

python Programming Glossary: std

time length of an mp3 file


not variable #include iostream #include fstream #include cstdlib using namespace std Bitrates assuming MPEG 1 Audio Layer.. iostream #include fstream #include cstdlib using namespace std Bitrates assuming MPEG 1 Audio Layer 3 const int bitrates 16..

Fetch a Wikipedia article with Python


to use the urllib2 that superseedes urllib in the python std library in order to change the user agent. Straight from the..

How to parse ISO formatted date in python?


datetime type. I have found only strptime in python 2.5 std lib but it is not so convenient. What is the best way to do..

Calling C/C++ from python?


foo.cpp #include iostream class Foo public void bar std cout Hello std endl Since ctypes can only talk to C functions.. iostream class Foo public void bar std cout Hello std endl Since ctypes can only talk to C functions you need to..

python open built-in function: difference between modes a, a+, w, w+, and r+?


The opening modes are exactly the same that C fopen std library function. The BSD fopen manpage defines them as follows..

How to determine a region of interest and then crop an image using OpenCV


int main int argc char argv cv Mat img cv imread argv 1 std cout Original image size img.size std endl Convert RGB Mat to.. img cv imread argv 1 std cout Original image size img.size std endl Convert RGB Mat to GRAY cv Mat gray cv cvtColor img gray.. Mat to GRAY cv Mat gray cv cvtColor img gray CV_BGR2GRAY std cout Gray image size gray.size std endl Erode image to remove..

Simple Python Challenge: Fastest Bitwise XOR on Data Buffers


because weave insists on copying Python str objects to std string s. frombuffer doesn't copy so this is fine but the memory..

Python - Is a dictionary slow to find frequency of each character?


english #include iostream #include fstream #include cstdlib exit #include boost program_options detail utf8_codecvt_facet.hpp.. foreach.hpp int main int argc char argv using namespace std open input file if argc 2 cerr Usage argv 0 filename n exit.. f.imbue utf8_locale count characters frequencies typedef std tr1 unordered_map wchar_t size_t hashtable_t hashtable_t counts..

Using strides for an efficient moving average filter


bigger than our original array on each step of mean or std or whatever this is not at all memory efficient It's also not..

Broken Pipe error when using pip to install pycrypto on Mac OS X


DENABLE_DTRACE arch i386 arch ppc arch x86_64 pipe std c99 O3 fomit frame pointer Isrc I System Library Frameworks.. DENABLE_DTRACE arch i386 arch ppc arch x86_64 pipe std c99 O3 fomit frame pointer Isrc I System Library Frameworks..

Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?


is reading lines from stdin much slower in C than Python I wanted to compare reading.. I wanted to compare reading lines of string input from stdin using Python and C and was shocked to see my C code run an.. tl dr version include the statement cin.sync_with_stdio false or just use fgets instead. C code #include iostream..

pytz.timezone shows weird results for Asia/Calcutta? [duplicate]


prints the following DstTzInfo 'Asia Calcutta' HMT 5 53 00 STD Why it is not 05 30 hrs I am in timezone America Los_Angeles... Asia Calcutta tz DstTzInfo 'Asia Calcutta' HMT 5 53 00 STD tz.localize datetime.datetime 1901 7 10 12 0 datetime.datetime.. 7 10 12 0 tzinfo DstTzInfo 'Asia Calcutta' HMT 5 53 00 STD tz.localize datetime.datetime 2012 7 10 12 0 datetime.datetime..

Weird timezone issue with pytz


'Asia Hong_Kong' DstTzInfo 'Asia Hong_Kong' LMT 7 37 00 STD A seven hour and 37 minute offset This is a little strange does..

Compute a compounded return series in Python


object... et DstTzInfo 'US Eastern' EST 1 day 19 00 00 STD # To get the futures quote at 9 45 eastern time... df.xs et.localize..

Python datetime object show wrong timezone offset


2011 6 20 0 0 tzinfo DstTzInfo 'Asia Kolkata' HMT 5 53 00 STD Note that 'Asia Kolkata' is IST which is GMT 5 30 and not HMT.. 2011 6 20 0 0 tzinfo DstTzInfo 'Asia Kolkata' IST 5 30 00 STD UPDATE Actually the official pytz website states that you should..

How do you convert a naive datetime to DST-aware datetime in Python?


26 12 0 tzinfo DstTzInfo 'US Pacific' PST 1 day 16 00 00 STD received_utc user_datetime.astimezone pytz.utc received_utc..