android Programming Glossary: byval
passing objects to wcf soap service from android using ksoap2; it sends and receives 0 Interface IService1 OperationContract _ Function ksoapAdd ByVal num1 As testadd As Integer OperationContract _ Function addParam.. testadd As Integer OperationContract _ Function addParam ByVal num1 As Integer ByVal num2 As Integer As Integer End Interface.. _ Function addParam ByVal num1 As Integer ByVal num2 As Integer As Integer End Interface DataContract _ Public..
passing objects to wcf soap service from android using ksoap2; it sends and receives 0 break default break service code ServiceContract _ Public Interface IService1 OperationContract _ Function ksoapAdd ByVal num1 As testadd As Integer OperationContract _ Function addParam ByVal num1 As Integer ByVal num2 As Integer As Integer.. IService1 OperationContract _ Function ksoapAdd ByVal num1 As testadd As Integer OperationContract _ Function addParam ByVal num1 As Integer ByVal num2 As Integer As Integer End Interface DataContract _ Public Class testadd Private number1 As Integer.. _ Function ksoapAdd ByVal num1 As testadd As Integer OperationContract _ Function addParam ByVal num1 As Integer ByVal num2 As Integer As Integer End Interface DataContract _ Public Class testadd Private number1 As Integer Private number2..