android Programming Glossary: bytespersample
Android audio FFT to retrieve specific frequency magnitude using audiorecord micBufferData new double insert proper size final int bytesPerSample 2 As it is 16bit PCM final double amplification 100.0 choose.. you like for int index 0 floatIndex 0 index bytesRecorded bytesPerSample 1 index bytesPerSample floatIndex double sample 0 for int b.. 0 floatIndex 0 index bytesRecorded bytesPerSample 1 index bytesPerSample floatIndex double sample 0 for int b 0 b bytesPerSample b int..
How to convert the WAV/OGG file to FLAC file in Android? int sampleSize 16 format.getSampleSizeInBits int bytesPerSample sampleSize 8 if sampleSize 8 0 end processing now Exception.. 255 int temp 0 int totalTemp 0 for int x bytesPerSample 1 x 0 x int upShift 8 x if x 0 don't mask...we want sign.. 8 x if x 0 don't mask...we want sign temp samplesIn bytesPerSample i x upShift else temp samplesIn bytesPerSample i x lower8Mask..
Android audio FFT to retrieve specific frequency magnitude using audiorecord code for the conversion should look something like this double micBufferData new double insert proper size final int bytesPerSample 2 As it is 16bit PCM final double amplification 100.0 choose a number as you like for int index 0 floatIndex 0 index bytesRecorded.. PCM final double amplification 100.0 choose a number as you like for int index 0 floatIndex 0 index bytesRecorded bytesPerSample 1 index bytesPerSample floatIndex double sample 0 for int b 0 b bytesPerSample b int v bufferData index b if b bytesPerSample.. 100.0 choose a number as you like for int index 0 floatIndex 0 index bytesRecorded bytesPerSample 1 index bytesPerSample floatIndex double sample 0 for int b 0 b bytesPerSample b int v bufferData index b if b bytesPerSample 1 bytesPerSample..
How to convert the WAV/OGG file to FLAC file in Android? open stream openStream int frameSize 2 format.getFrameSize int sampleSize 16 format.getSampleSizeInBits int bytesPerSample sampleSize 8 if sampleSize 8 0 end processing now Exception newEx new Exception bigEndian for int i 0 i framesRead channels i int lower8Mask 255 int temp 0 int totalTemp 0 for int x bytesPerSample 1 x 0 x int upShift 8 x if x 0 don't mask...we want sign temp samplesIn bytesPerSample i x upShift else temp.. 0 for int x bytesPerSample 1 x 0 x int upShift 8 x if x 0 don't mask...we want sign temp samplesIn bytesPerSample i x upShift else temp samplesIn bytesPerSample i x lower8Mask upShift totalTemp totalTemp temp sampleData..