android Programming Glossary: antialiasing
Drawing line less than one pixel thick requires anti-aliasing in Android 4.2 I also tested this with a pixel size of 0.9 and the problem is the same. Thanks for the help android canvas paint antialiasing stroke share improve this question If you want a very thin line use setStrokeWidth 0 as the documentation says Pass..
Draw smoothly scaled bitmaps on Canvas scale scale x y canvas.drawBitmap bitmap x y null canvas.restore However the Bitmap is not scaled smoothly no antialiasing is performed. How can I enable antialiasing android canvas share improve this question Try this Paint paint new Paint.. x y null canvas.restore However the Bitmap is not scaled smoothly no antialiasing is performed. How can I enable antialiasing android canvas share improve this question Try this Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true paint.setFilterBitmap..
How to get rid of Jagged edges in Android OpenGL ES? depth from 16bit color depth basically it has nothing to do with the edges. Altho there is an old method to 'fake' antialiasing its a same that I never used so I cant tell you how but you can find some hints on the web. From OpenGL docs Blend function.. GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA is also useful for rendering antialiased points and lines in arbitrary order. Polygon antialiasing is optimized using blend function GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE GL_ONE with polygons sorted from nearest to farthest. share improve..
libgdx SpriteBatch render to texture if m_fboEnabled enable or disable the supersampling if m_fbo null m_fboScaler increase or decrease the antialiasing quality m_fbo new FrameBuffer Format.RGB565 int width m_fboScaler int height m_fboScaler false m_fboRegion new TextureRegion..