

python Programming Glossary: self.id

Exposing model method with Tastypie


'user' self.generate_username 'method' 'start_server' 'id' self.id 'memory' self.ram 'ip' self.ip_address.address 'port' self.port..

Making a multi-table inheritance design generic in Django


Django auto_now and auto_now_add


self args kwargs ''' On save update timestamps ''' if not self.id self.created datetime.datetime.today self.modified datetime.datetime.today..

How do I get the name of a function or method from within a Python function or method?


method of iterating over sqlalchemy model's defined columns?


case I could easily create a def logme self return 'id' self.id 'desc' self.desc but I'd prefer something that was auto generating..

Django Inheritance and Permalinks


def get_absolute_url self return 'page' 'page_id' self.id class FooSubitem FooObject parent models.ForeignKey FooPage.. def get_absolute_url self return 'blog' 'blog_id' self.id class FooPost FooSubitem post_time models.DateTimeField auto_now_add.. def get_absolute_url self return 'gallery' 'gallery_id' self.id class FooImage FooSubitem image_file models.ImageField upload_to..

How do I find the “concrete class” of a django model baseclass


if model Base return self return model.objects.get id self.id You can then say if Base.content_type.model_class to determine..

Replacing a Django image doesn't delete original


by updating the file try this Photo.objects.get id self.id if this.image self.image this.image.delete save False except..

SQLAlchemy declarative syntax with autoload (reflection) in Pylons


nose, unittest.TestCase and metaclass: auto-generated test_* methods not discovered


TestMaker def test_normal self print 'Hello from ' self.id def _test_this self arg print ' 0 this 1 '.format self.id str.. self.id def _test_this self arg print ' 0 this 1 '.format self.id str arg def _test_that self arg print ' 0 that 1 '.format self.id.. str arg def _test_that self arg print ' 0 that 1 '.format self.id str arg if __name__ '__main__' unittest.main This works using..

Django Model Inheritance query a central table


return t.render c def __unicode__ self return ' prof d ' self.id class Note LessonModule def __unicode__ self return ' note d.. Note LessonModule def __unicode__ self return ' note d ' self.id def render self return self.id What I would like to be able.. self return ' note d ' self.id def render self return self.id What I would like to be able to do is do a module LessonModule.objects.get..

jsonify a SQLAlchemy result set in Flask


object data in easily serializeable format return 'id' self.id 'modified_at' dump_datetime self.modified_at # This is an example..

Can a Django model field's default value be defined by a function dependent on a foreign parent model?


args kwargs super Report self .__init__ args kwargs if not self.id self.overridableFee self.job.get_fee share improve this answer..

How do I access the child classes of an object in django without knowing the name of the child class?


editable False def save self args kwargs if not self.id self.real_type self._get_real_type super InheritanceCastModel..