android Programming Glossary: childs
Eclipse: multiple project from single source to commit source changes form the main project to the childs but it's not mandatory. Sorry again for my english. EDIT Sorry..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - android - how many images?
Refreshing a LinearLayout after adding a view even calling invalidate on the layout doesn't give me the childs showed up. Am I missing something android drawable android..
Button in custom Android Toast? there is no onClick message. I would assume that therefore childs of a Toast can not be clicked as well. share improve this answer..
animating the childs of an expandablelistview when collapsing/expanding the childs of an expandablelistview when collapsing expanding I'm trying.. adapter. I also have custom xml views for the groups childs which I inflate in the getChildView and getGroupView methods...
combining wrap_content on parent and fill_parent on child problems Because it the parent gets it's height from the childs and vice versa. android xml position android linearlayout .. not work Because it the parent gets it's height from the childs and vice versa . However we made it work in LinearLayout because..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget
Android: How to programmatically add button to view FriendsView is but assuming it is something you can add childs to like a linearLayout or something you should be able to do..
android: relative layout two buttons occupy all the available horizontal space using LinearLayout with layout_weight set to 0.5 on both childs but i wanted to understand if there is way to do that in relative..
Disabling & Enabling Paging In ViewPager in Android paging related stuff.I am able to stop paging by detecting childs inside the viewpager according to this thread android ViewPager..
Eclipse: multiple project from single source project Is it possible The best is to have also a system to commit source changes form the main project to the childs but it's not mandatory. Sorry again for my english. EDIT Sorry if i edit again this question but really i can't find a solution..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - android - how many images?
Refreshing a LinearLayout after adding a view getChildCount that the views are added to the layout but even calling invalidate on the layout doesn't give me the childs showed up. Am I missing something android drawable android linearlayout share improve this question A couple of things..
Button in custom Android Toast?
animating the childs of an expandablelistview when collapsing/expanding the childs of an expandablelistview when collapsing expanding I'm trying to animate my child views in an expandablelistview. I would.. a class from BaseExpandableListAdapter to create my own custom adapter. I also have custom xml views for the groups childs which I inflate in the getChildView and getGroupView methods. I would only like the current collapsed expanded group to..
combining wrap_content on parent and fill_parent on child have the same size but I'm not sure if this causes any other problems Because it the parent gets it's height from the childs and vice versa. android xml position android linearlayout share improve this question In theory what you are describing.. this question In theory what you are describing should not work Because it the parent gets it's height from the childs and vice versa . However we made it work in LinearLayout because it was a very common use case. I recently added similar..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget
Android: How to programmatically add button to view want to add a button to it I don't know what kind of View your FriendsView is but assuming it is something you can add childs to like a linearLayout or something you should be able to do this just from the top of my head assuming you have a friendsView..
android: relative layout two buttons occupy all the available horizontal space but that didnt work too. i have a working solution of using LinearLayout with layout_weight set to 0.5 on both childs but i wanted to understand if there is way to do that in relative layout itself. thanks android android layout share..
Disabling & Enabling Paging In ViewPager in Android pages like horizontal scroll view. Now the problem is in paging related stuff.I am able to stop paging by detecting childs inside the viewpager according to this thread android ViewPager and HorizontalScrollVIew but how can I can enable that back..