

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:32

android Programming Glossary: cookiemanager.setcookie

ANDROID : Share session between Webview and httpclient


sessionInfo.getValue domain sessionInfo.getDomain cookieManager.setCookie example.com cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance .sync..

Android WebView Cookie Problem


sessionCookie.getValue domain sessionCookie.getDomain cookieManager.setCookie myUrl cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance .sync WebView.. sessionCookie.getValue domain sessionCookie.getDomain cookieManager.setCookie myapp.domain cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance .sync..

How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code?


url CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.setCookie url loginCookie @Override public void onReceivedError WebView..

How to detect 412 precondition failed errors in android webview url


CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.setCookie url loginCookie final Animation fade new AlphaAnimation 0.0f..

Maintain cookie session in Android


sessionCookie.getValue domain sessionCookie.getDomain cookieManager.setCookie actionURL cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance .sync ..

Cookies & Webview - CookieSyncManager in Android!


sessionCookie.getDomain Log.v TAG COOKIE SYNC cookieString cookieManager.setCookie domain cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance .sync webView.setWebViewClient..

Android unable to implement facebook comment in a webview due to default browser


cookieManager.getCookie facebook.com if cookieString null cookieManager.setCookie remoteUrldomain.com cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance..

ANDROID : Share session between Webview and httpclient


sessionInfo cookie String cookieString sessionInfo.getName sessionInfo.getValue domain sessionInfo.getDomain cookieManager.setCookie example.com cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance .sync You will need to switch example.com with the correct domain...

Android WebView Cookie Problem


if sessionCookie null String cookieString sessionCookie.getName sessionCookie.getValue domain sessionCookie.getDomain cookieManager.setCookie myUrl cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance .sync WebView webView WebView findViewById R.id.webview webView.getSettings..

How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code?


@Override public void onPageFinished WebView view String url CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.setCookie url loginCookie @Override public void onReceivedError WebView view int errorCode String description String failingUrl Toast.makeText..

How to detect 412 precondition failed errors in android webview url


WebView view String url view.setVisibility View.VISIBLE CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.setCookie url loginCookie final Animation fade new AlphaAnimation 0.0f 1.0f fade.setDuration 200 view.startAnimation fade view.setVisibility..

Maintain cookie session in Android


String cookieString sessionCookie.getName sessionCookie.getValue domain sessionCookie.getDomain cookieManager.setCookie actionURL cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance .sync webview.loadDataWithBaseURL actionURL htmlString text html utf..

Cookies & Webview - CookieSyncManager in Android!


sessionCookie.getName sessionCookie.getValue domain sessionCookie.getDomain Log.v TAG COOKIE SYNC cookieString cookieManager.setCookie domain cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance .sync webView.setWebViewClient new MyWebViewClient webView.loadUrl http..

Android unable to implement facebook comment in a webview due to default browser


www.facebook.com connect window_comm.php String cookieString cookieManager.getCookie facebook.com if cookieString null cookieManager.setCookie remoteUrldomain.com cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance .sync webView.clearHistory webView.loadUrl remoteUrl return..