android Programming Glossary: animationutils.loadanimation
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + filterLayout this.filterLayout filterLayout filterSlideIn AnimationUtils.loadAnimation context R.anim.filter_slide_in filterSlideOut AnimationUtils.loadAnimation.. context R.anim.filter_slide_in filterSlideOut AnimationUtils.loadAnimation context R.anim.filter_slide_out public void initializeOtherAnimations.. otherLayoutHeight otherLayout.getHeight otherSlideIn AnimationUtils.loadAnimation context R.anim.other_slide_in otherSlideIn.setAnimationListener..
How to make a smooth image rotation in Android? it works great spinner.startAnimation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation activity R.anim.rotate_indefinitely The one problem is that..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? final Layer layer2 v.addLayer 2 gd mm final Animation as AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.anim_set final Runnable action1 new Runnable @Override..
How to animate a slide in notification view that pushes the content view down toYDelta 100 set slideInAnimation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation mActivity R.anim.slide_in_animation slideOutAnimation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation.. mActivity R.anim.slide_in_animation slideOutAnimation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation mActivity R.anim.slide_out_animation slideInAnimation.setAnimationListener..
Android — How to position View off-screen? finally Animation anim AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.slide_in_quickplay anim.setAnimationListener this..
How to do a fadein of an image on an Android Activity screen? findViewById Animation myFadeInAnimation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.fadein myImageView.startAnimation myFadeInAnimation..
Is it possible to write vertically in a textview in android? t.setText txt RotateAnimation ranim RotateAnimation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.myanim ranim.setFillAfter true For the textview..
How can I animate a view in Android and have it stay in the new position/size? new animated tranformation I'm using myView.startAnimation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation mContext R.anim.scaleUp150 Thanks android animation share..
Rotate View Hierarchy 90 degrees setContentView R.layout.myscreen Animation rotateAnim AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.rotation LayoutAnimationController animController..
Android: Animation Position Resets After Complete it homeScrn View findViewById slideLeftOut AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.slide_left_out Set Click Listeners For Menu btnHelp.setOnClickListener..
Android change layout dynamically findViewById Animation fadeOutAnim AnimationUtils.loadAnimation MyActivity.this R.anim.fadeout introLayout.startAnimation fadeOutAnim..
Gesture detection and ScrollView issue Set switch product animation next_product_out AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.next_product_out next_product_in AnimationUtils.loadAnimation.. this R.anim.next_product_out next_product_in AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.next_product_in previous_product_in AnimationUtils.loadAnimation.. this R.anim.next_product_in previous_product_in AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.previous_product_in previous_product_out AnimationUtils.loadAnimation..
Animated Icon for ActionItem R.layout.refresh_action_view null Animation rotation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation getActivity R.anim.clockwise_refresh rotation.setRepeatCount..
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + public void initializeFilterAnimations RelativeLayout filterLayout this.filterLayout filterLayout filterSlideIn AnimationUtils.loadAnimation context R.anim.filter_slide_in filterSlideOut AnimationUtils.loadAnimation context R.anim.filter_slide_out public void.. filterLayout filterSlideIn AnimationUtils.loadAnimation context R.anim.filter_slide_in filterSlideOut AnimationUtils.loadAnimation context R.anim.filter_slide_out public void initializeOtherAnimations RelativeLayout otherLayout this.otherLayout otherLayout.. otherLayout otherLayoutWidth otherLayout.getWidth otherLayoutHeight otherLayout.getHeight otherSlideIn AnimationUtils.loadAnimation context R.anim.other_slide_in otherSlideIn.setAnimationListener this otherSlideOut AnimationUtils.loadAnimation context..
How to make a smooth image rotation in Android? duration 1200 When I apply this to my ImageView using AndroidUtils.loadAnimation it works great spinner.startAnimation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation activity R.anim.rotate_indefinitely The one problem is that the image rotation seems to pause at the top of every cycle...
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? 200 69 pixels to offset mm.preRotate 20 50 64.5f final Layer layer2 v.addLayer 2 gd mm final Animation as AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.anim_set final Runnable action1 new Runnable @Override public void run Animation a Interpolator i i new Interpolator..
How to animate a slide in notification view that pushes the content view down translate android duration 1000 android fromYDelta 0 android toYDelta 100 set slideInAnimation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation mActivity R.anim.slide_in_animation slideOutAnimation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation mActivity R.anim.slide_out_animation.. slideInAnimation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation mActivity R.anim.slide_in_animation slideOutAnimation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation mActivity R.anim.slide_out_animation slideInAnimation.setAnimationListener new AnimationListener @Override public void onAnimationStart..
Android — How to position View off-screen? this.findViewById LL LinearLayout this.findViewById finally Animation anim AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.slide_in_quickplay anim.setAnimationListener this LL.startAnimation anim @Override public void onAnimationEnd..
How to do a fadein of an image on an Android Activity screen? can do this for the fade in ImageView myImageView ImageView findViewById Animation myFadeInAnimation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.fadein myImageView.startAnimation myFadeInAnimation Set animation to your ImageView and inside your res anim..
Is it possible to write vertically in a textview in android? t TextView findViewById String txt Stackoverflow t.setText txt RotateAnimation ranim RotateAnimation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.myanim ranim.setFillAfter true For the textview to remain at the same place after the rotation t.setAnimation..
How can I animate a view in Android and have it stay in the new position/size? back to the original size. How can I get it to keep the new animated tranformation I'm using myView.startAnimation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation mContext R.anim.scaleUp150 Thanks android animation share improve this question fillAfter true fillEnabled true share..
Rotate View Hierarchy 90 degrees public void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle setContentView R.layout.myscreen Animation rotateAnim AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.rotation LayoutAnimationController animController new LayoutAnimationController rotateAnim 0 FrameLayout layout..
Android: Animation Position Resets After Complete android duration 500 set Here's the Java that I use to call it homeScrn View findViewById slideLeftOut AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.slide_left_out Set Click Listeners For Menu btnHelp.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick..
Android change layout dynamically Then inside my activity I have this introLayout RelativeLayout findViewById Animation fadeOutAnim AnimationUtils.loadAnimation MyActivity.this R.anim.fadeout introLayout.startAnimation fadeOutAnim introLayout.setVisibility View.GONE You could make..
Gesture detection and ScrollView issue false product_viewflipper.setOnTouchListener productGestureListener Set switch product animation next_product_out AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.next_product_out next_product_in AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.next_product_in previous_product_in.. switch product animation next_product_out AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.next_product_out next_product_in AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.next_product_in previous_product_in AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.previous_product_in previous_product_out.. R.anim.next_product_out next_product_in AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.next_product_in previous_product_in AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.previous_product_in previous_product_out AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.previous_product_out class..
Animated Icon for ActionItem ImageView iv ImageView inflater.inflate R.layout.refresh_action_view null Animation rotation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation getActivity R.anim.clockwise_refresh rotation.setRepeatCount Animation.INFINITE iv.startAnimation rotation refreshItem.setActionView..