android Programming Glossary: destrect
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask context mSurfaceHolder surfaceHolder private Rect destRect int bmw int bmh int tempx int tempy if displayMode MjpegView.SIZE_STANDARD.. Bitmap bm int width int height Rect destRect Canvas c null Paint p new Paint String fps while mRun if surfaceDone.. mSurfaceHolder try bm mIn.readMjpegFrame destRect destRect bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK..
Android Tile Bitmap view to display a bitmap canvas.drawBitmap bitmap srcRect destRect null I essentially want to use this bitmap as a background image..
Android and MJPEG Context context mSurfaceHolder surfaceHolder private Rect destRect int bmw int bmh int tempx int tempy if displayMode MjpegView.SIZE_STANDARD.. Bitmap bm int width int height Rect destRect Canvas c null Paint p new Paint String fps while mRun if.. mSurfaceHolder try bm mIn.readMjpegFrame destRect destRect bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK..
Android Bitmap/Canvas offset after scale a Bitmap like this canvas.drawBitmap bmLargeImage srcRect destRect paint and I scale the bitmap canvas.scale 1.5f 1.5f 450 250..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask ovl public MjpegViewThread SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder Context context mSurfaceHolder surfaceHolder private Rect destRect int bmw int bmh int tempx int tempy if displayMode MjpegView.SIZE_STANDARD tempx dispWidth 2 bmw 2 tempy dispHeight 2.. PorterDuffXfermode mode new PorterDuffXfermode PorterDuff.Mode.DST_OVER Bitmap bm int width int height Rect destRect Canvas c null Paint p new Paint String fps while mRun if surfaceDone try c mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas synchronized mSurfaceHolder.. mRun if surfaceDone try c mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas synchronized mSurfaceHolder try bm mIn.readMjpegFrame destRect destRect bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawBitmap bm null destRect p if showFps p.setXfermode..
Android Tile Bitmap I want to tile. I'm currently using the following in my view to display a bitmap canvas.drawBitmap bitmap srcRect destRect null I essentially want to use this bitmap as a background image in my app and would like to repeat the bitmap in both the..
Android and MJPEG ovl public MjpegViewThread SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder Context context mSurfaceHolder surfaceHolder private Rect destRect int bmw int bmh int tempx int tempy if displayMode MjpegView.SIZE_STANDARD tempx dispWidth 2 bmw 2 tempy dispHeight 2.. PorterDuffXfermode mode new PorterDuffXfermode PorterDuff.Mode.DST_OVER Bitmap bm int width int height Rect destRect Canvas c null Paint p new Paint String fps while mRun if surfaceDone try c mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas synchronized.. mRun if surfaceDone try c mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas synchronized mSurfaceHolder try bm mIn.readMjpegFrame destRect destRect bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawBitmap bm null destRect p if showFps p.setXfermode..
Android Bitmap/Canvas offset after scale offset after scale If I have a canvas on which I draw a Bitmap like this canvas.drawBitmap bmLargeImage srcRect destRect paint and I scale the bitmap canvas.scale 1.5f 1.5f 450 250 I want to get the position of the Bitmap after the scale. If..