android Programming Glossary: analyzer
MAT (Eclipse Memory Analyzer) - how to view bitmaps from memory dump Eclipse Memory Analyzer how to view bitmaps from memory dump I'm analyzing memory usage.. memory usage of my Android app with help of Eclipse Memory Analyzer also known as MAT . Sometimes I can find strange instances of..
Android: Detecting leaks with Eclipse Memory Analyzer Detecting leaks with Eclipse Memory Analyzer I have this problem Android Screen orientation error VM won't.. allocate x bytes so I decided to download Eclipse Memory Analyzer. I run it when my error is appearing and I have 3 problems suspects..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery number of times and didn't crash. I also used the Memory Analyzer plugin for Eclipse which didn't present any potential culprits...
How to turn on the Wi-Fi on android emulator device? measure the Wi Fi signal quality. So I download the Wi Fi Analyzer app and I install it on the emulator but it showed that the..
How can I effectively debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse? (Android Dev) that caused the crash using the Android NDK Stacktrace Analyzer . The steps are on the wiki but basically you need to get the..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images other class that is managing it. Use the Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool in conjunction with DDMS to analyze your application's..
Memory Analyzer Tool in android? Analyzer Tool in android I just want to know how to work with Memory..
Is there a way to have an Android process produce a heap dump on an OutOfMemoryError? hard drive. Then if you want to use the Eclipse Memory Analyzer MAT to analyze the file you will need to covert the file hprof..
error openning HPROF file open HPROF file created by Debug.dumpHprofData with Memory Analyzer Unknown HPROF Version JAVA PROFILE 1.0.3..
Out of Memory Error in android due to Heap Size Increasing by clicking the plus sign next to it and select Memory Analyzer and also Memory Analyzer Charts optional . Install these tools... sign next to it and select Memory Analyzer and also Memory Analyzer Charts optional . Install these tools. Next select Window Preferences.. cause it to be automatically opened in Eclipse's Memory Analyzer which was just installed above . Now open DDMS by selecting..
How implement the VOIP application using package udp packets successfully. I checked that using the packet analyzer. But voice is not hear from the phone. I run my application..
MAT (Eclipse Memory Analyzer) - how to view bitmaps from memory dump dump android bitmap memory dump hprof eclipse memory analyzer share improve this question I have found a way to view such..
analyse a HPROF memory dump file from command line programmically be between 10 60MB. java android hprof eclipse memory analyzer share improve this question does what you're..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? tty10 nothing here # hcidump HCI sniffer Bluetooth packet analyzer ver 1.42 device hci0 snap_len 1028 filter 0xffffffff HCI Command..
Android ==> Memory Analysing ==> Eclipse memory analyzer? Memory Analysing Eclipse memory analyzer I need to check my application for memory leaks i also need.. my application. I downloaded and installed eclipse memory analyzer and it looks like the first step is to open a heap dump. But.. useful information thanks android eclipse heap dump memoryanalyzer share improve this question When you debug your app open..
Memory Analyzer Tool in android? in android I just want to know how to work with Memory analyzer tool in android. Please tell me how to do this to know about..
Double checking if fragment + view holder pattern is implemented properly garbage collection Have you run for example eclipse memory analyzer plugin on the application It can often show exactly where the..
MAT (Eclipse Memory Analyzer) - how to view bitmaps from memory dump Eclipse Memory Analyzer how to view bitmaps from memory dump I'm analyzing memory usage of my Android app with help of Eclipse Memory Analyzer.. how to view bitmaps from memory dump I'm analyzing memory usage of my Android app with help of Eclipse Memory Analyzer also known as MAT . Sometimes I can find strange instances of class utilizing big portion of heap...
Android: Detecting leaks with Eclipse Memory Analyzer Detecting leaks with Eclipse Memory Analyzer I have this problem Android Screen orientation error VM won't let us allocate x bytes so I decided to download Eclipse.. this problem Android Screen orientation error VM won't let us allocate x bytes so I decided to download Eclipse Memory Analyzer. I run it when my error is appearing and I have 3 problems suspects but I don't understand where it might come from. I don't..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery 1 but I went through all the categories a substantial number of times and didn't crash. I also used the Memory Analyzer plugin for Eclipse which didn't present any potential culprits. If the system couldn't handle 10 images like in scenarion..
