

python Programming Glossary: sports

Parsing Meaning from Text


and categorize Manny Ramerez as a person Dodgers as a sports organization and Houston Astros as another sports organization.. as a sports organization and Houston Astros as another sports organization or whatever suits your domain and Relationship..

Python: tf-idf-cosine: to find document similarity


me on this car I saw the other day. It was a 2 door sports car looked to be from the late 60s early 70s. It was called.. me on this car I saw the other day. It was a 2 door sports car looked to be from the late 60s early 70s. It was called..

Parsing XML with namespace in Python ElementTree


league rdfs label rdfs comment xml lang en a group of sports teams that compete against each other in Basketball rdfs comment..

Clustering text in Python


it's easy to distinguish between newsarticles about sports and politics in vector space via tfidf cosine distance. It's..

python csv into dictionary


old style classes I'm using new style here. class Student sports def __init__ self row self.lname self.fname self.ID self.sport.. self row self.lname self.fname self.ID self.sport row self.sports.append self.sport def get self return self.lname self.fname.. in students print 14s 10s 5s 3s student.get # Printing all sports that are specified by students for s in set Student.sports #..

Generating natural schedule for a sports league


natural schedule for a sports league I'm looking for an algorithm to generate a schedule.. a schedule for a set of teams. For example imagine a sports season in which each team plays each other one time as home..