android Programming Glossary: cookiemanager
ANDROID : Share session between Webview and httpclient the solution. Here is what i did on my onPageStarted CookieManager mgr CookieManager.getInstance Log.i URL url Log.i Cookie mgr.getCookie.. Here is what i did on my onPageStarted CookieManager mgr CookieManager.getInstance Log.i URL url Log.i Cookie mgr.getCookie your client. You can sync the client's cookie store using CookieManager in onPageStarted method DefaultHttpClient mClient AppSettings.getClient..
Pass cookies from HttpURLConnection ( to WebView (android.webkit.CookieManager) cookies from HttpURLConnection to WebView android.webkit.CookieManager I've seen answers about.. to WebView android.webkit.CookieManager I've seen answers about how this should work with the old DefaultHttpClient.. my Android application I use CookieHandler.setDefault new CookieManager to automatically deal with the session cookies and this is working..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) cookieSyncMngr CookieSyncManager.createInstance context CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.removeAllCookie.. context CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.removeAllCookie public String getUsername..
Android WebView Cookie Problem http CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance Cookie sessionCookie.. this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance Cookie sessionCookie getCookie if sessionCookie.. myapp.cookie CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance if sessionCookie null..
How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code? public void onPageFinished WebView view String url CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.setCookie.. WebView view String url CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.setCookie url loginCookie @Override.. public void onLoadResource WebView view String url CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance loginCookie cookieManager.getCookie..
How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview? .getLoadsImagesAutomatically android.webkit.CookieManager webCookieManager CookieManager.getInstance webCookieManager.setAcceptCookie.. android.webkit.CookieManager webCookieManager CookieManager.getInstance webCookieManager.setAcceptCookie.. android.webkit.CookieManager webCookieManager CookieManager.getInstance webCookieManager.setAcceptCookie true mWebview.setWebChromeClient..
Android WebView for Facebook Like Button true Tried also persisting cookies with CookieSyncManager CookieManager and manually handling. All of this was with no result. I really..
Make Android WebView not store cookies or passwords from being stored CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.removeAllCookie.. this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.removeAllCookie share improve this..
Android HTTP login questions Yes. There are two alternatives. Option #1 You can use CookieManager to set your cookie. Option #2 The other alternative I'm using..
Using Cookies across Activities when using HttpClient this Correctly the recommended approach seem to be to use CookieManager . I've had problems with this however I cannot seem to find.. seem to find the Correct way to take a Cookie from the CookieManager and use it in a later instantiation of HttpClient in a seperate.. of HttpClient in a seperate Activities. When using a CookieManager I can save the Cookie and the Cookie is then in scope in other..
ANDROID : Share session between Webview and httpclient getApplicationContext CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance for Cookie cookie cookies sessionInfo.. sessionInfo.getValue domain sessionInfo.getDomain cookieManager.setCookie cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance..
Maximum length of Intent putExtra method? (Force close) CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.removeAllCookie mWebView.setBackgroundColor.. this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.removeAllCookie mWebView.setBackgroundColor 0 mWebView.setWebChromeClient..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) CookieSyncManager.createInstance context CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.removeAllCookie public.. CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.removeAllCookie public String getUsername return mSession.getUsername..
Android WebView Cookie Problem CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance Cookie sessionCookie getCookie if.. sessionCookie.getValue domain sessionCookie.getDomain cookieManager.setCookie myUrl cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance .sync.. CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance if sessionCookie null cookieManager.removeSessionCookie..
How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code? void onPageFinished WebView view String url CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.setCookie url loginCookie.. url CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.setCookie url loginCookie @Override public void onReceivedError.. void onLoadResource WebView view String url CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance loginCookie cookieManager.getCookie..
How to detect 412 precondition failed errors in android webview url String url view.setVisibility View.VISIBLE CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.setCookie url loginCookie.. CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.setCookie url loginCookie final Animation fade new AlphaAnimation..
Maintain cookie session in Android CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance if sessionCookie null cookieManager.removeSessionCookie.. CookieManager.getInstance if sessionCookie null cookieManager.removeSessionCookie String cookieString sessionCookie.getName.. sessionCookie.getValue domain sessionCookie.getDomain cookieManager.setCookie actionURL cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance..
Make Android WebView not store cookies or passwords stored CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.removeAllCookie share..
Cookies & Webview - CookieSyncManager in Android! webview.this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance if sessionCookie null cookieManager.removeSessionCookie.. CookieManager.getInstance if sessionCookie null cookieManager.removeSessionCookie String cookieString sessionCookie.getName.. sessionCookie.getDomain Log.v TAG COOKIE SYNC cookieString cookieManager.setCookie domain cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance..
