android Programming Glossary: cid
Parse application/smil MMS MIME type on android 100 layout head body par dur 8000ms img region Image src cid 992 par par dur 8000ms img region Image src cid 993 par body.. Image src cid 992 par par dur 8000ms img region Image src cid 993 par body smil . 22 14 1 application smil null null null.. 100 layout head body par dur 10000ms text region Text src cid 928 par body smil . 16 13 1 application smil mms.smil null null..
How to get Contact ID, Email, Phone number in one SQLite query ? Contacts Android Optimization contacts.getColumnIndexOrThrow Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME int cidIndex data.getColumnIndexOrThrow Data.CONTACT_ID int data1Index.. Contact id contacts.getString nameIndex if hasData long cid data.getLong cidIndex while cid id hasData if cid id System.out.println.. nameIndex if hasData long cid data.getLong cidIndex while cid id hasData if cid id System.out.println t cid..
How to get cell service signal strength in Android? Construct the string String s int rss 0 int cid 0 for NeighboringCellInfo nci n cid nci.getCid rss 113 2 nci.getRssi.. String s int rss 0 int cid 0 for NeighboringCellInfo nci n cid nci.getCid rss 113 2 nci.getRssi s Cell ID Integer.toString.. rss 113 2 nci.getRssi s Cell ID Integer.toString cid Signal Power dBm Integer.toString rss n mainText.setText s..
How to read the SD Card ID number? try File input new File sys class mmc_host mmc1 String cid_directory null int i 0 File sid input.listFiles for i 0 i.. for i 0 i sid.length i if sid i .toString .contains mmc1 cid_directory sid i .toString String SID String sid i .toString.. String SID String sid i .toString .subSequence cid_directory.length 4 cid_directory.length Log.d TAG SID of..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work 2 D DEVICE 21902 DiscoverServices I DTUN_HCID 21902 dtun_client_get_remote_svc_channel starting discovery.. starting discovery on uuid16 0x0011 I DTUN_HCID 21902 bdaddr 00 07 80 88 F5 AD I DTUN_CLNT 21902 Client calling.. W BTLD 21889 SDP Rcvd conn cnf with error 0x4 CID 0x42 I BTL IFS 21889 send_ctrl_msg BTL_IFS CTRL send BTLIF_DTUN_SIGNAL_EVT..
How to read the SD Card ID number? ID number How can I programatically read the SD Card's CID register which contains a Serial Number and other information.. this question Here is sample code for getting SID and CID if isExteranlStorageAvailable try File input new File sys.. Log.d TAG SID of MMC SID break BufferedReader CID new BufferedReader new FileReader cid_directory cid String..
Null Issue with NeighboringCellInfo, CID and LAC Issue with NeighboringCellInfo CID and LAC For a while I was trying to get CellID and LAC of near.. option was to use GsmCellLocation xXx new GsmCellLocation CID xXx.getCid LAC xXx.getLac Toast output Toast.makeText getApplicationContext.. Base station LAC is LAC n Base station CID is CID Toast.LENGTH_SHORT But in this case I receive..
Get Cell Tower Locations - Android this question This is how you get the cell tower id CID and the lac Location Area Code from your current network state..
Parse application/smil MMS MIME type on android 100 region fit meet height 33 id Text left 0 top 67 width 100 layout head body par dur 8000ms img region Image src cid 992 par par dur 8000ms img region Image src cid 993 par body smil . 22 14 1 application smil null null null null smil smil.xml.. top 67 width 100 layout head body par dur 8000ms img region Image src cid 992 par par dur 8000ms img region Image src cid 993 par body smil . 22 14 1 application smil null null null null smil smil.xml null null null smil head layout root layout.. 100 region fit meet height 70 id Image left 0 top 0 width 100 layout head body par dur 10000ms text region Text src cid 928 par body smil . 16 13 1 application smil mms.smil null null null AAAA AAAA null null null smil head layout root layout..
How to get Contact ID, Email, Phone number in one SQLite query ? Contacts Android Optimization contacts.getColumnIndexOrThrow Contacts._ID int nameIndex contacts.getColumnIndexOrThrow Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME int cidIndex data.getColumnIndexOrThrow Data.CONTACT_ID int data1Index data.getColumnIndexOrThrow Data.DATA1 boolean hasData data.moveToNext.. long id contacts.getLong idIndex System.out.println Contact id contacts.getString nameIndex if hasData long cid data.getLong cidIndex while cid id hasData if cid id System.out.println t cid id .data1 data.getString data1Index hasData.. contacts.getLong idIndex System.out.println Contact id contacts.getString nameIndex if hasData long cid data.getLong cidIndex while cid id hasData if cid id System.out.println t cid id .data1 data.getString data1Index hasData data.moveToNext..
