

python Programming Glossary: stays

Is it pythonic to import inside functions?


do the import where it's needed and then if the code stays I'll makes things more permanent by moving the import line up..

keep multiple cmd windows open from batch


start python script2 pause cmd But only the parent window stays open. thanks. Environment Windows XP Vista python windows batch..

Keep plotting window open in Matplotlib


same code interactively inside iPython the graphing window stays open. How can I get matplotlib to keep a plot open once it is..

Separation of business logic and data access in django


it becomes ridiculously easy to determine if your code stays clean. Just follow these guidelines Does my model contain methods..

testing whether a Numpy array contains a given row


if you do it for a single value row in b at a time when a stays the same otherwise I would just np.in1d after viewing it as..

Why is x**3 slower than x*x*x? [duplicate]


best of 3 212 ms per loop Note the exponentiation time stays more or less constant except for the x 2 case which I suspect..

Python port forwarding/multiplexing server


clients. Also important is that the source port address stays same address spoofing . I guess that best tool for this would..

Parsing GPS receiver output via regex in Python


antenna so the balloon rocket or satellite always stays in focus. Though somewhat of a eternal beginner myself I have..

python and regular expression with unicode


' '' 'ب س ا ا ر ح ٰ ا ر ح ' but it doesn't work. String stays the same. ant suggestion what i do wrong python regex character..

Python “safe” eval (string to bool/int/float/None/string)


version of eval except that if it can't read the string it stays a string def str_to_value string for atom in True False None..

Beautiful Soup to parse url to get another urls data


regularly incremented and changes but the event list page stays the same. Basically example.com events a href http example.com..

Adding folders to a zip file using python


Progress bar not updating during operation


window doesn't even show up or if it does the progress bar stays frozen until the end of the task. The explanation is simple..

What Python way would you suggest to check whois database records?


library and use that like you're saying this interface stays the same. This approach is generally not considered ugly at..

Python multiprocessing pool.map for multiple arguments


Will python SystemRandom / os.urandom always have enough entropy for good crypto


looks smiler and cat dev random drops off to nothing and stays low very quickly this also only reads out like a byte every..

Why doesn't memory get released to system after large queries (or series of queries) in django?


to around the size seen from ps aux output below and then stays at that level. USER PID CPU MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME..

Tkinter: How do widgets update?


app.mainloop This type of solution guarantees that your UI stays responsive while still running your code in a loop. Only instead..

How to approach number guessing game(with a twist) algorithm?


that won't interfere with what the player is doing game stays the same for them but everyday the value of the fruits change..