android Programming Glossary: ci
Confusion on YUV NV21 conversion to RGB int ij 0 final int di 1 final int dj 1 int a 0 for int i 0 ci ii i height i ci di for int j 0 cj ij j width j cj dj int y.. di 1 final int dj 1 int a 0 for int i 0 ci ii i height i ci di for int j 0 cj ij j width j cj dj int y 0xff int yuv ci.. di for int j 0 cj ij j width j cj dj int y 0xff int yuv ci width cj int v 0xff int yuv frameSize ci 1 width cj ~1 0 int..
How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock? through selected items and delete them for Integer ci checked adapter.getItem ci.intValue .getFile .delete updateData.. and delete them for Integer ci checked adapter.getItem ci.intValue .getFile .delete updateData return true default..
Is it possible to create a HashMap that is Parcelable on Android? gohome.setOnClickListener this ContentItemSimple ci null ContentItemContainer cx null try ci getIntent .getParcelableExtra.. ContentItemSimple ci null ContentItemContainer cx null try ci getIntent .getParcelableExtra ContentItemSimple.EXTRA_CONTENT_DETAIL.. ContentItemSimple.EXTRA_CONTENT_DETAIL Log.i TAG ci ci.toString cx getIntent .getParcelableExtra ContentItemContainer.EXTRA_CONTENT_CONTAINER..
How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android? KIND either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the.. public static final String NEW new The cached name associated with the phone number if it exists. This value is not guaranteed.. guaranteed to be current if the contact information associated with this number has changed. P Type TEXT public static..
Confusion on YUV NV21 conversion to RGB final int frameSize width height final int ii 0 final int ij 0 final int di 1 final int dj 1 int a 0 for int i 0 ci ii i height i ci di for int j 0 cj ij j width j cj dj int y 0xff int yuv ci width cj int v 0xff int yuv frameSize ci 1.. width height final int ii 0 final int ij 0 final int di 1 final int dj 1 int a 0 for int i 0 ci ii i height i ci di for int j 0 cj ij j width j cj dj int y 0xff int yuv ci width cj int v 0xff int yuv frameSize ci 1 width cj ~1 0 int.. di 1 final int dj 1 int a 0 for int i 0 ci ii i height i ci di for int j 0 cj ij j width j cj dj int y 0xff int yuv ci width cj int v 0xff int yuv frameSize ci 1 width cj ~1 0 int u 0xff int yuv frameSize ci 1 width cj ~1 1 y y 16 16 y..
How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock? Set Integer checked adapter.getCheckedItems iterate through selected items and delete them for Integer ci checked adapter.getItem ci.intValue .getFile .delete updateData return true default return false @Override public.. adapter.getCheckedItems iterate through selected items and delete them for Integer ci checked adapter.getItem ci.intValue .getFile .delete updateData return true default return false @Override public void onDestroyActionMode ActionMode..
Is it possible to create a HashMap that is Parcelable on Android? Button gohome Button findViewById gohome.setOnClickListener this ContentItemSimple ci null ContentItemContainer cx null try ci getIntent .getParcelableExtra ContentItemSimple.EXTRA_CONTENT_DETAIL Log.i TAG.. gohome.setOnClickListener this ContentItemSimple ci null ContentItemContainer cx null try ci getIntent .getParcelableExtra ContentItemSimple.EXTRA_CONTENT_DETAIL Log.i TAG ci ci.toString cx getIntent .getParcelableExtra.. ContentItemContainer cx null try ci getIntent .getParcelableExtra ContentItemSimple.EXTRA_CONTENT_DETAIL Log.i TAG ci ci.toString cx getIntent .getParcelableExtra ContentItemContainer.EXTRA_CONTENT_CONTAINER Log.i TAG cx cx.toString TextView..
How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android? on an AS IS BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. package android.provider import or not the call has been acknowledged P Type INTEGER boolean public static final String NEW new The cached name associated with the phone number if it exists. This value is not guaranteed to be current if the contact information associated.. with the phone number if it exists. This value is not guaranteed to be current if the contact information associated with this number has changed. P Type TEXT public static final String CACHED_NAME name The cached number type Home..