How to turn on the Wi-Fi on android emulator device? on the Wi Fi on android emulator device Today I want to measure the Wi Fi signal quality. So I download the Wi Fi Analyzer app and I install it on the emulator but it showed that the Wi Fi has not been turned on. Thus I turn it on but it still..
How can I effectively debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse? (Android Dev) this question You can get the location of the C function that caused the crash using the Android NDK Stacktrace Analyzer . The steps are on the wiki but basically you need to get the stack trace from logcat into a file adb logcat mycrash.log..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images in your Activity's onDestroy method or in the finalize of any other class that is managing it. Use the Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool in conjunction with DDMS to analyze your application's memory usage http mat share improve this answer..
Memory Analyzer Tool in android? Analyzer Tool in android I just want to know how to work with Memory analyzer tool in android. Please tell me how to do this to..
Is there a way to have an Android process produce a heap dump on an OutOfMemoryError? on USB storage on the phone find the file and copy it to your hard drive. Then if you want to use the Eclipse Memory Analyzer MAT to analyze the file you will need to covert the file hprof conv.exe dump.hprof dump conv.hprof hprof conv is located..
error openning HPROF file file I am getting the following exception when trying to open HPROF file created by Debug.dumpHprofData with Memory Analyzer Unknown HPROF Version JAVA PROFILE 1.0.3 at org.eclipse.mat.hprof.AbstractParser.readVersion
Out of Memory Error in android due to Heap Size Increasing releases indigo Next open the General Purpose Tools category by clicking the plus sign next to it and select Memory Analyzer and also Memory Analyzer Charts optional . Install these tools. Next select Window Preferences and then Android DDMS and.. the General Purpose Tools category by clicking the plus sign next to it and select Memory Analyzer and also Memory Analyzer Charts optional . Install these tools. Next select Window Preferences and then Android DDMS and select the HPROF action.. DDMS to be of the appropriate format for Eclipse and will also cause it to be automatically opened in Eclipse's Memory Analyzer which was just installed above . Now open DDMS by selecting Window Open Perspective Other DDMS. Select the Devices icon..
How implement the VOIP application using package AudioGroup class object with the AudioStream object its send udp packets successfully. I checked that using the packet analyzer. But voice is not hear from the phone. I run my application in 2 phones and try communicate voice between them. In below..
MAT (Eclipse Memory Analyzer) - how to view bitmaps from memory dump how can I view image represented by this bitmap from memory dump android bitmap memory dump hprof eclipse memory analyzer share improve this question I have found a way to view such bitmaps First you need to download and install GIMP Next..
analyse a HPROF memory dump file from command line programmically to do a automatic memory analysis. Btw the heapsize is will be between 10 60MB. java android hprof eclipse memory analyzer share improve this question does what you're looking for. As for the follow up question I'm not sure..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? 1 connected reuse dlc release on hup tty attached # cat dev tty10 nothing here # hcidump HCI sniffer Bluetooth packet analyzer ver 1.42 device hci0 snap_len 1028 filter 0xffffffff HCI Command Create Connection 0x01 0x0005 plen 13 HCI Event Command..
Android ==> Memory Analysing ==> Eclipse memory analyzer? Memory Analysing Eclipse memory analyzer I need to check my application for memory leaks i also need to see the memory allocation of my application. I downloaded.. for memory leaks i also need to see the memory allocation of my application. I downloaded and installed eclipse memory analyzer and it looks like the first step is to open a heap dump. But what is a heap dump how can i create a heap dump. And how exactly.. this software I did some googling but i couldn't find any useful information thanks android eclipse heap dump memoryanalyzer share improve this question When you debug your app open DDMS in Eclipse. On the toolbar there is a heap dump button..
Memory Analyzer Tool in android? Analyzer Tool in android I just want to know how to work with Memory analyzer tool in android. Please tell me how to do this to know about memory leaks for a particular project. Can someone give me..
Double checking if fragment + view holder pattern is implemented properly that it was leaking memory and not just delaying the garbage collection Have you run for example eclipse memory analyzer plugin on the application It can often show exactly where the leaks occur. On fragment viewpager and its recycling or lack..