URLConnection with Cookies? According to the documentation I can use CookieManager cookieManager new CookieManager CookieHandler.setDefault cookieManager I couldn't.. cookieManager new CookieManager CookieHandler.setDefault cookieManager I couldn't get this code to work then I saw this only works.. any way to make this work for earlier versions I tried cookieManager.setAcceptCookie true URLConnection con u.openConnection con.setRequestProperty..
ANDROID : Share session between Webview and httpclient I see many posts about this problem but i didn't understand the solution. Here is what i did on my onPageStarted CookieManager mgr CookieManager.getInstance Log.i URL url Log.i Cookie mgr.getCookie String cookie_string mgr.getCookie.. about this problem but i didn't understand the solution. Here is what i did on my onPageStarted CookieManager mgr CookieManager.getInstance Log.i URL url Log.i Cookie mgr.getCookie String cookie_string mgr.getCookie if cookie_string.length.. a webview and need it to access and use the same cookies as your client. You can sync the client's cookie store using CookieManager in onPageStarted method DefaultHttpClient mClient AppSettings.getClient Cookie sessionInfo List Cookie cookies mClient.getCookieStore..
Pass cookies from HttpURLConnection ( to WebView (android.webkit.CookieManager) cookies from HttpURLConnection to WebView android.webkit.CookieManager I've seen answers about how this should work with the old DefaultHttpClient but.. cookies from HttpURLConnection to WebView android.webkit.CookieManager I've seen answers about how this should work with the old DefaultHttpClient but there's not a good example for HttpURLConnection.. to make requests to a web application. At the start of the my Android application I use CookieHandler.setDefault new CookieManager to automatically deal with the session cookies and this is working fine. At some point after the login I want to show live..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) resetAccessToken @SuppressWarnings unused CookieSyncManager cookieSyncMngr CookieSyncManager.createInstance context CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.removeAllCookie public String getUsername return mSession.getUsername.. unused CookieSyncManager cookieSyncMngr CookieSyncManager.createInstance context CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.removeAllCookie public String getUsername return mSession.getUsername public void updateStatus..
Android WebView Cookie Problem to do this. Any help will be greatly appreciated. String myUrl http CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance Cookie sessionCookie getCookie if sessionCookie null String cookieString sessionCookie.getName.. greatly appreciated. String myUrl http CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance Cookie sessionCookie getCookie if sessionCookie null String cookieString sessionCookie.getName sessionCookie.getValue.. i cookie cookies.get i Web Browser activity Cookie sessionCookie myapp.cookie CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance if sessionCookie null cookieManager.removeSessionCookie String cookieString sessionCookie.getName..
How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code? onPageStarted WebView view String url Bitmap favicon @Override public void onPageFinished WebView view String url CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.setCookie url loginCookie @Override public void onReceivedError WebView.. String url Bitmap favicon @Override public void onPageFinished WebView view String url CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.setCookie url loginCookie @Override public void onReceivedError WebView view int errorCode String.. šÂ¨Â¬Â´â á šÃ„∫ šÃŸâ ª šÃ¡â€šÃ„∫ šÃ¢G šÃ¢â ¢ šÃ–[ Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show @Override public void onLoadResource WebView view String url CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance loginCookie cookieManager.getCookie url @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading..
How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview? true mWebview.setScrollbarFadingEnabled false mWebview.getSettings .getLoadsImagesAutomatically android.webkit.CookieManager webCookieManager CookieManager.getInstance webCookieManager.setAcceptCookie true mWebview.setWebChromeClient new WebChromeClient.. false mWebview.getSettings .getLoadsImagesAutomatically android.webkit.CookieManager webCookieManager CookieManager.getInstance webCookieManager.setAcceptCookie true mWebview.setWebChromeClient new WebChromeClient @Override.. false mWebview.getSettings .getLoadsImagesAutomatically android.webkit.CookieManager webCookieManager CookieManager.getInstance webCookieManager.setAcceptCookie true mWebview.setWebChromeClient new WebChromeClient @Override public void..
Android WebView for Facebook Like Button .setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically true Tried also persisting cookies with CookieSyncManager CookieManager and manually handling. All of this was with no result. I really appreciate any help android facebook webview facebook like..
Make Android WebView not store cookies or passwords
Android HTTP login questions question Does android have anything like sessions or cookies Yes. There are two alternatives. Option #1 You can use CookieManager to set your cookie. Option #2 The other alternative I'm using this alternative in one of my applications is to grab your..
Using Cookies across Activities when using HttpClient session in a HttpClient once recalled. I would like to do this Correctly the recommended approach seem to be to use CookieManager . I've had problems with this however I cannot seem to find the Correct way to take a Cookie from the CookieManager and.. CookieManager . I've had problems with this however I cannot seem to find the Correct way to take a Cookie from the CookieManager and use it in a later instantiation of HttpClient in a seperate Activities. When using a CookieManager I can save the Cookie.. Cookie from the CookieManager and use it in a later instantiation of HttpClient in a seperate Activities. When using a CookieManager I can save the Cookie and the Cookie is then in scope in other Activities See code snippet 2 . I haven't found how to use..
