android Programming Glossary: choice_mode_none
What is the difference between the states selected, checked and activated in Android? calls setChecked OR setActivated depending on Android version as below taken from Android source code if mChoiceMode CHOICE_MODE_NONE mCheckStates null if child instanceof Checkable Checkable child .setChecked mCheckStates.get position else if getContext..
Android: list.getCheckedItemPositions() always returns null true for each call to get int position where position is a position in the list or null if the choice mode is set to CHOICE_MODE_NONE. The array should only be null if it's choice_mode_none. Why not try something like this if ListView parent .getCheckedItemPositions..
ListView with CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE using CheckedText in a custom view android share improve this question Based on my read of the code the row has to implement Checkable if mChoiceMode CHOICE_MODE_NONE mCheckStates null if child instanceof Checkable Checkable child .setChecked mCheckStates.get position This works for the..
Android,how do i Highlight a row in ListView int choiceMode Defines the choice behavior for the List. By default Lists do not have any choice behavior CHOICE_MODE_NONE . By setting the choiceMode to CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE the List allows up to one item to be in a chosen state. By setting the.. the choiceMode to CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE the list allows any number of items to be chosen. Parameters choiceMode One of CHOICE_MODE_NONE CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE or CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE In case this is not enough say you'd like to always show the last selection differently..
How to highlight selected item in ListView? listview share improve this question Use listView.setChoiceMode int choiceMode Parameters choiceMode One of CHOICE_MODE_NONE CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE or CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE from class android.widget.AbsListView http reference android..