How to get cell service signal strength in Android? my current code List NeighboringCellInfo n tm.getNeighboringCellInfo Construct the string String s int rss 0 int cid 0 for NeighboringCellInfo nci n cid nci.getCid rss 113 2 nci.getRssi s Cell ID Integer.toString cid Signal Power dBm Integer.toString.. n tm.getNeighboringCellInfo Construct the string String s int rss 0 int cid 0 for NeighboringCellInfo nci n cid nci.getCid rss 113 2 nci.getRssi s Cell ID Integer.toString cid Signal Power dBm Integer.toString rss n mainText.setText.. s int rss 0 int cid 0 for NeighboringCellInfo nci n cid nci.getCid rss 113 2 nci.getRssi s Cell ID Integer.toString cid Signal Power dBm Integer.toString rss n mainText.setText s android signals rssi share improve this question create..
How to read the SD Card ID number? code for getting SID and CID if isExteranlStorageAvailable try File input new File sys class mmc_host mmc1 String cid_directory null int i 0 File sid input.listFiles for i 0 i sid.length i if sid i .toString .contains mmc1 cid_directory.. cid_directory null int i 0 File sid input.listFiles for i 0 i sid.length i if sid i .toString .contains mmc1 cid_directory sid i .toString String SID String sid i .toString .subSequence cid_directory.length 4 cid_directory.length.. i if sid i .toString .contains mmc1 cid_directory sid i .toString String SID String sid i .toString .subSequence cid_directory.length 4 cid_directory.length Log.d TAG SID of MMC SID break BufferedReader CID new BufferedReader new..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work 00805f9b34fb strlen 36 I BluetoothZephyr 23605 MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE 2 D DEVICE 21902 DiscoverServices I DTUN_HCID 21902 dtun_client_get_remote_svc_channel starting discovery on uuid16 0x0011 I DTUN_HCID 21902 bdaddr 00 07 80 88 F5.. DiscoverServices I DTUN_HCID 21902 dtun_client_get_remote_svc_channel starting discovery on uuid16 0x0011 I DTUN_HCID 21902 bdaddr 00 07 80 88 F5 AD I DTUN_CLNT 21902 Client calling DTUN_METHOD_DM_GET_REMOTE_SERVICE_CHANNEL id 4 I 21889.. UUID 1101 I system bin btld 21888 btapp_dm_GetRemoteServiceChannel W BTLD 21889 SDP Rcvd conn cnf with error 0x4 CID 0x42 I BTL IFS 21889 send_ctrl_msg BTL_IFS CTRL send BTLIF_DTUN_SIGNAL_EVT CTRL 13 pbytes hdl 10 I DTUN_CLNT 21902..
How to read the SD Card ID number? to read the SD Card ID number How can I programatically read the SD Card's CID register which contains a Serial Number and other information Can I do it through Android Java or Native code Thanks in.. or Native code Thanks in advance Eric android share improve this question Here is sample code for getting SID and CID if isExteranlStorageAvailable try File input new File sys class mmc_host mmc1 String cid_directory null int i 0 File.. .subSequence cid_directory.length 4 cid_directory.length Log.d TAG SID of MMC SID break BufferedReader CID new BufferedReader new FileReader cid_directory cid String sd_cid CID.readLine Log.d TAG CID of the MMC sd_cid catch..
Null Issue with NeighboringCellInfo, CID and LAC Issue with NeighboringCellInfo CID and LAC For a while I was trying to get CellID and LAC of near base stations. Unfortunately I did not manage to do that... stations. Unfortunately I did not manage to do that. First option was to use GsmCellLocation xXx new GsmCellLocation CID xXx.getCid LAC xXx.getLac Toast output Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Base station LAC is LAC n Base station CID is.. CID xXx.getCid LAC xXx.getLac Toast output Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Base station LAC is LAC n Base station CID is CID Toast.LENGTH_SHORT But in this case I receive 1 value as I understand that means it is not a GSM but..
Get Cell Tower Locations - Android I would go about doing it java android location share improve this question This is how you get the cell tower id CID and the lac Location Area Code from your current network state mPhoneStateReceiver new PhoneStateIntentReceiver this new..