ANDROID : Share session between Webview and httpclient .getCookies if cookies.isEmpty CookieSyncManager.createInstance getApplicationContext CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance for Cookie cookie cookies sessionInfo cookie String cookieString sessionInfo.getName sessionInfo.getValue.. sessionInfo cookie String cookieString sessionInfo.getName sessionInfo.getValue domain sessionInfo.getDomain cookieManager.setCookie cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance .sync You will need to switch with the correct..
Maximum length of Intent putExtra method? (Force close) R.layout.activity_main mWebView WebView findViewById CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.removeAllCookie mWebView.setBackgroundColor 0 mWebView.setWebChromeClient new WebChromeClient.. findViewById CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.removeAllCookie mWebView.setBackgroundColor 0 mWebView.setWebChromeClient new WebChromeClient public boolean onConsoleMessage..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) @SuppressWarnings unused CookieSyncManager cookieSyncMngr CookieSyncManager.createInstance context CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.removeAllCookie public String getUsername return mSession.getUsername public void.. cookieSyncMngr CookieSyncManager.createInstance context CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.removeAllCookie public String getUsername return mSession.getUsername public void updateStatus String status throws Exception..
Android WebView Cookie Problem help will be greatly appreciated. String myUrl http CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance Cookie sessionCookie getCookie if sessionCookie null String cookieString sessionCookie.getName.. if sessionCookie null String cookieString sessionCookie.getName sessionCookie.getValue domain sessionCookie.getDomain cookieManager.setCookie myUrl cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance .sync WebView webView WebView findViewById webView.getSettings.. i Web Browser activity Cookie sessionCookie myapp.cookie CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance if sessionCookie null cookieManager.removeSessionCookie String cookieString sessionCookie.getName..
How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code? WebView view String url Bitmap favicon @Override public void onPageFinished WebView view String url CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.setCookie url loginCookie @Override public void onReceivedError WebView view int.. @Override public void onPageFinished WebView view String url CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.setCookie url loginCookie @Override public void onReceivedError WebView view int errorCode String description String failingUrl.. ª šÃ¡â€šÃ„∫ šÃ¢G šÃ¢â ¢ šÃ–[ Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show @Override public void onLoadResource WebView view String url CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance loginCookie cookieManager.getCookie url @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading WebView..
How to detect 412 precondition failed errors in android webview url @Override public void onPageFinished WebView view String url view.setVisibility View.VISIBLE CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.setCookie url loginCookie final Animation fade new AlphaAnimation 0.0f 1.0f fade.setDuration.. WebView view String url view.setVisibility View.VISIBLE CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance cookieManager.setCookie url loginCookie final Animation fade new AlphaAnimation 0.0f 1.0f fade.setDuration 200 view.startAnimation fade..
Maintain cookie session in Android extras.getString actionURL Cookie sessionCookie MsidePortal.cookie CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance if sessionCookie null cookieManager.removeSessionCookie String cookieString sessionCookie.getName.. CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance if sessionCookie null cookieManager.removeSessionCookie String cookieString sessionCookie.getName sessionCookie.getValue domain sessionCookie.getDomain cookieManager.setCookie.. String cookieString sessionCookie.getName sessionCookie.getValue domain sessionCookie.getDomain cookieManager.setCookie actionURL cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance .sync webview.loadDataWithBaseURL actionURL htmlString text..
Make Android WebView not store cookies or passwords
Cookies & Webview - CookieSyncManager in Android! following code Cookie sessionCookie LoginWebView.cookie CookieSyncManager.createInstance webview.this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance if sessionCookie null cookieManager.removeSessionCookie String cookieString sessionCookie.getName.. webview.this CookieManager cookieManager CookieManager.getInstance if sessionCookie null cookieManager.removeSessionCookie String cookieString sessionCookie.getName sessionCookie.getValue domain sessionCookie.getDomain Log.v.. sessionCookie.getName sessionCookie.getValue domain sessionCookie.getDomain Log.v TAG COOKIE SYNC cookieString cookieManager.setCookie domain cookieString CookieSyncManager.getInstance .sync webView.setWebViewClient new MyWebViewClient webView.loadUrl..
URLConnection with Cookies? I'm trying to make a URLConnection that supports cookies. According to the documentation I can use CookieManager cookieManager new CookieManager CookieHandler.setDefault cookieManager I couldn't get this code to work then I saw this only works for.. According to the documentation I can use CookieManager cookieManager new CookieManager CookieHandler.setDefault cookieManager I couldn't get this code to work then I saw this only works for API 9 2.3 . However I don't get an error using CookieManager.. CookieManager exists but can't be constructed. Is there any way to make this work for earlier versions I tried cookieManager.setAcceptCookie true URLConnection con u.openConnection con.setRequestProperty Cookie cookieManager.getInstance .getCookie..