

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:33

android Programming Glossary: cordovawebviewclient

Phonegap application stops unexpectedly on Indigo running Android ADT 20


E dalvikvm 217 Could not find class 'android.webkit.WebResourceResponse' referenced from method org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewClient.generateWebResourceResponse 07 27 16 48 05.958 W dalvikvm 217 VFY unable to resolve new instance 451 Landroid webkit WebResourceResponse.. W dalvikvm 217 VFY unable to resolve new instance 451 Landroid webkit WebResourceResponse in Lorg apache cordova CordovaWebViewClient 07 27 16 48 05.958 D dalvikvm 217 VFY replacing opcode 0x22 at 0x0046 07 27 16 48 05.958 D dalvikvm 217 Making a copy of.. 217 VFY replacing opcode 0x22 at 0x0046 07 27 16 48 05.958 D dalvikvm 217 Making a copy of Lorg apache cordova CordovaWebViewClient .generateWebResourceResponse code 245 bytes 07 27 16 48 05.958 W dalvikvm 217 VFY unable to find class referenced in signature..

Android WebView renders blank/white, view doesn't update on css changes or HTML changes, animations are choppy


class add this public void init CordovaWebView webView new MyWebView MainActivity.this super.init webView new CordovaWebViewClient this webView new CordovaChromeClient this webView That's it Try and run your app and see if everything is much smoother...

IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd?


E dalvikvm 664 Could not find class 'android.webkit.WebResourceResponse' referenced from method org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebViewClient.getWhitelistResponse 07 08 19 51 22.852 W dalvikvm 664 VFY unable to resolve new instance 176 Landroid webkit WebResourceResponse.. W dalvikvm 664 VFY unable to resolve new instance 176 Landroid webkit WebResourceResponse in Lorg apache cordova CordovaWebViewClient 07 08 19 51 22.852 D dalvikvm 664 VFY replacing opcode 0x22 at 0x000b 07 08 19 51 22.852 D dalvikvm 664 VFY dead code 0x000d.. VFY replacing opcode 0x22 at 0x000b 07 08 19 51 22.852 D dalvikvm 664 VFY dead code 0x000d 0014 in Lorg apache cordova CordovaWebViewClient .getWhitelistResponse Landroid webkit WebResourceResponse 07 08 19 51 22.872 W dalvikvm 664 VFY unable to find class referenced..