python Programming Glossary: spirit
How to get/set logical directory path in python Library getcwd function. There are some workarounds in the spirit of the one that you already know which is launching pwd . Another..
Does Python have a stack/heap and how is memory managed? the internals of the Python Virtual Machine In true hacker spirit the Python Object Allocator source code share improve this..
Class-level read-only properties in Python s inspired the following solution which is closer to the spirit of what I was looking for class const_value object def __init__..
Getting a default value on index out of range in Python python list share improve this question In the Python spirit of ask for forgiveness not permission here's one way try b a..
Python virtualenv questions Update Not incorrect exactly but perhaps not quite in the spirit of virtualenv . You could take a different tack for example..
How to convert an integer to the shortest url-safe string in Python? share improve this question This answer is similar in spirit to Douglas Leeder's with the following changes It doesn't use..
How do I create a Django form that displays a checkbox label to the right of the checkbox? info on custom template tags available here . Edit in the spirit of asker's own answer Advantages No futzing with CSS. The markup..
Short (and useful) python snippets [closed] and useful python snippets closed In spirit of the existing what's your most useful C C snippet thread Do..
Complex Beautiful Soup query specifically but the advice reflects an underlying spirit to the BeautifulSoup API . If you want a one liner soup.findAll..
Function overloading in Python: Missing [closed] I'll also state that in my opinion it goes against the spirit of Python to worry a lot about what types are passed into methods...
How do I use Python's itertools.groupby()? my mental block. In retrospect it's all obvious but in the spirit of Stack Overflow here's what I learned. As Sebastjan said you..
Python sets are not json serializable calculates an unique id for the entity but in the true spirit of NoSQL there's no telling exactly what the child object contains...