android Programming Glossary: chips
What NFC tags does the Nexus 7 Support? (2012) is a technology by NXP so it is supported by NXP's NFC chips but generally not by other manufacturers. When choosing a tag.. C or NTAG203 NFC Forum Tag 3 Type e.g. Sony's FeliCa chips e.g. FeliCa Lite NFC Forum Tag 4 Type e.g. NXP's MIFARE DESFire..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? However I seem to recall that all modern Android chipset architectures directly share memory between the GPU and CPU.. which require commercial action. Talking to the Android chipset makers often presents a solution. Since they design the hardware.. Unfortunately I only know this is possible on TI OMAP chips which are gradually withdrawing from the phone market 3 . Using..
Android EditText Gmail like to field improve this question This technique referred to as chips is discussed by Roman Nurik in a Google post . He in turn points..
Producing optimised NDK code for multiple architectures? but also takes advantage of optimisations for specific chipsets. I'm looking for good default and that ARMv7 has floating point instructions and some ARMv7 chips support NEON instructions and that the default ARM supports.. arm to to enable a speed up on newer arm chips although I'm confused at exactly what this does and what happens..
What video format will play on all Android devices? support different formats depending on what decoder chips they have If they are all the same then obviously the best format..
How to use OpenCL on Android? OpenCL are the ones based on the Mali T600 family of chips article here . They have an OpenCL SDK here . Apparently it..
How to Connect External NFC Card Reader to Tablet of the Android NFC API that support other NFC chips though. Another issue may be that your tablet most likely does..
What NFC tags does the Nexus 7 Support? (2012) an NFC chip by a different manufacturer. MIFARE Classic is a technology by NXP so it is supported by NXP's NFC chips but generally not by other manufacturers. When choosing a tag type that should work on all or the majority of devices I.. Forum Tag 2 Type e.g. NXP's MIFARE Ultralight incl. Ultralight C or NTAG203 NFC Forum Tag 3 Type e.g. Sony's FeliCa chips e.g. FeliCa Lite NFC Forum Tag 4 Type e.g. NXP's MIFARE DESFire I have tested all these types both with Android devices..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? architectures are designed to send data in the opposite direction. However I seem to recall that all modern Android chipset architectures directly share memory between the GPU and CPU except for one it may be Broadcom I can't remember where this.. image. Using hardware partners Now we get into the solutions which require commercial action. Talking to the Android chipset makers often presents a solution. Since they design the hardware they have access to the framebuffer and they often are.. video stream of whatever is on the phone screen. Outstanding. Unfortunately I only know this is possible on TI OMAP chips which are gradually withdrawing from the phone market 3 . Using security holes Android rigidly enforces its permission model..
Android EditText Gmail like to field image too that would be perfect. android gmail edittext share improve this question This technique referred to as chips is discussed by Roman Nurik in a Google post . He in turn points to Macarse's answer here on StackOverflow . They in turn..
Producing optimised NDK code for multiple architectures? that the code produced will run on all current Android devices but also takes advantage of optimisations for specific chipsets. I'm looking for good default and settings to use and I want to avoid having to litter my C.. litter my C code with #ifdef branches. For example I'm aware that ARMv7 has floating point instructions and some ARMv7 chips support NEON instructions and that the default ARM supports neither of these. Is it possible to set flags so that I can.. ones I could add Another tip I have is to add LOCAL_ARM_MODE arm to to enable a speed up on newer arm chips although I'm confused at exactly what this does and what happens on older chips . android c gcc jni android ndk share..
What video format will play on all Android devices? mean it will also play on all hardware Or do different devices support different formats depending on what decoder chips they have If they are all the same then obviously the best format is H.264 at a high bitrate and resolution. If not then..
How to use OpenCL on Android? this question The only Android devices I know that support OpenCL are the ones based on the Mali T600 family of chips article here . They have an OpenCL SDK here . Apparently it is OpenCL 1.1 full profile as well. The Nexus 10 is a device..
How to Connect External NFC Card Reader to Tablet in mobile devices. You may be able to find alternative implementations of the Android NFC API that support other NFC chips though. Another issue may be that your tablet most likely does not have the required NFC libraries installed including the..