android Programming Glossary: alternate
How to make a ViewPager loop? viewPager.setCurrentItem 1 false Note that this calls the alternate form of setCurrentItem and passes false to cause the jump to..
Android video trimming via ffmpeg that u have the same problem and need to do something 3 alternate choices to reset or GC those vars get the java classloader that..
android app specific soft keyboard out alternative keyboard apps out there I figure the alternate keyboard can only be configured for system wide usage through..
display data after every 10 seconds in Android are correct but depends on the situation you can use alternate ways to update the UI on specific time interval. First declare..
What does the filter parameter to createScaledBitmap do? results from filtering even when downsizing. There's an alternate method for getting high quality downsizing with interpolation..
Android VideoView orientation change with buffered video layout This is pretty easy to do normally just specify an alternate layout in layout land and all will be good. The thing that the..
Android: alternate layout xml for landscape mode alternate layout xml for landscape mode How can I have one layout for..
Text color of a closed spinner may be eliminated on the user's next selection and the alternate color may return later on if the earlier View gets recycled...
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? ball.getHeight Create a flag for the onDraw method to alternate background with its mirror image. reverseBackroundFirst false..
Android TextView setTextSize incorrectly increases text size returns an exact pixel size. You can fix this by using the alternate setTextSize TypedValue float like so this.setTextSize TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX..
Android:Passing a hash map between Activities is exactly the same as... A public static field method An alternate way to make data accessible across Activities Services is to..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? works on many phones. Update 5 Major Update I have found alternate Link for above broken links http Open Source..
Creating a SoftKeyboard with Multiple/Alternate characters per key What I can't see in the API is the ability to create alternate multiple characters per key which is available on the standard.. long press a key it's possible to populate a popup with alternate characters. It is also possible to give a popup hint on some.. soft keyboard share improve this question Implementing alternate key popup For each key you wish to have a popup keyboard you..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions to create media player Other Solution tried I tried below alternate solution but nothing worked so far. Android 2.2 MediaPlayer..
Android fade in and fade out with ImageView implementation. Then all you need to do is alternate between the 2 ImageViews. Edit To be a bit more useful here..
How to create a persistent AlarmManager app or Android is itself is killing our app. Any other alternate solutions to the root problem keeping the time in sync in a..
How to make a ViewPager loop? lastReal false else if curr lastReal viewPager.setCurrentItem 1 false Note that this calls the alternate form of setCurrentItem and passes false to cause the jump to happen instantly rather than as a smooth scroll. There are..
Android video trimming via ffmpeg about the issue with static vars in 'ffmpeg.c' ... I would bet that u have the same problem and need to do something 3 alternate choices to reset or GC those vars get the java classloader that loaded the lib and GC it in the c layer do what the OP did..
android app specific soft keyboard Android After reading about InputMethodService docs and checking out alternative keyboard apps out there I figure the alternate keyboard can only be configured for system wide usage through Settings Locale and Text . If the answer to above question..
display data after every 10 seconds in Android use to update the UI on specific time interval. Above two options are correct but depends on the situation you can use alternate ways to update the UI on specific time interval. First declare one global varialbe for Handler to update the UI control..
What does the filter parameter to createScaledBitmap do? downsizing without filtering so you are likely to get better results from filtering even when downsizing. There's an alternate method for getting high quality downsizing with interpolation involving doing a series of 50 scale reductions. See http..
Android VideoView orientation change with buffered video but they were the first pics I could find of the actual layout This is pretty easy to do normally just specify an alternate layout in layout land and all will be good. The thing that the YouTube app does really well and what I'm trying to replicate..
Android: alternate layout xml for landscape mode alternate layout xml for landscape mode How can I have one layout for landscape and one for portrait I want to assume extra width..
Text color of a closed spinner
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? R.drawable.sky_bgr Load a background. ballW ball.getWidth ballH ball.getHeight Create a flag for the onDraw method to alternate background with its mirror image. reverseBackroundFirst false Initialise animation variables. acc 0.2f Acceleration dY 0..
Android TextView setTextSize incorrectly increases text size sp units scaled pixels while the getTextSize method returns an exact pixel size. You can fix this by using the alternate setTextSize TypedValue float like so this.setTextSize TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX size This will make sure you're working..
Android:Passing a hash map between Activities within a single application . The solution I recommend is exactly the same as... A public static field method An alternate way to make data accessible across Activities Services is to use public static fields and or methods. You can access these..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? Nexus controllable by what API This seems to be solution that works on many phones. Update 5 Major Update I have found alternate Link for above broken links http Open Source Android Tools quick settings com.bwx.bequick.flashlight.htm..
Creating a SoftKeyboard with Multiple/Alternate characters per key enough information regarding the creation of simple keyboard. What I can't see in the API is the ability to create alternate multiple characters per key which is available on the standard Keyboard LatinIME Keyboard . The above image is the result.. image is the result of a long press on the a key. When you long press a key it's possible to populate a popup with alternate characters. It is also possible to give a popup hint on some keys which will prompt the user to press and hold a key in.. keyboard key preview window android android softkeyboard soft keyboard share improve this question Implementing alternate key popup For each key you wish to have a popup keyboard you should define popupCharacters and popupKeyboard res xml Keyboard..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions is the line which throws the error. 3 The error is Unable to to create media player Other Solution tried I tried below alternate solution but nothing worked so far. Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other..
Android fade in and fade out with ImageView with your fade in and fade out so it can manage the AnimationListener implementation. Then all you need to do is alternate between the 2 ImageViews. Edit To be a bit more useful here is a quick example of how to use the ViewSwitcher. I have included..
How to create a persistent AlarmManager that our application is being killed manually via a task killer app or Android is itself is killing our app. Any other alternate solutions to the root problem keeping the time in sync in a widget welcome as well. Here is the code we execute to schedule..