android Programming Glossary: chunks
What to do on TransactionTooLargeException exception If possible split the big operation in to small chunks for example instead of calling applyBatch with 1000 operations..
Android SQLite and huge data sets is a logical way to divide your queries into discrete chunks you could do incremental queries and use CursorJoiner to stitch..
Android SAX parser not getting full text from between tags data in a single chunk or they may split it into several chunks however all of the characters in any single event must come..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder Faced the same issue. I've cut up my 4MB file into 1 MB chunks and on the first run I join the chunks into a data folder on.. 4MB file into 1 MB chunks and on the first run I join the chunks into a data folder on the phone. As an added bonus the APK is..
Android: Convert Stream to String without running out of memory any way to solve this problem aside from sending smaller chunks of data from the server Thanks java android json out of memory..
Android - Split Drawable to split an image into pieces lets say for example 16 chunks 4x4 . I have found so many examples with java but Android does..
Very large SOAP response - Android- out of memory error don't load the whole DOM in memory but rather parse it in chunks. Depending on the kind of XML you are handling using SAX parsers..
Android - Unzip a folder? by byte decompression. That is because it is copying large chunks of data to the output stream in a much more efficient manner...
Out of memory exception due to large bitmap size 5000 int CHUNKSIZE 8192 size of fixed chunks int BUFFERSIZE 1024 size of reading buffer int bytesRead 0.. 5000 int CHUNKSIZE 8192 size of fixed chunks int BUFFERSIZE 1024 size of reading buffer int bytesRead 0..
Capturing audio sent to Google's speech recognition server one you have linked in your posting. Why do you think some chunks are missing from the audio you received in the method If it.. the audio you received in the method If it were only a few chunks missing it might even be the case that the recognition worked..
Elegant way to read file into byte[] array in Java [duplicate] 0 int chunk_size 1024 int total_size 0 ArrayList byte chunks new ArrayList byte chunks.add new byte chunk_size first I read.. int total_size 0 ArrayList byte chunks new ArrayList byte chunks.add new byte chunk_size first I read data from file chunk by.. read data from file chunk by chunk while read chunks.get chunks.size 1 offset buffer_size 1 total_size read if read..
How to add app's shortcut to the home screen home screen after they got installed. Found bunch of code chunks how to do it but for me they don't fit together. This is what..
AsyncTask, must it take such a performance penalty hit…? my AsyncTask is at default priority run in roughly 10 ms chunks around 4 times per second. I need to set my thread priority..
Bluetooth file transfer Android I was able to solve this problem by sending small chunks of data out to the bluetooth outstream. It turned out that 8..
What to do on TransactionTooLargeException lot of operations pending How to handle when you get this exception If possible split the big operation in to small chunks for example instead of calling applyBatch with 1000 operations call it with 100 each. Do not exchange huge data 1MB between..
Android SQLite and huge data sets which is what the error message suggests more directly. If there is a logical way to divide your queries into discrete chunks you could do incremental queries and use CursorJoiner to stitch them together and see if that helps. But in all seriousness..
Android SAX parser not getting full text from between tags data. SAX parsers may return all contiguous character data in a single chunk or they may split it into several chunks however all of the characters in any single event must come from the same external entity so that the Locator provides useful..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder assets objectinputstream share improve this question Faced the same issue. I've cut up my 4MB file into 1 MB chunks and on the first run I join the chunks into a data folder on the phone. As an added bonus the APK is properly compressed... improve this question Faced the same issue. I've cut up my 4MB file into 1 MB chunks and on the first run I join the chunks into a data folder on the phone. As an added bonus the APK is properly compressed. The chunk files are called 1.db 2.db..
Android: Convert Stream to String without running out of memory 305 ... 4 more My question is there any way to solve this problem aside from sending smaller chunks of data from the server Thanks java android json out of memory share improve this question In general the answer is..
Android - Split Drawable Split Drawable I am attempting to split an image into pieces lets say for example 16 chunks 4x4 . I have found so many examples with java but Android does not have BufferedImage and what not... I think. I have a..
Very large SOAP response - Android- out of memory error it in memory. Parse it using a SAX style parser where you don't load the whole DOM in memory but rather parse it in chunks. Depending on the kind of XML you are handling using SAX parsers is usually harder in code you will have to keep track of..
Android - Unzip a folder? website assets it runs about 50x faster than Reno's byte by byte decompression. That is because it is copying large chunks of data to the output stream in a much more efficient manner. package com.blarg.webviewscroller import
Out of memory exception due to large bitmap size Agent userAgent connection.setConnectTimeout 5000 connection.setReadTimeout 5000 int CHUNKSIZE 8192 size of fixed chunks int BUFFERSIZE 1024 size of reading buffer int bytesRead 0 byte buffer new byte BUFFERSIZE initialize buffer byte fixedChunk.. Agent userAgent connection.setConnectTimeout 5000 connection.setReadTimeout 5000 int CHUNKSIZE 8192 size of fixed chunks int BUFFERSIZE 1024 size of reading buffer int bytesRead 0 byte buffer new byte BUFFERSIZE initialize buffer byte fixedChunk..
Capturing audio sent to Google's speech recognition server same data. The code used to test that was the same as the one you have linked in your posting. Why do you think some chunks are missing from the audio you received in the method If it were only a few chunks missing it might even be the case that.. your posting. Why do you think some chunks are missing from the audio you received in the method If it were only a few chunks missing it might even be the case that the recognition worked although those chunks were missing. share improve this answer..
Elegant way to read file into byte[] array in Java [duplicate] filein context.openFileInput FILENAME int read 0 int offset 0 int chunk_size 1024 int total_size 0 ArrayList byte chunks new ArrayList byte chunks.add new byte chunk_size first I read data from file chunk by chunk while read chunks.get.. FILENAME int read 0 int offset 0 int chunk_size 1024 int total_size 0 ArrayList byte chunks new ArrayList byte chunks.add new byte chunk_size first I read data from file chunk by chunk while read chunks.get chunks.size 1 offset.. new ArrayList byte chunks.add new byte chunk_size first I read data from file chunk by chunk while read chunks.get chunks.size 1 offset buffer_size 1 total_size read if read buffer_size chunks.add new byte buffer_size int index 0 then..
How to add app's shortcut to the home screen but I see more and more apps placing their shortcuts on the home screen after they got installed. Found bunch of code chunks how to do it but for me they don't fit together. This is what I got for now. Need a permission in the manifest. uses permission..
AsyncTask, must it take such a performance penalty hit…? Tracking down the problem TraceView shows me that my AsyncTask is at default priority run in roughly 10 ms chunks around 4 times per second. I need to set my thread priority to MAX_PRIORITY to get close to acceptable loading times but..
Bluetooth file transfer Android 2.1 android bluetooth file transfer share improve this question I was able to solve this problem by sending small chunks of data out to the bluetooth outstream. It turned out that 8 1024 was a good buffer size which helped in sending out data..