

python Programming Glossary: self.name

__lt__ instead of __cmp__


class A object def __init__ self name age other self.name name self.age age self.other other def __cmp__ self other assert.. other A # assumption for this example return cmp self.name self.age self.other other.name other.age other.other This simplicity..

Python variable declaration


but initialize through __init__ . def __init__ self name self.name name I understand the purpose of __init__ but is it advisable.. object class Example name Ignored def __init__ self name self.name name # rest as before Now we must specify a name when we create..

What is the benefit to using a 'get function' for a python class? [closed]


getName function class Node object def __init__ self name self.name str name def getName self return self.name def __str__ self.. self name self.name str name def getName self return self.name def __str__ self return self.name python class getter setter.. def getName self return self.name def __str__ self return self.name python class getter setter share improve this question ..

Python serializable objects json


class Tree object def __init__ self name childTrees None self.name name if childTrees is None childTrees self.childTrees childTrees..

Getting an instance name inside class __init__()


Python: removing duplicates from a list of lists


time class Timer object def __init__ self name None self.name name def __enter__ self self.tstart time.time def __exit__ self.. time.time def __exit__ self type value traceback if self.name print ' s ' self.name print 'Elapsed s' time.time self.tstart.. self type value traceback if self.name print ' s ' self.name print 'Elapsed s' time.time self.tstart k 1 2 4 5 6 2 1 2 3..

Python 'self' explained


I need to include self class myClass def myFunc self name self.name name Can anyone talk me through this It is not something I've..

What is the fastest way to parse large XML docs in Python?


class Element object def __init__ self name attributes self.name name self.attributes attributes self.cdata '' self.children..

Printing all instances of a class


X KeepRefs def __init__ self name super X self .__init__ self.name name x X x y X y for r in X.get_instances print r.name del y..

How do I duplicate sys.stdout to a log file in python?


and it works great # open our log file so se open s.log self.name 'w' 0 # re open stdout without buffering sys.stdout os.fdopen..

Windows cmd encoding change causes Python crash


False self.mode 'w' self.encoding 'utf 8' self.name name self.flush def isatty self return False def close self.. except Exception as e _complain s.flush r from r self.name e self._stream raise def write self text try if self._hConsole.. text n.value except Exception as e _complain s.write r self.name e raise def writelines self lines try for line in lines..