android Programming Glossary: among
JDBC vs Web Service for Android You can use something like PgBouncer to pool connections among many devices at the server side so connection pooling isn't..
Is there any example about Spanned and Spannable text
iPhone or Android? [closed] article iPhone has gained a better appeal than Android among programmers. I'm quite a newbie to Java and a complete profane..
Redraw a single row in a listview for with each displayed view items and if your target is among those get the enclosing view and execute the adapter getView..
No generated file in my project this question Go to Project and hit Clean . This should among others regenerate your file. Also get rid of any import..
Android TabWidget detect click on current tab a tab when this tab is the current tab. I did try this way among several other with no success thou. public void onTabChanged..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker that however I recently bought Tasker from the market and among many other things that you can accomplish with it you can set..
Can SharedPreferences be shared among different Android applications? SharedPreferences be shared among different Android applications As I checked in APIs description..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector implications the type could have on the programmer . Also among my questions is in what way the GC in Android 3.0 Honeycomb..
Set Locale programatically over English. Is there a way for the user to select among the locales that are available for the application and then..
How to change the decimal separator of DecimalFormat from comma to dot/point? the grouping separator the minus sign and the percent sign among others DecimalFormatSymbols otherSymbols new DecimalFormatSymbols..
How to share photo with CAPTION via Android share intent on Facebook? EXTRA_TITLE field There is no clearly defined differences among EXTRA_TITLE EXTRA_SUBJECT and EXTRA_TEXT. So there is no clear..
Pros and Cons of SQLite and Shared Preferences what is the good mechanism to store information among SQLite database and Shared Preferences Why we use shared preference.. made me confusing i tried much to find difference among them and better mechanism for data storing but i am't able to..
Android: How to change the ActionBar “Home” Icon to be something other than the app icon?
Using Singleton design pattern for SQLiteDatabase basic experience. My app is pretty simple and consists among other things of a broadcast receiver and some activities. Both..
When to call activity context OR application context? getApplicationContext is almost always wrong. Ms. Hackborn among others have been very explicit that you only use getApplicationContext..
NoClassDefFoundError for code in an Java library on Android library on Android I am experiencing an error quite often among my users. The app crashes during startup. When the MainActivity..
Android: RunOnUiThread vs AsyncTask
GUI Design Tools to mock up iPhone & Android applications [closed] down on paper so that I can start socializing the designs among my team and I'm wondering what the best online GUI mock up tool..
JDBC vs Web Service for Android of database performance management if I possibly could. You can use something like PgBouncer to pool connections among many devices at the server side so connection pooling isn't a big problem but cleanup of lost and abandoned connections..
Is there any example about Spanned and Spannable text
iPhone or Android? [closed] or Android closed According to a recent article iPhone has gained a better appeal than Android among programmers. I'm quite a newbie to Java and a complete profane to ObjectiveC in your opinion in which one of the two could..
Redraw a single row in a listview currently shown views compare the target item you are looking for with each displayed view items and if your target is among those get the enclosing view and execute the adapter getView on that view to refresh the display. As a side note invalidate..
No generated file in my project eclipse adt generated code file share improve this question Go to Project and hit Clean . This should among others regenerate your file. Also get rid of any import android.R. statements and then do the clean up I mentioned...
Android TabWidget detect click on current tab trying to find way to be able to fire an onclick event on a tab when this tab is the current tab. I did try this way among several other with no success thou. public void onTabChanged String tabId Log.d this.getClass .getName tabId tabId int..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker screen and let the user enable disable it. I understand that however I recently bought Tasker from the market and among many other things that you can accomplish with it you can set rules to auto enable GPS on entering pre determined applications..
Can SharedPreferences be shared among different Android applications? SharedPreferences be shared among different Android applications As I checked in APIs description for getSharedPreferences String int Second attribute is..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector possibly quote plus hoping to find information there which implications the type could have on the programmer . Also among my questions is in what way the GC in Android 3.0 Honeycomb has been tweaked specifically to utilize multiple processors..
Set Locale programatically my application for instance an Italian person might prefer Spanish over English. Is there a way for the user to select among the locales that are available for the application and then change what locale is used I don't see it as a problem to set..
How to change the decimal separator of DecimalFormat from comma to dot/point? format method. These symbols include the decimal separator the grouping separator the minus sign and the percent sign among others DecimalFormatSymbols otherSymbols new DecimalFormatSymbols currentLocale otherSymbols.setDecimalSeparator ' ' otherSymbols.setGroupingSeparator..
How to share photo with CAPTION via Android share intent on Facebook? Intent.EXTRA_TITLE my awesome caption in the EXTRA_TITLE field There is no clearly defined differences among EXTRA_TITLE EXTRA_SUBJECT and EXTRA_TEXT. So there is no clear share protocol. We could always try them all. share improve..
Pros and Cons of SQLite and Shared Preferences and Cons of SQLite and Shared Preferences what is the good mechanism to store information among SQLite database and Shared Preferences Why we use shared preference Why we use sqlite these questions made me confusing.. Why we use shared preference Why we use sqlite these questions made me confusing i tried much to find difference among them and better mechanism for data storing but i am't able to find the appropriate answer on google. Please help me ..with..
Android: How to change the ActionBar “Home” Icon to be something other than the app icon?
Using Singleton design pattern for SQLiteDatabase on Android and I'm working on a simple application to get some basic experience. My app is pretty simple and consists among other things of a broadcast receiver and some activities. Both components make use of a single database so in theory it..
When to call activity context OR application context? wrong android context share improve this question getApplicationContext is almost always wrong. Ms. Hackborn among others have been very explicit that you only use getApplicationContext when you know why you are using getApplicationContext..
NoClassDefFoundError for code in an Java library on Android for code in an Java library on Android I am experiencing an error quite often among my users. The app crashes during startup. When the MainActivity is supposed to be loaded the VM apparently cannot find the..
Android: RunOnUiThread vs AsyncTask
GUI Design Tools to mock up iPhone & Android applications [closed] still in my head . As a next step I need to put them all down on paper so that I can start socializing the designs among my team and I'm wondering what the best online GUI mock up tool is that's currently available I have a lot of experience..