

python Programming Glossary: self.log

Crawling LinkedIn while authenticated with Scrapy


is called before crawling starts. return Request url self.login_page callback self.login def login self response # Generate.. starts. return Request url self.login_page callback self.login def login self response # Generate a login request. return.. we aresuccessfully logged in. if Sign Out in response.body self.log n n nSuccessfully logged in. Let's start crawling n n n # Now..

Ensure that only one instance of a class gets run


logging class LowClass active False def __init__ self self.log logging.getLogger self.log.debug Init s self.__class__.__name__.. active False def __init__ self self.log logging.getLogger self.log.debug Init s self.__class__.__name__ if self.active return else.. if self.active return else self.active True self.log.debug Now active class A def __init__ self self.log logging.getLogger..

Scrapy spider is not working


allow u callback 'parse_item' def parse self response self.log 'Hi this is an item page s' response.url hxs HtmlXPathSelector..

Python SocketServer: sending to multiple clients?


self socket addr self.accept # For the remote client. self.log.info 'Accepted client at s' addr self.remote_clients.append.. RemoteClient self socket addr def handle_read self self.log.info 'Received message s' self.read def broadcast self message.. 'Received message s' self.read def broadcast self message self.log.info 'Broadcasting message s' message for remote_client in self.remote_clients..

Naming Python loggers


in a class __init__ method I have the urge to do this. self.log logging.getLogger s. s self.__module__ self.__class__.__name__.. gets me to where I want to be. This avoids the need for self.log all over the place which tends to bother me from both a put.. import logging class Foo object ... def __init__ self ... self.log.info 'Meh' ... def logged_class cls ... cls.log logging.getLogger..

Scrapy - how to manage cookies/sessions


urlparse.urljoin response.url subcategorySearchLink self.log 'Found subcategory link ' subcategorySearchLink log.DEBUG yield.. nextPageLink urlparse.urljoin response.url nextPageLink self.log ' nGoing to next search page ' nextPageLink ' n' log.DEBUG cookieJar.. request # apply Set Cookie ourselves yield request else self.log 'Whole subcategory scraped.' log.DEBUG share improve this..

Using Scrapy with authenticated (logged in) user session


before going on if authentication failed in response.body self.log Login failed level log.ERROR return # continue scraping with.. before going on if authentication failed in response.body self.log Login failed level log.ERROR return # We've successfully authenticated.. hxs.select form @id 'UsernameLoginForm_LoginForm' return self.login response else return self.get_section_links response So whenever..

Crawling with an authenticated session in Scrapy


response if not Hi Herman in response.body return self.login response else return self.parse_item response def login self.. is called before crawling starts. return Request url self.login_page callback self.login def login self response Generate.. starts. return Request url self.login_page callback self.login def login self response Generate a login request. return FormRequest.from_response..

Following links, Scrapy web crawler framework


search page and extract subcategory search link.''' self.log 'Downloaded category search page.' log.DEBUG if response.meta.. search page.' log.DEBUG if response.meta 'depth' 5 self.log 'Categories depth limit reached recursive links . Stopping further.. .extract itemLink urlparse.urljoin response.url itemLink self.log 'Requesting item page ' itemLink log.DEBUG yield Request itemLink..

Extracting data from an html path with Scrapy for Python


MH4 def parse self response self.log 'A response from s just arrived ' response.url x HtmlXPathSelector..