android Programming Glossary: ama
ViewPager with Fragments inside PopupWindow (or DialogFragment) - Error no view found for id for fragment Fragment fragments getFragments AcoesMuscularesAdapter ama new AcoesMuscularesAdapter getSupportFragmentManager fragments.. vp_contentAcoesMusculares_SequenciaExercicios.setAdapter ama private List Fragment getFragments List Fragment fList new ArrayList.. Fragment fragments getFragments AcoesMuscularesAdapter ama new AcoesMuscularesAdapter getSupportFragmentManager fragments..
Android - Problem whith converting preview frame to bitmap always looks like three 'strange green pictures'... I ama new user so i can't post it I dont know if it has something..
ViewPager with Fragments inside PopupWindow (or DialogFragment) - Error no view found for id for fragment setContentView R.layout.activity_principal1 List Fragment fragments getFragments AcoesMuscularesAdapter ama new AcoesMuscularesAdapter getSupportFragmentManager fragments ViewPager vp_contentAcoesMusculares_SequenciaExercicios ViewPager.. vp_contentAcoesMusculares_SequenciaExercicios.setAdapter ama private List Fragment getFragments List Fragment fList new ArrayList Fragment fList.add FragmentAcoesMusculares.newInstance.. setContentView R.layout.activity_principal1 List Fragment fragments getFragments AcoesMuscularesAdapter ama new AcoesMuscularesAdapter getSupportFragmentManager fragments inflater LayoutInflater getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE..
Android - Problem whith converting preview frame to bitmap 2 0xff00 b 10 0xff return rgb The problem is that the picture always looks like three 'strange green pictures'... I ama new user so i can't post it I dont know if it has something to do with the size or what but i am stuck... Can you support..