python Programming Glossary: sqlalchemy.orm
Why is SQLAlchemy insert with sqlite 25 times slower than using sqlite3 directly? sqlalchemy import Column Integer String create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session sessionmaker Base declarative_base DBSession.. sqlalchemy import Column Integer String create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session sessionmaker Base declarative_base DBSession..
Should I create mapper objects or use the declarative syntax in SQLAlchemy? Table Column Integer String MetaData ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper metadata MetaData users_table Table 'users' metadata..
Convert sqlalchemy row object to python dict sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker print sqlalchemy version sqlalchemy.__version__..
SQLAlchemy - maximum column length A validator using that would look something like this from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import AttributeExtension InstrumentationManager.. import AttributeExtension InstrumentationManager from sqlalchemy.orm import ColumnProperty class InstallValidatorListeners InstrumentationManager..
Creating self-referential tables with polymorphism in SQLALchemy from sqlalchemy import Unicode Integer DateTime from sqlalchemy.orm import relation backref from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import..
sqlachemy: cascade delete here from sqlalchemy import Column Integer ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship from sqlalchemy import create_engine from.. relationship from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base..
SQLAlchemy: print the actual query please also note that this function is quite slow import sqlalchemy.orm if isinstance statement sqlalchemy.orm.Query if bind is None.. quite slow import sqlalchemy.orm if isinstance statement sqlalchemy.orm.Query if bind is None bind statement.session.get_bind statement._mapper_zero_or_none..
SQLAlchemy Obtain Primary Key With Autoincrement Before Commit 'name' String if __name__ '__main__' import unittest from sqlalchemy.orm import import datetime class Blah unittest.TestCase def setUp..
SQLAlchemy: selecting which columns of an object in a query that couldn't be a feature add here's a quick version from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper defer def defer_everything_but entity cols..
SQLAlchemy classes across files sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship backref sessionmaker Base declarative_base.. from sqlalchemy import from base import Base from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship class A Base __tablename__ A id Column Integer.. from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship backref sessionmaker import base import..
SQLAlchemy - Dictionary of tags the following example in SQLAlchemy documentation from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import column_mapped_collection attribute_mapped_collection.. from sqlalchemy import orm MetaData Column ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.orm import relation mapper sessionmaker from sqlalchemy.orm.collections.. sqlalchemy.orm import relation mapper sessionmaker from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import column_mapped_collection from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy..
Hang in Python script using SQLAlchemy and multiprocessing code. import multiprocessing from sqlalchemy import from sqlalchemy.orm import dbuser ... password ... dbname ... dbstring postgresql..
How to integrate SQLAlchemy and a subclassed Numpy.ndarray smoothly and in a pythonic way? numpy as np import zlib import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship scoped_session sessionmaker from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.. numpy as np import zlib import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship scoped_session sessionmaker from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative..
SQLAlchemy proper session handling in multi-thread applications inefficient. from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker scoped_session from threading import Thread..