dialogs . In very short summary you do this..
Android Service service share improve this question From the Android Developer's SDK reference for Service A Service is an application component..
Best option for using the GData APIs on Android? on Android. To start please take a look at the Android Developer's Guide . Also please look at the Android sample for Picasa Web..
HttpURLConnection responsecode is randomly -1 is buggy. See this blog post from the official Android Developer's blog for a pre Gingerbread workaround for one problem. My advice..
How to solve Android screen size for different mobile devices? this question I think you should better check it in the Developer's website where you have all the information. Here it is Supporting..
MOTODEV Studio vs. Android Google plugin [closed] would make me change to MOTODEV Needless to say I will download and play with it but I'm also interested in fellow developer's feedback. android ide comparison share improve this question Well in my experience if you have problems with MotoDev..
Auto-fit TextView for Android Log.d DEBUG width width height height text text maxLines maxLines UPDATE I am posting code here at per android developer's request Final effect Sample Layout file LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android android layout_width..
Android ListView Selection Problem left the screen. Sorry again for the long post. Thanks android share improve this question Yeah From an iOS developer's perspective I find that it is extremely hard to apply features like set default selection when starting and remember selection..
How can I get an Android TableLayout to fill the screen?
Android Emulator won't run application started from eclipse Emulator won't run application started from eclipse I have followed the Hello World example from Google's Android developer's guide. When I try to run the application in the SDK emulator nothing happens. The emulator startd up nicely but after that..
How to deal with INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_INCONSISTENT_CERTIFICATES without uninstallation example if this is a device you might have put the old copy on from a different development machine e.g. some other developer's machine . Or the old one is signed with your production key and the new one is signed with your debug key. share improve..
How do you have the code pause for a couple of seconds in android? to stall for too long. If the device is really bogged down for some reason this error might not actually be the app developer's fault but usually it means the app is doing something wrong. You can use this model to your advantage by posting your own..
Solution to INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE error on Android error on Android The INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE error is the bane of every Android developer's life. It happens regardless of app size or how much storage is available. Rebooting the target device fixes the problem..
Dialog throwing "Unable to add window ??token null is not for an application??with getApplication() as context is destroyed and recreated even during something simple like a screen rotation. From a related post on the Android developer's blog There are two easy ways to avoid context related memory leaks. The most obvious one is to avoid escaping the context..
Does IntelliJ IDEA publish an Android app with one click? IntelliJ IDEA publish an Android app with one click On Android developer's page http guide publishing app signing.html there is a tutorial on publishing which says that an app..
Replacement for SimpleCursorAdapter? for SimpleCursorAdapter I'm looking at the Notepad Tutorial on the Android developer's site and noticed that SimpleCursorAdaptor is deprecated. The new constructor public SimpleCursorAdapter Context context..
Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing) to implement in app billing in my application but I have a little problem with it. I'm using the example from android developer's site and everytime I start the activity which will connect to the billing service it's showing me a dialog that I cannot..
Android compatibility contextual action bar actionbar is the same to setting up the 'regular' ActionBar items as far as the XML is concerned. This example in the developer's guide explains it all . In order to use ActionBarSherlock replace the default Android callbacks to the ActionBarSherlock..
VoIP library for Android is added in Android. you can use either inbuilt SipStack library or third party open source sip stacks. Refer Android Developer's Guide There are different open source sip stack libraries as well as projects are available on internet. You can download..
Can't Find Theme.AppCompat.Light for New Android ActionBar Support in the past have successfully implemented ActionBarSherlock without any issues using the same method listed on Google Developer's Support Library Setup page using the guide on how to include the resources which is similar to how ActionBarSherlock did..
Using navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition in WebView on Android 2.0+ (PhoneGap related) WebView to display the GeoPermission dialog. The following is based on the Hello WebView example from the Android Developer's Guide but it adds some of the calls and objects that were added in 2.0 related to GeoPermissions. Updated with an appropriate..
Android: How to create a Dialog without a title? dialog share improve this question You need to use an AlertDialog . There's a good explanation on the Android Developer's site about custom dialogs . In very short summary you do this with code like copied below from the official website. That..
Android Service state such as running in the foreground background android service share improve this question From the Android Developer's SDK reference for Service A Service is an application component representing either an application's desire to perform a..
Best option for using the GData APIs on Android? C both of which can be a dramatic improvement in efficiency on Android. To start please take a look at the Android Developer's Guide . Also please look at the Android sample for Picasa Web Albums Data API which demonstrates the ability create update..
HttpURLConnection responsecode is randomly -1 httpurlconnection share improve this question UrlConnection is buggy. See this blog post from the official Android Developer's blog for a pre Gingerbread workaround for one problem. My advice don't use it. It was still being flaky for me on 3.2. I..
How to solve Android screen size for different mobile devices? in Android android widget screen device share improve this question I think you should better check it in the Developer's website where you have all the information. Here it is Supporting Multiple Screens In Android share improve this answer..