

python Programming Glossary: stdout.read

Interact with a Windows console application via Python


# issue command 1... p.stdin.write 'command1 n' result1 p.stdout.read # we never return here # issue command 2... p.stdin.write 'command2.. # issue command 2... p.stdin.write 'command2 n' result2 p.stdout.read I can write to stdin but can not read from stdout. Have I missed.. that you are trying to control an interactive application. stdout.read will continue reading until it has reached the end of the stream..

x11 forwarding with paramiko


status ' session.recv_exit_status print 'stdout n '.format stdout.read print 'stderr n '.format stderr.read session.close Unfortunately..

Python - How do I pass a string into subprocess.Popen (using the stdin argument)?


.stdin Warning Use communicate rather than stdin.write stdout.read or stderr.read to avoid deadlocks due to any of the other OS..

Verify a file exists over ssh


f opt ad bin email_tidyup.sh echo OK assert stdout.read SSHClient.exec_command returns a triple stdin stdout stderr..

Persistent ssh session to Cisco router


30 stdin stdout stderr ssh.exec_command cisco_cmd print stdout.read ssh.close if cisco_cmd 'exit' break I can run multiple commands..

How do you execute multiple commands in a single session in Paramiko? (Python)


'rb' stdin.write ''' cd tmp ls exit ''' print stdout.read stdout.close stdin.close client.close share improve this answer..

How to execute java program using python considering inputs and outputs both


STDOUT input subprocess.Popen cmd stdin PIPE print proc.stdout.read Java file I am using is Hi.java import java.util. class Hi public.. stdin PIPE and second output due to the code print proc.stdout.read I want it to get printed only once.What should i do.. I want.. this question You should use communicate instead of stdout.read . The argument of communicate is the input to the subprocess...